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Some people on the internet throw autism around as an insult, and I think that's not ok.

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cobaltina's Avatar cobaltina
Level 12 : Journeyman Crafter
Hi everyone. I've decided it's time I speak up about an issue I feel seriously needs to be addressed. This is the use of autism as an insult towards certain groups of people. I'm usually very nice to people, especially online, but whenever I see comments where someone uses autism as an insult, it enrages me. I can’t stand it when haters label fandoms as ‘autistic’ just because they do things that are deemed socially abnormal. A friend of mine told me once, it’s not that most people are normal and some are weird, because everyone is different. Since everyone is different, technically everyone is weird, and since everyone is weird, being weird becomes quite normal.

There are people out there who look at fandom groups such as bronies and furries, and label them as ‘autistic’ just because they think people in those fandoms are socially awkward. This is far from the truth. People in ‘autistic’ fanbases are in reality just as sociable as everyone else, and just because the fandom is wrongly perceived to be unsociable, it categorically does not give people the right to label them as ‘autistic’.  People who use this as a label most likely have no idea what autism actually is, and this angers me further because it goes from a petty insult to actually misusing a word that carries a lot of meaning for a lot of people.

Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by impaired social interaction, verbal and non-verbal communication, and restricted and repetitive behavior. Autism lies on a spectrum ranging from low-functioning to high-functioning, describing the severity of the disorder. High-functioning individuals have clear autistic traits, but are otherwise able to function in society with help and support. They have a need for routines and repetitive patterns and tend to dislike changes in these things.

On the other hand, low-functioning people are severely impacted by the disorder and cannot do most tasks on their own. They need constant supervision and help with everyday activities, and react badly to small changes in routines and established patterns. I am high-functioning, so I’m not an alien who screams at slightly misaligned books, but I struggle to socialize and make new friends, I struggle to understand unspoken deeper meanings of words and phrases, and I insist on having an hour of downtime every day after school as part of my daily routine.

Not many people with any form of autism live independently as adults, but some are very successful, such as Walt Disney, Steve Jobs and Albert Einstein. Autism affects the way the brain is wired, altering the way nerve cells and synapses are connected and organized, meaning that people on the spectrum literally think differently to others. This allows them to come up with fresh ideas, something some aspects of today’s society really need.

My autism has shaped 95% of who I am today, and if people think it’s ok to use who I am as an insult, there is something fundamentally wrong with the world. Stop labelling groups of people you don’t like with words you don’t understand. Stop hating on people with different interests. If you see or hear something you don’t agree on, hate it privately, but don’t post
hateful comments or blogs ranting about how awful it is to like a certain cartoon or style of cosplay. These are not things to hate on. People should hate on things everyone hates, but not petty nothings like personal preferences. No one is weird, everyone is different, and being different is ok.

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08/01/2017 7:21 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
appelgebakje22's Avatar
I have borderline and I joke about autism. Autists deserve to be curbstomped. lmao
05/29/2016 11:34 am
Level 16 : Journeyman Fish
OcelotDonut_'s Avatar
I have borderline autism (It is not severe enough to be classified on the autism spectrum) but it still offends me to see people throw that word around during fights. It just makes me sad :I
11/20/2015 1:05 pm
Level 42 : Master Necromancer
candle_'s Avatar
Most of the people I see using it as an insult know exactly what autism is, and they feed off of reactions. No way of stopping them because chan culture is absolutely disgusting and by far one of the worst parts of the internet and general "Geek" culture.

I think it's more important to educate the masses on what mental illnesses, including autism are. Depression isn't a short period of intense sadness, OCD isn't a few mild quirks you have, and mental illness does not mean someone is insane or violent. 

When that happens, these remarks are vilified by the majority of society, just as sexism and racism is currently hated by the majority.
11/21/2015 11:34 am
Level 39 : Artisan Bunny
OTB's Avatar
Chan culture is really just the epitome of real free speach ,devoid of any censorship, and with that people can and will abuse it,but that being said free speech is still a great thing. it is sad that people use actual real world problems as insults though.
11/22/2015 11:59 pm
Level 42 : Master Necromancer
candle_'s Avatar
The problem with chan culture is that once an issue is "evaluated" by the masses, and a dominant opinion is formed, nobody can argue against it. They do, and they're dismissed, no matter how valid their points may be. You're free to say whatever you want but nobody will listen because of how it works. Ideas organically grow and change, but you have no effect on it unless you're in the majority. 

