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AmityCharm321's Avatar AmityCharm321
Level 17 : Journeyman Pony
Hey guys, so I've been wondering this. Why do people try to do things like bloging/commenting on things, or trying a hard map, if all they are more than likely going to is rage or fume all day? I mean, yeah, a challenge is good once and a while, and some people do actually use the comment section for positive comments/feedback. But if all you are going to do is get frustrated, then just either slow down, or just stop for a while.
Honestly, I have raged before, and yes, I have used the comment section for fuming when I shouldn't have. Call me a hypocrite if you want, but just hear me out.
Before you post something, like a comment or blog, please read what you are saying. You have a right to get angry about something, or to state your opinion, but just ranting all the time isn't going to help at all. Yeah, some people are going to get ticked off because of what this post is about, but I already know not everyone will like it. But here is what the comment section should be used for:
  • Stating an opinion (ex. Cool!, Nice, but can you please fix [something]) Don't do: OMGGGG WTH. THIS IS SO TERRIBLE.  You have a right to your opinion, but feelings can still be hurt.

  • Responding to someone's blog/comment (like if someone asks for what you think in the comments)

  • But the only time you should fume a bit online is when someone actually asks you to (like if they are saying how much they hate/dislike something and want to see what you think)
I know, I sound a bit negative,and trust me, this post does have a negative vibe to it, but I can't be the only one annoyed by pointless rage comments or people hating on something all the time. As for raging on a map, hte only time this is really annoying is if someone is on a MULTIPLAYER map. If you're on singleplayer, you can fume all you want. Go ahead. But on a server, if you are stuck or keep messing up at a certain point in the map, please. Don't fill up the chat log. You can ask for help, but filling the chat log with rage may make you feel better, but it doesn't help you go any farther.
Please post what you think about this topic in the comments, and I'll see you guys tomorrow. Please don't be mad at me :(

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04/03/2014 7:47 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Pony
AmityCharm321's Avatar
Yes, I did to a typo on the word "the". Sorry
04/03/2014 8:17 pm
Level 29 : Expert Artist
Jedi's Avatar
You can edit a post to remove a typo!
04/03/2014 8:20 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Pony
AmityCharm321's Avatar
Yeah, I know. I just didn't know if anyone had already noticed. Plus, with my luck, I'd make another typo. Over and Over. But thanks for the advice anyway :)
04/04/2014 3:19 pm
Level 29 : Expert Artist
Jedi's Avatar
Np, anything to help a fellow member!
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