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Short Story - "A Moving Past"

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angeluscaligo's Avatar angeluscaligo
Level 51 : Grandmaster Architect

In the year 2300, humanity started a global war with itself. A growing faction, consisting of so-called Neo-humans, was attacked by the US army as result of a growing paranoia towards the faction. The Neo-humans, made up from cyborgs and pro-prosthethics groups, had just created the first succesfull colony on our Moon. The war lasted only 7 months and its outcome was a truce in favor of the Neo-humans. Though it ended in a truce, the Neo-humans had lost only few lives whilest the human world lay in ruins. The Neo-humans succesfully grew further after the war, secluded in their moon colonies, but on Earth the remaining nations and countries continued to fight. The US was nothing more than crumbling and burning cities, with Washington nothing but a craterfield and NY left as the only 'standing' city. The EU had grown exponantially, declaring itself an atheist humanitarian nation, thereby revoking the unease of its Islamic neighbours, in the east and south. A mergence between the Chineze Federation and Japanese Republic led to the Pan-asian Union, following the path taken by the EU in the past...

All this happened while on the Moon, the Neo-humans watched and judged but did not intervene...

Chapter 1: Emergence.

"Vega, how is it going on Earth?" Two men, sitting at a grated aluminium table, watching outside through a large glass pane. "Slow and noisy, they're still warring amongst eachother. They haven't been able to launch a rocket in 17 months now." The man who replied was of large stature, compared to old humans. He stood 1,85 m tall, dressed in synthethic fashion with a metal shine. His face is sharp, with a hawks nose and steelblue eyes. A small grey beard covers his chin and neck. "I doubt they'll recover quickly. Europe has begun preparing for conflict with its Islamic neighbours. Irakenia is claiming to be willing to fire a neutron grenade." The opposite man laughed with a hoarse tone. "As to be expected." His eyes layed rest on the image of Earth behind the pane. "Will She survive? Earth I mean..." Vega looked at the man again. "It remains strange," he thought "though he is older than any of the borg, he still looks brandnew." The other man, with an elvenlike face, fine features, large cheeckbones, fine nose, synthetic eyes that glow purple and long silvery-grey hair flowing over his shoulders, just sat, in a straight manner, legs crossed under the table, hands locked in eachother, eyes aimed at Earth.

"Alpha, we-" Vega stopped speaking as the door opened with a hiss and a metallic clank. Into the room stepped a woman, dressed in a black dress shaped to her figure, revealing her shape to every eye. Her synthetic eyes, partially hidden behind a few locks of darker than black hair, locked on Vega, then on Alpha, her synthetic hands locked together in front of her. "Yes, Eve, what is it?" Vega asked. "We have confirmation." Her voice was static, flat, mechanical of nature, yet sensitive. "Yes, Eve," this time Alpha "please show us." Eve walked to the table, her metal heels echoing on the plastic floor. She waved her hand over a small screen, waiting untill it reacts to her sensors. A slight buzz and a holographic display appeared onto the wall next to the table. A map showed, data pointed out on several spots. "Observation has confirmed they have build a new rocket. It's ready to launch at any minute now, they're still waiting for clear skies." The two men watched quietly...

"What does it contain?" Alpha stood up as he posed the question. "It contains a satellite, though we don't know what it will serve for. Most likely they are trying to repair their communication and broadcasting networks." Alpha stepped closer to the screen, waited a moment and turned towards the glass window. After a small pause, he started talking again. "Do we still have control over the remaining satellites in orbit?" Eve turned her gaze to his back, glancing over his shoulder. "Yes. They still seem to think that the satellites still in orbit have become derelict." Vega turned his seat to face Eve, while Alpha glanced behind him, towards Eve. "Send several satellites down into the capital cities of the countries opposing the EU. Use only Russian and Chinese satellites. Furthermore, bring all European satellites down, except for the one that regulates weather. Crash a few of the European and Russian satellites onto the remaining US cities, including NY." Slowly standing up, Vega turns to Alpha, sighing. "Are you sure, Alpha? What consequence will that have?"

Raising his left hand, a static shock shoots between Alpha and Vega as Alpha closes it. Instantly, Vega stands fixed, unable to move. "Remember what I can do, Vega. You and every other individual on these colonies are inherently inferior to my construct. I can make you stop whenever I desire. If I ever make a decision, it's best you shouldn't question it." Opening his hand, Alpha releases the tension from Vega. "Sir, there is still the question that has been asked; Can we let those on Earth who belong with us return?" Alpha turns to Eve, walking slowly away from the window. "No. They can not. They do not know our way of life. They shall not be let to come here. The reason this all works, that this room can be used by anyone, is because we all understand this life through our developed psyche. This colony can not exist when Earthwalkers will live here. They do not understand the system." Vega walks towards Eve, puts his hand on her shoulder, urging her gently towards the door. "Eve, let's go." As she breaks her gaze towards Alpha, she replies with a soft yes.

Walking through the corridor, as the door closes behind them, Vega starts whispering. "We are capable of giving up personal goods in order to be efficient and to life longer. But only because we can outlive any other humans because of our synthetic bodies. As he said, Earthwalkers, old humans, they life too short of lives to be able to give that up. They would want to have more whenever they got more." Eve shakes her head as she replies, "Still, what he is doing, bombarding cities with space debris, he's forcing a stand-off between the nations left. He's fueling even more war." Vega stops abruptly, looking into Eve's eyes as she turns to see. "We have to rely on his decissions. How he thinks or why does some things, we'll never know. But what I do know is that what we have here is because of him. And I'm willing to follow him through. No matter what."

---End of Chapter 1---

The image is by Aliciarosenoire on Deviantart.

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07/03/2012 6:51 am
Level 36 : Artisan Architect
pi314's Avatar
I was going to right something sort-of like this. I was actually going to use the word Neo-human.But this is awesome!
07/03/2012 5:20 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Architect
angeluscaligo's Avatar
Thank you very much :3
05/14/2012 11:12 pm
Level 47 : Master Network
Linkini's Avatar
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