Minecraft Blogs / Article


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BobbyJones's Avatar BobbyJones
Level 42 : Master Taco
Bobby here and do I have a rant for you!

Ok, so I like to write. I like to blog. I like to read blogs. What I don't like: SPAM BLOGS

We all know what spam blogs are. We've all probably accidentally read them. They are irritating. A blog is a piece of writing that you use to get important articles, interviews, comics, art, whatever onto PMC.

They can share your thoughts, your rants, fun things, sad things, interesting things, I don't care but if something is truly in need of being shared by a blog I think it should be at least 300 characters.

I don't mean 300 characters of BS to try to meet that amount. I think PMC's is 150 which, to me, seems like it should be more of a forum post. I don't mean to be rude, but I don't care if you just hit 100 subscribers, that needs to be in the forums, not a blog. I don't care if you just opened a brand new server. That doesn't belong in the blogs. I don't care if you want to know what everyone's favorite type of candy is. THAT DOESN'T BELONG IN THE BLOGS.

If it has anything to do with celebrations, questions, servers or whatever it needs to be in the forums, not the blogs!

If you post any of that stuff in the forums I will be happy to congratulate you, I will answer your questions, or heck, I might even check out your server. If you post that in the blogs though I am going to flag that as fast as I see it. I'm pretty sure that PMC has rules against this blog spam, but then why is it still out there? Come on people, use your noggins. If there are rules against it, people probably don't like it!

This is the definition of a blog according to dictionary.com

a Web site containing the writer's or group of writers' own experiences, observations, opinions, etc.,

Would you look at that! A blog is supposed to be a well-written, informative piece of writing, who knew?! It's not supposed to be some 150 character spam saying how excited you are to be on PMC!! THAT'S FOR THE FORUMS.

I'm guessing people post that stuff in the blogs because they think people are more likely to see it in the blogs rather than the forums but that is all wrong. When I am looking through the blogs I don't click on crap like that because that's not what I want to read when I am looking for a blog.

I'm looking for a well-written, legible (very important), informative piece of work. Preferably over at least 200 characters, 300 is better though. Why? Because then I know that person took time and effort in their work. Even if I don't agree on something they wrote I know it's worth reading because it probably has information I hadn't considered and they obviously feel strongly about whatever they wrote so it's going to be a good read.

When people take time to upload anything I know it will be worth my time because they didn't just quickly throw something together to try to get diamonds, they want people to see what they've made because they feel it is a quality piece of work that they enjoyed making.

When I see a stupid little spam blog the only thing I can think about is that thing person wants attention for themselves.
All they did was write a 5 minute blog saying "hello please come to my PMC page I am new and I am excited. This place is cool and I hope I get a lot of subs and diamonds. I want to be as famous as Nicholas Cage on PMC. Wow, I'm not at 150 characters yet but I hope that maybe if I add more unnecessary words that I will hit the limit. Yay I think I did."

No one wants to read that. That is not a blog. The only thing I learned from that crap it that a) you are new to PMC b) you obviously don't care about putting time into your submissions so why would I want to check out your page? Oh and c) you like Nicholas Cage and want a ton of attention.

If you post that in the forums I will gladly greet you. I'll even give you some cool pictures of Nicholas Cage I have because you didn't post that crap in the blogs because it doesn't belong there.

Yes, Moderators have the ability to get rid of spam blogs, that is one of the reasons they are important. However, moderators cannot possibly get rid of all spam. There is too much. However, you, the one that posts spam can stop it. Want to know how? DON'T POST YOUR FREAKING SPAM. Whoop de doo problem solved. Also, everyone else can help to by flagging stupid spam blogs, skins, mods, etc.

PMC is a great website, and yeah we probably won't be able to get rid of all the spam but wouldn't it be nice if we could go to any section of the website and see more nice quality work than spam? It would be a miracle.

No one wants to see spam, very few people like spam, however people post spam so they can level up quickly by just a crapload of spam rather than a few quality submissions. These people need to be bonked on the head. With a brick. SPAM IS NOT COOL.

Here is a guide to whether you're blog is spam or not:

1. Did you make it from scratch? If not don't post.
2. Is it well-written and a good read? If not don't post.
3. Did you have a hard time getting up to 150 characters? DON'T POST.
4. Is it advertising yourself in anyway? DON'T POST.
5. Did you put time and effort aka more than 5 freaking minutes? If not...DON'T POST.

Just follow this nice, simple guide and you won't have to worry about posting spam because spam sucks :)

Thank you all for reading!
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07/13/2019 2:37 pm
Level 73 : Legendary Modder
dreamCritting's Avatar
what! no spam AWWW! noooo I like spam! oh well I guess I won't do any spam then not even 1 tiny bit
07/13/2019 2:38 pm
Level 73 : Legendary Modder
dreamCritting's Avatar
pity tho, I like spam but don't worry I won't do any
07/13/2019 2:39 pm
Level 73 : Legendary Modder
dreamCritting's Avatar
sorry I couldn't help it
11/24/2016 9:22 am
Level 39 : Artisan Fish
CHorse's Avatar
You know what else doesn't belong in PMC?

Apparently rants. Just wanted to mention that.
*gets banned for mini-modding*
09/27/2013 6:17 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Miner
anonpmc1072506's Avatar
10/08/2013 7:21 pm
Level 42 : Master Taco
BobbyJones's Avatar
Lol, I haven't been on in a while though. High school is a pain.
I'll try to upload some more so you can read even more rants! XD
10/08/2013 8:05 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Miner
anonpmc1072506's Avatar
08/11/2013 3:52 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Skinner
terreen's Avatar
OH MY GOD.... did you seriously post this after the last blog i commented on? thats hysterical! HYPOCRITE ALERT!
08/11/2013 3:58 pm
Level 42 : Master Taco
BobbyJones's Avatar
Bobby is confused as to why you think he is being hypocritical for writing this blog...

Last time I checked this was a rant not spam so...ok...
08/08/2013 9:50 pm
Level 27 : Expert Pokemon
Bluepenguin1o00's Avatar
5. Did you put time and effort aka more than 5 freaking minutes? If not...DON'T POST.

What if you are a fast typer?
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