This Blog is an entry in the completed Herobrine Mythos - Blog Contest #6.

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Of Monsters and Myths - The Legend of Herobrine - 10th Place

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GhostXavier's Avatar GhostXavier
Level 50 : Grandmaster Architect
"The Legend of Herobrine

The tales of Herobrine are told far and wide even to this day. It is said to be a being that mirrors the bravest of souls amongst the group it victimizes. It parodies their form almost to a perfect design save for its glowing white eyes. It is a shapeshifter that transforms itself at will to destroy the bravery of its foes in an unearthly wail before vanishing with its victims. It strikes anytime, anywhere, with no pattern or prejudice. As of yet, no one has a full explanation to its existence."

Steve read the introduction more times than he could count. It was the closest he could get to an explanation for what he saw a few hours ago. He took pride in the revelation that this myth, if true, considered him the bravest amongst their group of village defenders.


If this myth was true, then that means it was targeting their settlement- or maybe someone within. He opened to different pages and searched books for more references to this Herobrine. Steve was no stranger to dangerous situations and would gladly do his part to protect those he has come to known. If this Herobrine was targeting them, then he would do everything he can to know his enemy and defeat them befo-

Someone is knocking on his front door. His muscles tense in anticipation.

“Hey, you there Steve? We’re having a late-night snack at Jason’s campfire if you want to join us!”

He let out a nervous laugh upon hearing the voice; It was just Alex. He’s letting himself get too nervous at a myth.

“Sure thing, let me get my jacket!”

Middas, 17th of Hearthfire, Year 721

Of Monsters and Myths - The Legend of Herobrine - 10th Place

Jonas and I rowed the boat further down stream than usual that morning. The town has been low on food stocks and we’z was one of the many parties sent out to scavenge or hunt for reserves. T’was a rainy day today and the fog was thicker than me wife’s poultry soup. It was difficult rowing the boat without smashing into the banks but we managed. To me relief the darn bugs in the jungle fell silent. I was happy at first, them things always getting on me nerves, but Jonas was unsettled.

The fog lifted a bit so we could see past the front of our little raft. It was in the distance that we saw him. I thought at first it was a member of the other hunting parties ashe was wearing our town tailor's tunic, so I started waving and yelling. That’s when Jonas grabbed me arm and pinned it to me side. I was confused till I saw that look of fear written on his face. That’s when I looked back and saw the man’s ghostly stare. It was inhuman that it was.

It stared at us with those white eyes as we drifted closer, both of us scared outta our wits to even budge. It slowly opened its mouth as a low screeching sound came from him. I felt the hairs all over me stand on end. The noise grew quickly until it became louder than anything I had ever heard. Me companion began yelling and that’s when I panicked. I rolled off the raft into the murky waters but the screeching didn’t stop. My breath was running low and me heart wanted to rip outta me chest. I covered my ears and shut my eyes under the water, praying for this hell to stop.

It did.

The screeching fell silent and I opened my eyes. I beat the water with me arms making for the surface. I broke the surface and got me breath back, looking around for the raft. I found it without me companion, only his bow and bloody scratches left within. The jungle was alive again as I hauled meself back into the boat and began paddling upstream, yelling for Jonas to answer me. The only answer I got back was the jungle falling silent once more.

I had never rowed harder in me life.

~ Journal Entry, Hunter Valkar of Helendor

This was the earliest account of Herobrine Steve glossed over, but not the first. The only tell tale signs of his coming have been the world falling eerily silent followed by his appearance and an unearthly wail. These were the identifiers that this thing was going to attack. Several other sightings were reported like the one he encountered thrice already. Simply glances of this being with white eyes before it disappeared. Steve has fought the Enderdragon and its Endermen minions with Alex and the others a year ago, back when they were just myths.

But he can’t tell the others until he knows it’s true; He can't cause a panic when he's still unsure. One of them needs to approach him with the sighting, yet when he subtly asks if they found anything strange he would only receive replies of everything being mundane or average. Is he just seeing things? Is he reading too far into this whole myth? It’s been crossing his mind more often when mining with the others or helping construct the new town stable. Why is he the only one seeing this thing, if at all?

Tirdas, 29th of Second Seed, Year 768

Of Monsters and Myths - The Legend of Herobrine - 10th Place

There was an abandoned mine on the outskirts of town that was used to gather iron and coal for the Jarl. His troops were in need of new armor and weapons in the war against the neighboring Arantir Kingdom. After the war was over, the Jarl continued to use the mine for resources until it was suddenly closed when a miner went missing. There was no search ever done, and the family grieved and pleaded for answers that never came.

The brother of the lost miner and his friend went in a month later to search, but only the former came back a gibbering mess. He was screaming insanities and demanding we repent to our god for having allowed such a monstrosity to exist. He was quickly taken away and never heard from again. His friend never returned from the mines.

Yesterday, nearly five years since the mine was abandoned, a few of the village kids ran to the mines for a game of hide and seek. They went past the abandoned carts and the rotting supports of the entrance and began their game. One of the farmers had to go into the mines to look for them, torch in hand and belt at the ready to teach his son and friends a lesson about obedience.

