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PVP Tips that DIDN'T WORK!

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Goldie_Blocks's Avatar Goldie_Blocks
Level 23 : Expert Skinner
Hey! I was testing a lot of pvp tips I found online, and I'd like to say most of them didn't work.. And I died a lot because of it... So, anyways I'd like to say the ones that did work and suggest some of my own (And some that my friend Kat gave me)
1.When someones shooting you with a bow try to jump a lot and go for their sides with a sword
2. Never run backwards while hitting someone and trying to get away (I did this and it became a bad habit)
3.Don't right-click to block, it doesn't work. Just try and jump to their sides and dodge them.
4. Don't attack someone who has better armor and weapons then you unless you think you're know you're going to win
5.Don't hit them with your fists if they have weapons, it's just annoying and it makes them want to kill you even more. (Unless you know they're right in front of lava and you can hit them in it)
That's all, I hope this helped some people c: Sorry if it didn't.

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08/22/2013 11:59 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Miner
DinoIncognito's Avatar
Blocking apparently halves the damage your receive, so it might not be a good idea to ignore it. My best tip would probably be to get the jump on them before you get into the fight, deal a few good hits before they have the chance to strike back.
08/18/2013 9:28 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Toast
GG50's Avatar
I gave you a diamond more for you name, than the blog itself:D
08/22/2013 11:58 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Miner
DinoIncognito's Avatar
I created her name. Just saying...
08/23/2013 3:49 am
Level 23 : Expert Skinner
Goldie_Blocks's Avatar
.-. How can you even type? You don't even really have hands..
08/19/2013 10:39 am
Level 23 : Expert Skinner
Goldie_Blocks's Avatar
xD Thanks?
08/18/2013 9:25 pm
Level 46 : Master Creeper Hugger
Nuclear_pie's Avatar
Who's idea was it to walk back and attack? If you charge at a sword fight you're most likely to land more hits. Blocking isn't used for sword fights either, it's best if used if an arrow is about to hit you or if you're going to get blown up by a creeper.
08/19/2013 10:39 am
Level 23 : Expert Skinner
Goldie_Blocks's Avatar
I honestly don't remember whose idea it was, I just looked up pvp tips a long time ago on google and tested them all in survival games. =P
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