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My View On Hackers

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Zin's Avatar Zin
Level 5 : Apprentice Crafter
Maybe you've never hacked, maybe you don't even know someone who's hacked, but the temptation to hack is still there.

Hacking, obviously, stretches wayyy beyond Minecraft. A few days ago I was playing Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, and in almost every lobby I joined, there was a hacker. I asked myself, why? It takes the fun out of it for everyone else. Why ruin the point of competing by using hacks that give you an unfair edge.

When it comes to Minecraft, Nodus is a household name. Nodus is downloaded hundreds of times every day by people like you and me, regular Minecraft players. The only difference is the fact that they now have a weapon that lets feel superior to everyone else, and in some ways, they are. In my trials using Nodus, I realized is not as effective as it seems. For the most part, I enjoyed the FullBright feature, which allows you to see daytime brightness in the darkest of caves. But there are those who use the more harmful features, like Nuker, to give them an edge.

I would be surprised if you told me you had never been accused of using forcefeild, or never fought someone who you thought was using it. It seems like a very popular feature of Nodus and other similar client mods, and basically, for those of you who don't know, its a combat hack that basically makes it impossible to beat the user in a fight.

So basically, using forcefeild on Pvp servers defeats the whole purpose of Pvp. Why Pvp if you can't lose? Well, that's the problem. Some people just can't lose.

Is winning a Pvp fight on some random server against some random person REALLY that important?

Some people would say yes. But the point is, hackers are everywhere, and if someone thinks that cheating makes the game more fun, and therefore they kill you in Pvp, than its really them whose missing out, because they aren't playing the game the way its meant to be played.

TL;DR - Hackers suck and there sure are a lot of them. But its really the hacker who misses out on the fun of Minecraft.

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05/31/2014 4:27 am
Level 27 : Expert Network
Dynit's Avatar
But think one moment 'What would gaming be like without hackers?'

One thing would be no gun game, another would be games that are still buggy even after 7 years since launch.
01/20/2014 8:29 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Unicorn
ElectricLlamaz's Avatar
Well, honestly, I've hacked before. I saw the error in my ways, and I no longer do. Now I just mod singleplayer without WinRar! (LOL)
06/18/2013 7:02 pm
Level 21 : Expert Modder
ALPUN's Avatar
Hacking is fun because it gives you power. It makes it so you can win no matter what, it makes other people angry.
06/18/2013 7:06 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Crafter
Zin's Avatar
So you feel good about it?
06/18/2013 7:27 pm
Level 21 : Expert Modder
ALPUN's Avatar
I'm not saying it's a good thing, I hate when there are hackers in the CoD lobbies just as much as you, it does ruin the game, just not for the person with the hacks. They don't use the hacks to win, they use them because it puts them in control. They can mess with anyone they want. And frankly, some of the hacks are fun to use. Some of the hacks have even improved the game, such as "Gun Game" in older CoD games that don't already have the game type. But overall hackers in video games suck.
06/18/2013 7:39 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Crafter
Zin's Avatar
ah alright makes sense
06/18/2013 7:01 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Engineer
superbannana06's Avatar
Zin's blog proves that hacking is pointless. You get nothing out of hacking on a Minecraft server. Most likely you'll get banned. The money you paid for that premium Minecraft account will go the drain, if you keep hacking on more, and more Minecraft servers.
06/18/2013 6:45 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Prince
MayuriYandere's Avatar
I agree and taking a few hacking classes (<-I never used those skills thankfully) I realized. If it's a hacking software then why not hack to? Like a decoy say you can hack with nodus then it just puts a virus on your computer. or like win.rar which contains Mailware and spy tools. So really hacking is pointless. .-.
06/18/2013 6:46 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Crafter
Zin's Avatar
True, but people who hack often see the advantages over the disadvatages.
06/18/2013 6:51 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Prince
MayuriYandere's Avatar
Yes that is why we should educate them! >:3
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