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Personality Details | Level 42 Special!

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TheCrypteral's Avatar TheCrypteral
Level 50 : Grandmaster Blacksmith
So as promised, now that I have level 42, here are the results from my 16Personalities test!
details here

So when I did the test the first time, I got a really weird outcome-

I got four personalities assigned to me-

They were :


Quiet and Mystical, yet very inspiring and tireless idealists.

Poetic, kind, and altruistic people, always eager to help a good cause.

Very dedicated and warm protectors, always ready to defend their loved ones.
Flexible and Charming artists, always ready to explore and experience something new.

Now the reason for this was simple :

The test grades you on four qualities and it sees how much of each you are-

Extroversion (E) vs. Introversion (I)

Observance (S) vs. Intuitiveness (N)

Feeling (F) vs. Thinking (T)

Judging (J) vs. Prospecting (P)

So if you're more of an introvert you get I, if you're more intuitive you get N, etc

Then it uses that to decide you personality

I got mostly Introversion by far, and Feeling by quite a bit too-

But for both S/N and J/P I got equal so I qualified for 4 personalities-

And when I looked through them there was something that did feel very personal to me-

But only one stuck out to me as the most accurate-

Sooooo I took the test again with stricter answers

And this time I got a definitive Advocate (INFJ)

And I'll give you the description for it, removing anything that I don't find relative to me-

Advocates (INFJs) may be the rarest personality type of all, but they certainly leave their mark on the world. Idealistic and principled, they aren’t content to coast through life – they want to stand up and make a difference. For Advocate personalities, success doesn’t come from money or status but from seeking fulfillment, helping others, and being a force for good in the world.

While they have lofty goals and ambitions, Advocates shouldn’t be mistaken for idle dreamers. People with this personality type care about integrity, and they’re rarely satisfied until they’ve done what they know to be right. Conscientious to the core, they move through life with a clear sense of their values, and they aim never to lose sight of what truly matters – not according to other people or society at large, but according to their own wisdom and intuition.

Seeking Purpose

Perhaps because their personality type is so
uncommon, Advocates tend to carry around a sense – whether conscious or
not – of being different from most people. With their rich inner lives
and their deep, abiding desire to find their life purpose, they don’t
always fit in with those around them. This isn’t to say that Advocates
can’t enjoy social acceptance or close relationships – only that they
sometimes feel misunderstood or at odds with the world.

Fortunately, this sense of being out of step doesn’t diminish Advocates’ commitment
to making the world a better place. Advocates are troubled by injustice,
and they typically care more about altruism than personal gain. They
often feel called to use their strengths – including creativity,
imagination, and sensitivity – to uplift others and spread compassion.
Nothing lights up Advocates like changing someone else’s life for the better.

Many Advocates see helping others as their mission in life, and they’re
always looking for ways to step in and speak up for what is right.
People with this personality type also aspire to fix society’s deeper
problems, in the hope that unfairness and hardship can become things of
the past. At times, however, Advocates may focus so intently on their
ideals that they don’t take adequate care of themselves – a pattern that
can lead to stress and burnout.

Connecting with Others (and Themselves)

Advocates may be
Introverted, but they value deep, authentic relationships with others.
Few things bring these personalities as much joy as truly knowing
another person – and being known in return. Advocates enjoy meaningful
conversations far more than small talk, and they tend to communicate in a
way that is warm and sensitive. This emotional honesty and insight can
make a powerful impression on the people around them.

A few close relationships, provided that they’re genuine, can fill Advocates’ hearts to the brim.

Thoughtful and compassionate, Advocates pour a great deal of energy and care into
their relationships. This doesn’t mean that they always feel appreciated
in return. Advocates tend to act with great thought and care, and it
can frustrate them when other people don’t recognize their good
intentions. As a result, even constructive criticism may feel incredibly
personal or hurtful to these personalities.

A Personal Mission

Many Advocates feel that their life has a
unique purpose – a mission that they were put onto this earth to
fulfill. For people with this personality type, one of the most
rewarding aspects of life is seeking out this purpose – and then, once
they’ve found it, striving to do it justice.

When Advocates encounter inequity or unfairness, they rarely give up – instead, they
consult their intuition and their compassion to find a solution. With
their innate ability to balance the heart with the head, Advocates are
hardwired to right the wrongs of the world, no matter how big or small.
These personalities just need to remember that while they’re busy taking
care of everyone else, they need to pause sometimes and take care of
themselves as well.

