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My Gaming Story

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Creative Anne's Avatar Creative Anne
Level 37 : Artisan Pokemon
I have been playing video games for as long as I can remember. Zelda, Mario, Pokemon (so pretty much all the good Nintendo games). When I was mainly into Nintendo games, I never thought much about it. I didn't think my love of gaming was going to stick with me. I was kind of right, but also totally wrong. For a few years I stopped playing games. Then when I was about seven, we got a Wii. My best friend, Nick, would come over and we would play Mario Galexy for hours. It's pretty much beause of him that I got back into gaming. Then, he best friend gave me his old Gameboy and Pokemon Red, and I immediately fell in love with Pokemon (still love it now). When I was nine, he moved away and I pretty much gave up gaming again. I would occasionslly play games with my dad, but I spent a lot of time doing other stuff. A couple years later though, I started playing Wii games a little more often. Then I found out about Minecraft from another friend. He let me play a little bit on his computer, and so I was kind of interested. Then I got PE and eventually my parents got me the full version. A year later, here I am, loving the concept and everything about Minecraft, especially the parts that make me use logic, like redstone and stuff. I have also recently gotten back into Zelda on my N64. I love gaming, and I'm proud to me a girl gamer. :)

     So, I've been talking about my story as a gamer and stuff, but now, what's a story blog thingy without complaining about stuff? xD So, I wear this Minecraft diamond necklace every day, and I have short hair and stuff, and for those reasons, people have thought I was a boy. It's annoying, and offensive. There are all these dumb steryotypes about girls and I HATE it. I have "girly" features, I don't look like a boy, and yet it's the hair, and the diamond necklace that through people off. :P

     Even with all sucky that stuff still there, so many awesome things have happened to me because I'm a gamer. My dad and I always spend a lot of time together playign Zelda whenever we get are hands on a new game, and that's awesome. I met my BF because he found out I like Minecraft, and he asked me if I wanted to make a mod with him and a buddy of his (he also introduced me to Skyrim :D). Nick was such an awesome friend for putting up with me being horrible at video games, and he also made me laugh SOOOO hard.

     Thank you Nintendo, and Mojang, and stuff for changing my life. Also, Nick, if you ever read this (you probably wont :P) I miss you, you were one of the best friends I ever had. Also, thank you so much to anyone who read this. You have no idea how much it means to me. Anyway, thanks for reading. Diamond, favorite, and subscribe! Also, comment: What's your favorite video game?

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03/22/2014 3:06 pm
Level 45 : Master Ladybug
FireLily302's Avatar
hey isnt that ur lucky necklace?
Creative Anne
03/22/2014 3:12 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Pokemon
Creative Anne's Avatar
yeah! ;)
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