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Removing Items from the Game

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imscarface's Avatar imscarface
Level 11 : Journeyman Artist
Hello everyone my name is Scarface and this is my first PMC blog, and I have a topic I've been thinking about for a while now. With the 1.6 update closing in on us, and Mojang adding all these new features to the game it made me think. What would happen if Mojang was to remove something from the game? For example, what if Mojang deicided to remove emeralds from the game and made it so you wouldn't trade items for emeralds to villagers and vice-versa. Now the way I thought it would work is the item would simply disappear from inventory, chests, dispensers, and so on. Now before people say stuff like: "Sponge was removed from the game" Correction sponge was removed from being obtained legitimately in Minecraft, however it is an item you can use. But what I mean about removed from the game I mean GONE, no obtaining it via creative mode and so on. Now if that was to happen it would at first seem possible, but I think (I may be wrong, I have very LITTLE Java language knowledge) that it would be impossible or near impossible to code, with the factor that what if you were standing in between chunks with naturally spawned emerald ore? What would happen would the ore switch to another block such as air, stone, dirt, etc? And lets not forget that would just be the chunks you are standing on, what if you were to venture out to your outpost 500+ blocks away, and what if the game forgot to remove the emerald ore via some coding bug? This is all hypothetical of course, Mojang most likely will not remove anything more from the game because they carefully pick what does into the game. Well anyways hypothetical removal of emeralds and emerald ore aside this has been my first PMC blog, I hope you enjoyed it, and please comment below on what you think would happen and if they were to remove something(block or items, not mechanics of the game) what you think they'd remove. Thanks for reading have a good night.

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06/03/2013 2:32 am
Level 21 : Expert Farmer
goreae's Avatar
From my vast experience with mods, I come bearing answers!

At first, the game did not respond well to items being removed. Blocks have always been just fine. If there is a block in the world, and suddenly that blockID is not in the registry, then it just becomes air and the game goes along as normal. With items, however, if there was a block or item in any inventory, be it a dispenser, furnace, or chest, opening the inventory or breaking the inventory would crash the game, and the only way to fix the save would be to add the item back in and dispose of it properly. Any item or block in your inventory that gets removed would be simply deleted.

After the 1.8 update, any block or item in any inventory or loaded chunk is simply replaced with air. it would not be hard at all to make the game retrogen emerald ore into stone.

I also know that you (probably) are not hating on trading or emeralds, just using it as an example, but in case you aren't, I love roleplaying with villages using trading. :)
06/03/2013 10:12 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Artist
imscarface's Avatar
Thanks so much for the insight, I've been playing since the game was available to the public and I didn't really know about that, also I'm starting to learn Java so thanks for giving me some intelligent input! And no I'm using Emeralds of course as an example.
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