The next section it lists is on romantic relationships, but for this one I felt closer to the Mediator's description, so I'll give ya'll that.

Romantic Relationships

Hopeless Romantics

Mediators don’t just want to find a
partner – they want to connect with a soul mate. Thoughtful and
open-minded, these personalities are generally willing to consider going
out with all sorts of people. Mediators pride themselves on their
ability to look past a potential partner’s superficial traits – such as
appearance, social status, or possessions – and focus on deeper, more
meaningful signals of compatibility.

Mediators share a belief that two people can come together in a relationship and
make each other better and happier than they were before.

But it would be a mistake to think that Mediators don’t have preconceived
standards for a significant other. With their active minds and
imaginations, people with this personality type tend to develop and
carry with them a vision of their ideal partner – a vision that may be
based on a favorite fictional character, a person they once knew, or
simply the stories they’ve told themselves about how love “should” look.

When they meet someone new, most Mediators can’t help but compare that
person with the ideal soul mate they’ve envisioned. Unsurprisingly, such
comparisons tend to weed out more than a few potential partners. It can
be difficult – if not impossible – for a real, flesh-and-blood person
to live up to a Mediator’s cherished dreams.

Making an Effort

With time, many Mediators come to learn
that true love doesn’t just magically happen – it takes compromise,
understanding, and work. After all, no partner is perfect, and even the
most beautiful relationships have their challenges. Fortunately, people
with this personality type can find a great deal of joy in the effort it
takes to strengthen a relationship.

When they fall in love, Mediators reveal just how much passion thrums beneath their quiet
exteriors. Devoted and loyal, they nevertheless respect their partner’s
independence, aiming to accept their partners as they are. That said,
these personalities also want to help their partners learn, grow, and
pursue their goals. Mediators are always dreaming up ways to improve
themselves and the world around them, and the last thing they’d want is
for their partners to feel unhappy or stuck.

Mediator personalities use their compassion and insight to understand the people
they care about, and they draw on their creativity to make their
partner feel special.

Many people with this personality type dedicate themselves to helping their partners improve their lives. While
this is a noble goal, Mediators must be sure to keep track of their own
needs and make sure that their partners are really ready to change.
Provided they do so, Mediators’ support and devotion can make all the
difference in their partners’ lives.

Finding What’s Real

Mediators tend to promote harmony over
disagreement. Although this lends stability to their relationships, it
can also lead to problems. To avoid triggering a conflict, Mediators may
avoid talking openly about things that are bothering them – instead,
they might mentally fixate on the problem or try to solve it on their
own. They may also focus on making their partner happy, to the detriment
of their own priorities and sense of self.

People with this personality type may need to remind themselves that open, honest
communication is necessary in a relationship, even if it isn’t always
easy. In fact, such moments of candor can transform a relationship for
the better.

As long as they communicate openly, Mediators are
more than capable of staying true to themselves in a relationship – and
encouraging the person they care about to do the same. By bringing their
whole hearts and minds to their relationships, Mediators can find out
what it truly means to love and be loved.

Next are Friendships, which I leaned more towards the Advocate description.


“The most I can do for my friend is simply be his friend.”
Henry David Thoreau

Advocates (INFJs) rarely settle for shallow, superficial friendships. When it
comes to social fulfillment, they aren’t satisfied by casual
interactions with colleagues or classmates. Advocate personalities crave
authentic, meaningful friendships – friendships that allow them to
share their dreams, bare their souls, and feel understood and accepted
for who they are. And if that means having just one or two confidants
rather than a wide circle of acquaintances, so be it.

While Advocates may seem quiet or reserved to the world at large, they
absolutely light up around their close friends. Few things bring them
more pleasure or delight than talking through their passions, interests,
and beliefs with a kindred spirit. People with this personality type
enjoy the pleasure of their own company, but Advocates still find it
liberating to let their guard down and be completely and utterly
themselves with a friend they know they can trust.

Searching for a Heart of Gold

Advocates are known for having
great expectations – not just for themselves but also for their
friendships. High on this list of expectations is authenticity. If
Advocates have to be fake or tone themselves down to gain someone’s
approval, then that person probably isn’t the best friend for them. And
it’s hard for people with this personality type to respect someone who
won’t be honest with them in return – let alone anyone who can’t be
honest with themselves.

