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Residue Ep1 Script

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chipirin's Avatar chipirin
Level 24 : Expert Zombie
Herro PMC! I'm working on a little youtube series based on the universe of Residue! I actually tried a very different version of this with actual voice acting and it was terrible, I deleted that video along with the channel it was connected to. If I ever get to making it I will post every episode script on PMC before the episode release for the soul purpose of having an easy way to access the scipt at any time without special permissions. Thanks for reading, the episode is supposed to be about 5-10 minutes long depending on how much of this I have to cram into one video. 

Remember, this is a script, the enviorments will not be explained in great detail nor is this a finished product so any out of the blue introductions will be explained better. 

Residue Ep1 Script

*Opens with a black screen with the text “Chapter Two” fading in and then soon fading out the more text fading in the same way reading “Waking Up”, text soon fades out and about a second later the black screen fades into a shot of a burning building for a couple seconds before flashing to a shot of the exact same building before and then back to after, shot turns to a wrecked street, after a second or two it flashes to a before shot and back to the after, shot goes back to Chipirin where he was in the pilot*

Chipirin: “I’m dreaming right, i’m, i’m dreaming, i’ll wake up soon a-and it’ll all be over, none of this is actually real, i’m just dreaming...”


Chipirin: “Right???”

*Pauses again*

Chipirin: “I mean, it’s the only logical explanation for zombies, wait… that means i’m loosed dreaming! I can make anything I want happen! Ok, how do I make stuff appear, maybe I just think really hard and… nope, a 4th wall without holes didn’t appear, oh well, wait that means, oh no…”

Random Text: “Fun fact the 4th wall was created for theaters, since when acting on stage you’re supposed to pretend there’s a fourth wall where your audience is, hence the term “Breaking the 4th wall””

Chipirin: “Thanks random text that came out of nowhere, I didn’t need to know that…”

Random Text: “you’re welcome!”

Chipirin: “I was, nevermind, ok, ok, real zombie apocalypse happening here, what do I do..."

*Chipirin beings to look around for something, spots a bonesaw*

Chipirin: "Ah, yes, a weapon, i'll take this extremely conveniently placed bonesaw! Now, how do I kill a zombie..."

*Looks out window again, spots Christian trying to make his way into the hospital, camera turns to him*

Christian: "This is not how I expected to die!"

*Christian pulls out an AK-47*

Christian: " I expected YOU to die this way!!!"

*Christian begins to mow down the zombie horde*

Christian: "Now, back to the task at hand, find Chipirin if he somehow survived"

Christian: " oh what am I doing there's no way he survived, no, there's a chance in hell he did survive, a chance."

* Camera goes back to Chipirin*

Chipirin: "That was odd, kinda cool but mostly odd, hmm."

*Chipirin opens the window, he pokes his head out*

Chipirin shouting: "Christian! Up here!!!"

Christian shouting: "Chip? Is that you!?!?"

Chipirin: "Noooo it's Donald Trump, of course it's me"

Christian: "Glad to see that not even an entire worldwide zombie apocalypse couldn't change your taste for sarcasm."

Chipirin: "WAIT WHAT!?!"

Christian: "Yeah, in only a week the entire world is facing a zombie pandemic, I don't know how it happened, it just kinda did"

Chipirin: "Oh..."

Christian: "get down here, in case you were still alive I brought along another gun"

Chipirin: “Wait one sec I just need time to let this information sink in”

Christian: “In any other situation I’d let you take your time, but, you know, zombie apocalypse?

Chipirin: “Done! Now… how do I get down quickly?”

Christian: “Uhhh…”

*Christian looks around, spots a couch (MrCrayfish Furniture Mod)*

Christian: “Ah, yes a couch, Maybe if I push i…

Chipirin: “Geronimo!!!”

*Chipirin appears at the window above the couch, it’s been opened. Chipirin jumps out*

Christian: “That works”

Chipirin: “Th… the ankles… owww”

Christian: “Yeah you probably shouldn’t have gotten a jump start”

Chipirin: “Now, gimme gimme”

Christian: “Oh, right”

*Christian passes the gun to Chipirin, it’s a sniper rifle*

Chipirin: “Sweet”

*they hear a zombie moan, turns to a group of zombies approaching them*

Chipirin: “You know what time it is…”

Christian: “...time to slay some zombie!!!”

*Cuts to Chipirin scoping zombies in the 1st person*

*Cuts to Christian mowing down the horde*


*More of them shooting*

*Guns start clicking*

Christian: “Crap…”

*More zombies approach them, they end up backing into an dead end alley way*

Chipirin: “This might be the perfect time for this…”

Christian: “For what???”

Chipirin: “How far are we from my house?”

Christian: “About half a mile, why?”

Chipirin: “In which direction?”

Christian: “Northeast, but why???”

Chipirin: “This is why…”

*Chipirin pulls out a device big block-like object, he sets it on the ground*

Chipirin: “Cover your ears!”

*Chipirin hits the object, it begins to make a loud alarm sound, all of the zombies freeze in place*

Chipirin: “RUN!!!”

*Christian and Chipirin run past the zombies, the object stops making noise*

Christian: “What the hell was that???”

Chipirin: “No time to explain, we just need to get back to my house”

Christian: “No, seriously, what the hell was that?!?”

Chipirin: “It’s a fire alarm that I wired to activate at press”

Christian: “And when exactly did you set that up?”

Chipirin: “I’m not sure”

Christian: “Well just don’t do it again”

Chipirin: “More zombies coming, we better go”

Christian: “About that…”

Chipirin: “What?”

Christian: “Something happened to Bleakwood…”

*Episode Ends*

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