Most "issues" that arise are just controversies they want to jump on. Once a position is selected, they jump on absolutely anything that could possibly support it, even without evauluating it critically. That's basically what it is. An angry internet mob. That doesn't make everything "they" do inherentally bad, but the group as a whole is generally incapable of reasoning things out for themselves, though that's not to say it never happens.

I'm probably just restating the same thing at this point. I just see it as another echo chamber, but one that changes slowly, here and there, with time, like a never ending game of tug of war. Moderation is hated. You can't be a moderate. You're with us or against us.

While it does have it's merits, I'm very sad to see it slowly overtaking gaming culture in general, making it more and more toxic for many people, such as those who just want to play games, newcomers, women, etc.
11/23/2015 12:11 am
Level 39 : Artisan Bunny
OTB's Avatar
I don't know bout the whole "toxic gaming" stuff (not much a fan of multiplayer), but from what I know from friends (even some women who use their mic) 'n such is its pretty alright. Not much "toxic" stuff goin on. maybe I'm not the right person on this, but I don't think they doin much wrong on that front (I guess it depends on the game really), on the other hand you have people tryin to censor shit they deem as "unacceptable". Tryin to change games they don't even play, or are not even the target audience for, weird stuff goin on.


"once an issue is "evaluated" by the masses, and a dominant opinion is formed, nobody can argue against it. They do, and they're dismissed, no matter how valid their points may be. You're free to say whatever you want but nobody will listen because of how it works. Ideas organically grow and change, but you have no effect on it unless you're in the majority."

This can be said not only for chan culture, but really idiologies as a whole. (ie.Society (although this one is really just slow to change and quick to action), Religion, Femenism, Tumblr, Cults etc...)

Good convo anyways :)
11/23/2015 1:11 am
Level 42 : Master Necromancer
candle_'s Avatar
Yeah, agreed on that second thing. That was sort of what I was trying to say, it's no better than any other culture or ideology, though I personally disagree with "tumblr" being an ideology and personally believe the intense hatred for it is because Poe's Law and how quickly outrage will spread over satire when in reality the people that ACTUALLY believe the things you see in posts are a very small but nontheless vocal minority of relatively reasonable people.

As for the first part it just deepnds on experiences I guess. I've found the opposite in many situations, though I deliberately avoid toxic people. I think it's more in the middle and depends upon the game, the person, and frankly just luck.

I don't think it's this widespread plague but it's slowly growing from what I've seen, especially because of recent controversies, especially over things like portrayal of women in gaming and the (sometimes perfectly understandable, don't get me wrong) aggressive pushes against any of that being discussed, and it's subtle at times. And at other times it's someone harassing a person constantly, or extreme gendered insults/threats of violence/mental conditions used as insults/etc.
11/20/2015 5:27 am
Level 32 : Artisan Nerd
jccreszMC's Avatar
Maybe it's the ones who throw the insults who are the old and rotten. we're just the upgrade and they're being Luddites.
11/19/2015 10:32 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Vampire
LadySpiderwick's Avatar
I've lived with Autism high- functioning pretty much all my life and mild depression + anxiety to boot. For me, Autism has, like you, shaped much of my life. It's shaped how I deal with new situations because along with my anxiety, it can hit me at any time. Just because my social interactions isn't developed like others I find that I'm intelligent in my own way.

I kind of thank my Autism because I have a passion of sorts to want to work with children, especially those with a disability because I understand how hard it is, and I want to show them that they are just as clever and special as non- disabled children.
11/19/2015 10:23 pm
Level 25 : Expert uwu
oO_Ender_Girl_Oo's Avatar
The internet needs more people like you.
There are too many ignorant and disrespectful kids here...
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