Another expectation that Advocates bring
to their friendships is mutual support and growth. Having fun together
is wonderful, but for these personalities, it isn’t quite enough.
Advocates want to surround themselves with friends who inspire them to
learn and expand and improve themselves. For them, the surest way for
two friends to deepen their bond is by helping each other move forward
on their respective life missions.

In friendship, Advocates aren’t just searching for someone to spend
time with. They want to find a soul mate – someone who resonates with
their passions and their convictions.

This is a tall order, and Advocates may feel that it’s
difficult to meet the sort of friends they’re seeking. Because their
personality type is so rare, Advocates may meet relatively few people
who really remind them of themselves. As a result, they may worry that
they need to settle for less-than-fulfilling friendships – or else
accept being alone.

Loyalty and Authenticity

Fortunately, people with this
personality type are more than capable of finding the types of friends
they long to meet – they might just have to devote additional energy to
it. Sometimes these friends may be hiding in plain sight, among
acquaintances whom Advocates simply don’t know all that well. This
personality type is known for having astute first impressions of other
people, but even Advocates can miss the deeper potentials of the people
they encounter on a daily basis. When they give these people a chance,
Advocates may find that they share values and attitudes that make them
compatible on a deeper level.

Once they do find genuine friendships, Advocates make loyal, caring companions. At times they may
even be surprised by the fierceness of the loyalty and devotion they
feel toward their friends. Few situations in life bring out Advocates’
bravery and commitment quite like the opportunity to stand up for a
friend who needs them.

With their trademark warmth and enthusiasm, Advocate personalities
support their friends’ efforts to grow and expand their lives.

Ultimately, the only way to be counted among Advocates’ true
friends is to be authentic, honest, and real. Over the years, Advocates
may end up with just a few true friendships rather than a wide circle of
casual acquaintances. But as long as those friendships are built on a
richness of mutual understanding, Advocates wouldn’t have it any other

The next section is Parenthood, which I chose Advocate for again.


“My instinct is to protect my children from pain. But adversity is often the thing that gives us character and backbone.”
Nicole Kidman

As parents, Advocates (INFJs) have a clear vision for what matters to
them: raising their children to be independent and all-around good
people. Advocate personalities take their responsibilities seriously,
and if they become parents, they think deeply about how they can shape
their children’s lives and experiences in positive ways.

Parenthood isn’t easy, but few Advocates expect it to be. These personalities know
that many of life’s most worthwhile pursuits are also the most
challenging – a mindset that helps Advocates keep sight of joy and
fulfillment amid the daily struggles of raising children. In many ways,
parenting allows Advocates to make wonderful use of their strengths,
including creativity, compassion, and the incredible strength of
devotion that they feel toward those they love.

Be Unique, Just Like Me

Caring and loyal, Advocate parents are willing to do pretty much whatever it
takes to better their children’s lives. But it would be a mistake to
think that parents with this personality type are pushovers. In fact,
Advocates can be quite strict, because their commitment to building
their children’s character in the long term is rarely outweighed by
momentary considerations (such as giving their child a piece of candy to
help stop a tantrum).

While Advocates bring many gifts to
raising children, it’s important to note that no parent is perfect. At
times, Advocates may hold their children to unrealistic standards that
don’t take into account each child’s personality or stage of
development. For example, they might expect their child to model the
same integrity and honesty that they expect from themselves, becoming
dismayed whenever their child behaves in a way that they perceive to be
ungenerous or unethical. Or they might push their child to be
independent and creative and unique, seeing it as a sign of weakness if
their child craves external structure and guidance.

Advocate parents may unconsciously project a great deal of their own beliefs and values onto their children.

To a child, all of these expectations can feel contradictory
and impossible to fulfill – and, depending on the child’s personality
and their developmental stage, these expectations might actually be
impossible to fulfill. In adolescence, children might rebel by flouting
these standards or by espousing beliefs that go against their Advocate
parent’s values. In this situation, Advocates may feel that their
children are criticizing or rejecting them – a hurtful thing to such a
sensitive personality type.

A Job Well Done

strive to make sure that their children grow up with a firm
understanding of the difference between right and wrong. Parents with
this personality type encourage their children to fight for a cause that
they believe in and to be the best they can be. Whatever age their
children might be, Advocates can find a great deal of fulfillment and
meaning simply in helping their children learn to be true to themselves.

Ultimately, Advocate parents tend to realize that it isn’t a sign of failure if
their children turn out differently than they’d expected. Instead, they
come to see this as a sign that they’ve successfully raised someone who
has the ability to form their own ideals. Advocates’ children often come
to appreciate the combination of independence and integrity with which
they were raised – especially as they get older.

