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vakama1612's Avatar vakama1612
Level 31 : Artisan Dragonborn
Vaka here, AGAIN. Now, I've just been kinda bored lately, so I decided to have a blogblast.

But anyways, we all know racism is a big problem, and lately people have been cutting down on it, but there are those people that are just racist.

I was playing Team Fortress 2 the other day, and someone came on and said, "Bronies are gay". That's not racist, I will admit, but it's rude. Then he said, "Americans are fat, lazy, and don't know how to make a living for themselves."
He then said, pardon my language, "Niggas can suck my ass, they should be slaves and not citizens."
At that point, everyone was saying stuff like, "Woah man, cool off, that's racist". Then when he called all of us "Niggas", one of us said that he was actually Chinese, and then he said, "Asians are yellow. All of them. They are all yellow b*****s." Seriously, what the hell man? Then, one of the server regulars, Derpo Bugginz, (Who is a pretty cool guy, he plays games and doesn't afraid of anything.) came on while the guy was being racist, and he got the admin on, and the offender was banned. My question is, was it really worth it? And why be racist? We're all humans right? I don't think it's right to just, judge someone, or make stereotypes based on skin color, or background. The same goes for sexism, there's a lot of sexist movies, games, books, stereotypes, I just don't understand it.

Have you seen anyone being EXTREMELY racist? Post your experiences in the comments.

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06/08/2013 2:26 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Creeper Hugger
sergiocast345's Avatar
true, I hate racism
Derpo Bugginz
02/02/2013 1:05 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Derpo Bugginz's Avatar
Hey man.

I was just googling my username and found this post. I must admit I initially thought (from the way Google formatted the search results) that I was the alleged racist in the story, but hey, it was a pleasant surprise.

Created an account just to stop by and say thanks for the nice blog post :P Nice to see something positive on Google with my name attached.
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