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Monstrous Rebellion

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Niterider11's Avatar Niterider11
Level 52 : Grandmaster Dragonborn
Chapter 1

If you are a demigod like me, then you know what its like to go through all the fighting. But if you are one of those lucky mortals, you have an easy life. I envy you, you have a laid back life while, us demigods are the ones protecting the world from havoc. You dono t have to believe me, but you should after reading this. To believe or to not believe that is the question. I wouldno t believe this earlier, but that was until I got caught in all the fighting. You have to go deep to understand what you believe. Ancient Greek civilisations did, by why dono t you? Because you dono t have proof, that is the world now, proof. Ito s all you mortals rely on, proof. No natural disaster is going to make you think different. So, just here me out, and then you might believe. Books surrounded me. Shelves upon shelves of books stood in the library. A staircase lead to two other levels, I walked up to the nearest shelf. It read o Non-fiction, History, Lincolno s deatho . I returned to the door, wherever I looked, there were books. This was the first time Io d ever been in the schoolo s library, and the sheer size was making me scared. A librarian was at working at mahogany desk. I walked up to the librarian who had shaggy grey hair. o Where can I find a book on Greek mythology?o I queried.

o Two bookcases right of the laddero the librarian answered. I reached the ladder and wheeled it to the section I was after. There were lots of books to choose from, so I shut my eyes and reached for one. The one I choose was an old book with a plain blue cover, with silver lacings. I turned it over. It read o Greek Gods and other Mythso . I should explain that I was using the book to do some studying for tomorrow, because Mr B had set a test for the morning. But before the quiz we had to suffer one of Mr Downo s super boring classes.

Now something I should explain, Mr Down had appeared at school in the first week after the maths teacher had a nervous breakdown. After leaving the library, I went back to the room my best friend Josh Lucas and I shared. Josh was lying on his bed looking at the ceiling.

o What you got there?o he asked me.

o Book for the quiz tomorrowo I replied.

Josh went back to staring at the ceiling. I opened the book and skimmed to the back, 357 pages. This was going to be a breeze. I read till about midnight and had three pages left. o Io ll finish it in the morningo I thought. I was asleep before my head hit the pillow.

The next morning Josh and I trudged down the hallways of Vectia Academy to Mr Downo s class. Mr Down was waiting outside his classroom. o First ones here, are we?o he said.

o Was that a rhetorical question or a theoretical question?o Josh asked.

o Detention, for talking back!o Mr Down bellowed.

o He was only asking a questiono , I said.

o Detention for you as wello Mr Down shouted louder.

Weo d both been in detention hundreds of times, all for no reason. I was about to open the door to the detention room and walk in, when Mr B walked up to us in his strange limping gait and said o No detentions todayo .

o But another teacher can change that.o said Mr Downo s voice from behind me.

o What have they done?o Mr B asked.

o Asked whether a question was rhetorical or theoretical.o

o That just proves that they want to learn the difference between theoretical and rhetorical questionso . I would swear that Mr Down gave me a fanged smile and mouthed o Io ll get you latero before stalked off looking petulant. o Now back to class.o Mr B said. Josh and I quickly walked back to class.

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07/18/2012 4:04 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Network
MrTHORNE's Avatar
06/15/2012 3:29 am
Level 52 : Grandmaster Dragonborn
Niterider11's Avatar
i wrote this by myself, i spent about 1 hour on each section
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