Career Paths

“It’s better to fail while striving for something
wonderful, challenging, adventurous, and uncertain than to say, ‘I don’t
want to try because I may not succeed completely.’”
Jimmy Carter

Advocates (INFJs) long to find a career that aligns with their values and their
dreams – a career that allows them to fulfill their unique mission in
this world. For these personalities, a job isn’t satisfying if it
doesn’t offer a deeper sense of purpose – no matter how good the salary
is. The good news is that people with this personality type can use
their creativity and determination to find work that suits their needs
in just about any field.

In fact, Advocates have trouble deciding
which job is best for them because they’re able to imagine so many
possibilities. They may see half a dozen wildly different paths forward,
each with its own set of rewards. This can be exciting but also
stress-inducing, because picking just one means letting go of so many
others. Advocates may even feel a sense of loss when so many doors close
because one was selected.

The Search for Purpose

For Advocate personalities, jobs that involve helping and connecting with
people can be deeply satisfying. It’s no surprise, then, that many
Advocates gravitate toward work as counselors, therapists,
psychologists, social workers, teachers, yoga instructors, and spiritual
leaders. They may enjoy service industry positions that allow them to
interact directly and build genuine relationships with their customers.
Careers in health care can also be rewarding options, including
occupations such as nursing, physical or occupational therapy, medicine,
nutrition, or more holistic paths such as acupuncture.

Many Advocates are passionate communicators. This explains why they are
often drawn to careers in writing, creating many popular books, blogs,
stories, video games, and screenplays. For people with this personality
type, the opportunity to tell stories for a living can be nothing short
of a dream come true. Other Advocates might pursue music, photography,
design, illustration, or fine art. Even if these artistic pursuits
aren’t their primary job, many Advocates find that creative side hustles
offer a much-needed outlet for the themes and ideas that occupy their

Nonprofit workplaces, from museums to nature
centers to food pantries, also hold a special appeal. With their focus
on serving the community rather than drawing a profit, these
organizations can be a natural fit for Advocate personalities. But even
in workplaces that are very much for-profit, Advocates can find ways to
direct their energy and creativity toward helping others. No matter what
it says on their business cards, Advocates’ insight can enable them to
spot unusual patterns and come up with outside-the-box solutions,
creating real change in others’ lives.

A Sense of Mission

Advocates are incredibly versatile, but some work environments may rub them the
wrong way. This is especially true of workplaces that offer little
independence or agency, forcing employees to adhere to rigid, repetitive
protocols without regard for their individual needs or strengths.
People with this personality type may also chafe at the criticism and
pressure that come with cutthroat, competitive work environments.

For this reason, many Advocates seek out more flexible, autonomous
positions – or branch off altogether to start their own businesses. They
may also find it gratifying to create bridges between seemingly
disparate professional fields – for example, by writing about psychology
or by being an environmental lawyer. Such hybrid careers can offer
plenty of opportunities for Advocates to exercise their creativity and
their love of learning.

Advocates tend to feel stifled unless their work allows them the
freedom to act according to their conscience, their creativity, and
their own common sense.

In truth, Advocate personalities can do well in any field. To
be truly happy, however, they need to find work that aligns with their
values and allows them some independence. Advocates crave opportunities
to learn and grow alongside the people they are helping. When this
happens, Advocates may finally feel that they are fulfilling their
life’s mission, contributing to the well-being of humanity on a personal

Workplace Habits

Advocates (INFJs) have some specific needs when it comes to a
satisfying work environment. For people with this personality type, the
most rewarding work allows them to help others while also growing as a
person. And it’s a given that an ideal career for Advocates must be in line with their individual values.

Anything that gets in the way of these values – from red tape and meaningless
rules to office politics and unscrupulous coworkers – can seriously sap
Advocates’ motivation. This is a personality type that thrives in
environments that promote fairness and equality. Most Advocates prefer
not to think of themselves as above or below anyone else – no matter
where they are on the job ladder.

Advocate Subordinates

Advocates value cooperation, sensitivity, and independence. As employees, they
gravitate toward managers who are open-minded and willing to consider
their input. Advocate personalities may become frustrated when they feel
unheard, so having a manager who listens to them can make all the

Ideally, Advocates will find a manager whose values align with their own and who offers them encouragement and praise.