The children that returned were scared out of their wits, crying endlessly. They told of shrieks and wails as they were lost in the mines. The farmer found the troublemakers and was about to lead them to the exit when it appeared with its ghostly eyes peering from the darkness ahead. It began its wail as some of the children ran deeper into the mine, never to see the farmer or the monster as they ran for the exit.

The mine will remain abandoned.

~ Seradale Town Archives

Alex has gotten worried. Steve was locked in his room with stacks of books more often than he was mining, eating or sleeping. Much of the settlement was concerned for his well being and curious to his change in behavior. After trading some emeralds she found in the mine for some tasty cakes from the baker, Alex made her way to Steve’s house and knocked on the door.

As expected of late, there was no reply and she would slowly open the door to find him hunched over his desks with the stack of books slowly growing. The shelves above were empty and the chest beside his desk was spilling over with random items. She made her way to a nearby table and placed one of the cakes down, passing a worried glance at her friend. Nothing can get through to him anymore as he continues to flip through the pages of yet another book.

Loredas, 3rd of Morning Star, Year 783

Of Monsters and Myths - The Legend of Herobrine - 10th Place

I was wrong. Every single Fredas night for the past four months I would have peasants in the border towns asking for help with missing livestock. I scoffed every time. We’ve had good relations with the neighboring kingdoms thanks to the efforts of my loyal knights helping them against bandits. My kingdom is surrounded by high mountain range to the east and north, and sea to the west and south. Monsters only attack north of the range and have telltale signs when they do. So it could have only been one thing.

They want more of my riches as recompense for these “lost livestock.” They abuse the faraway stories of the mythical Herobrine for added belief. I threw out their looney stories of a white eyed fiend at the edges of their villages. Apparently this “phantom” as they liked to call it made no talk nor warning of its arrival or deeds, only a screeching wail preceeded by an unearthly silence befalling the night. By last week I had had enough of this nonsense and decided to put these stories to rest once and for all. I should have listened.

Three days ago I sent groups of soldiers to each border town accompanied by a pair of knights. They would take note of the village and its condition and upon morning of Loredas make their return to the castle. And so they went on their easy mission, or I hoped it would have been. I was wrong.

Riverdale was the town’s name. A courier from the town’s contingent made haste to the nearby settlement of Lornsden, an inner town, in a panic. The soldier was covered in cuts upon arrival and died soon after. The group from Lornsden sped to Riverdale to confront the assailants only to find the town empty of all inhabitants. Villagers, soliders, livestock, all gone. Doors to houses were open. Beds remain untouched or unmade. There were even some cooking fires still going in the furnaces.

As they were searching the village, the night fell dead silent. One of the men spotted a figure on the edge of the village, peering in with ghostly eyes. A screech followed soon after as the men, stricken with fear, drew their weapons. But it disappeared moments after with a portion of the troops. None dared to find their lost comrades.

The men returned this morning to report, and barely half of the ones that survived are sane of mind. These were some of my best troops.

~ Journal, King Leodgra

Alex storms her way through the amber-basked streets of the settlement towards her friend’s house. The sun was just beginning to set and most of the villagers were returning to their homes for the night, hoping for a lengthy sleep that has eluded them for weeks. Steve had committed almost nightly raids through the village, assaulting anything that looked “remotely suspicious”. He raved about Herobrine this and keep the village safe that. His diamond armor never came off, saying he needs it against that army destroying monstrosity that endangers them all.

But the village was always safe. Between him, Alex, and their friends the village has been completely secure from skeleton hunts and blood moon nights. His nightly raids have been disturbing villagers who have gotten increasingly angrier at him, and in connection them. Whatever is causing this, Alex was fully intent on finding out that night even if she had to punch her nearly insane frien-

The village froze in terror as an otherworldly shriek echoed against every surface. Quickly unfreezing, Alex ran towards the location of the wail while drawing her iron sword, quickly accompanied by others from their defense group as they bolted their way through the town to arrive at-

Steve’s empty house. The piles of books were back on their shelves while the chest was clean and shut. Steve and his armaments had disappeared. No signs of struggle, and if anything the house looked eerily cleaner than before. They searched the house frantically as Alex left through the backdoor, calling his name in distress. She froze on the spot, as did the others who followed her, upon seeing the haunting parody of herself with ghostly white eyes in the forest line staring back before fading away a moment later.


1 Update Logs

Formatting Update : by GhostXavier 05/23/2016 12:12:11 pmMay 23rd, 2016

Reformatted a bunch of the post and edited blatant grammar and spelling errors. Adjusted some lines and did small revisions for clarification. Lesson learned: Try not to write at four in the morning.

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06/23/2016 11:32 pm
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Cyborg
Knightsundere's Avatar
Skyrim timescale was a cool touch
05/23/2016 6:25 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Kitten
Seabro's Avatar
great images
05/21/2016 11:46 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Miner
Wuufwuuf's Avatar
You used Skyrim dates!? I'm so proud of you!
05/22/2016 2:30 am
Level 50 : Grandmaster Architect
GhostXavier's Avatar
May we meet honorably on the field of battle this fine week!
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