Because Advocates tend to act on their convictions and aim to
do their best, their morale can be vulnerable to criticism, particularly
if it’s unwarranted. Other morale killers for these personalities may
include strict rules, formal structures, and routine tasks. They may
find it especially dispiriting when they’re asked to redo their work,
particularly if it’s for a reason that just doesn’t seem valid to them.

Of course, a perfect work environment isn’t always possible. Advocate
employees with less-than-ideal managers may need to draw on their inner
resilience and seek out other mentors. The good news is that people with
this personality type are more than capable of handling workplace
challenges, including the challenge of having a difficult manager.

Advocate Colleagues

As colleagues, Advocates can be quite popular and well respected. People
with this personality type are often seen as helpful, eloquent, and
capable coworkers. Among their greatest strengths is their ability to
identify others’ motives and understand the root causes of conflict
before anyone else even senses a disturbance.

At times, efficiency may be less of a priority for Advocates than collaborating
with and helping colleagues who need a boost. While this is usually a
strength, there is a risk that others will take advantage of Advocates’
desire to help. They may find themselves picking up the slack for their
less dedicated coworkers at the expense of their own energy and

Advocates’ determination to be helpful can leave them feeling taken advantage of.

Although they tend to be well liked among their colleagues,
Advocates are still Introverts. From time to time, they may need to step
back and work alone, pursuing their own goals in their own ways. This
isn’t a sign of resentment or ill will – but rather a signal of
Advocates’ need to balance serving others with their own self-care.

Advocate Managers

As managers, Advocates may dislike wielding their power. They prefer to
think of everyone as equals, no matter what a person’s business card
might say. Rather than micromanage their subordinates, Advocates often
prefer to empower them to think and act independently. They work hard to
encourage others and promote an atmosphere of mutual respect.

Compassionate and fair, Advocate managers often take pride in identifying their subordinates’ unique strengths.

That’s not to say that Advocates have low standards – far from
it. Their sense of equality means that they expect their subordinates
to live up to the standards that they set for themselves. Bosses with
this personality type want their employees to be rigorous, motivated,
reliable, and unfailingly honest, and they will notice if anyone misses the mark.

Advocate managers can be particularly stern if they catch someone behaving in a
way that they consider unethical. These personalities have little
tolerance for lapses in reliability or morality. When their employees’
good intentions match their own, however, Advocate bosses work
tirelessly to ensure that their entire team feels valued, fulfilled, and

The last part is Strengths and Weaknesses, and for this I enlisted the help of my irl friend to pick some out-

Strengths :





Strengths :



Strengths :



-Hard Working

-Good Practical Skills
Strengths :

-Sensitive To Others

Weaknesses :

-Reluctant To Open Up


-Avoiding The Ordinary

-Prone To Burnout
Weaknesses :


-Desperate To Please

Weaknesses :

-Overly Humble

-Repressing Their Feelings


-Reluctant To Change

-Too Altruistic
Weaknesses :

-Fiercely Independent

-Easily Stressed

I won't spoil the conclusion, but I suggest you take the test yourself!


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12/10/2022 1:21 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Nerd
TheGrimmKnight's Avatar
i got intp-t on every test i do
12/09/2022 1:50 pm
Level 46 : Master Baconator
LegendarySi's Avatar
Holy carp, how long did it take to type this out?
12/09/2022 1:50 pm
Level 46 : Master Baconator
LegendarySi's Avatar
also nice
12/09/2022 1:55 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Blacksmith
TheCrypteral's Avatar
I copy pasted a fair bit of it-
12/09/2022 2:00 pm
Level 46 : Master Baconator
LegendarySi's Avatar
lol, that makes more sense. Also I can only kinda relate to the advocate, not really anything else tho.
12/08/2022 5:18 am
Level 51 : Grandmaster Magical Girl
MoonAstraea's Avatar
Interesting results! I didn't know you could get four different mbti types haha. It's cool to see you eventually ended up with INFJ. :)
12/08/2022 5:20 am
Level 50 : Grandmaster Blacksmith
TheCrypteral's Avatar
Yeah, I didn't know either-

It was pretty weird lol
12/07/2022 7:25 pm
Level 49 : Master Blueberry
BlueBoyBuilds's Avatar
INFJ is the rarest personality type.
12/08/2022 4:47 am
Level 50 : Grandmaster Blacksmith
TheCrypteral's Avatar
Yeah apparently
12/07/2022 7:07 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Nerd
TheGrimmKnight's Avatar
mmmm copy and paste yum yum yum
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