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Steve's New Pet

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Set_46-Give_51's Avatar Set_46-Give_51
Level 32 : Artisan Scribe
One day in the peaceful SMP Steve lives on, Steve was eating a nice some carrots with his pet wolf. But the wolf wouldn't shut up because Steve ran into a cactus. At the moment Steve couldn't take it anymore so he ventured off to look for another pet. He wanted a cat, but he was allergic. He searched all he could but he just couldn't a better pet. Steve had finally gave up. He went mining to find some diamonds and more and he came across a stronghold. Now Steve was so shocked he found one of these. He ran back to recover all the Eye of Ender pearls he had. He found out he had one because he went to search for a stronghold before. But he went back down anyways. When he found the portal he saw that the frames were missing one simple eye. Steve placed it in and watched a portal actively BURST into life. Now Steve is not an idiot, so he brought some armor and supplies with him so he could venture in. He was ready to fight but when he got to the mainland, the ender dragon was defeated. Steve thought he was stuck but then he saw that the portal outta here. Before he left, he saw an egg. Steve then tried picking up egg but it teleported a few feet away. Steve had to go on a huge chasing spree for a couple of minutes until the egg stopped moving. When Steve returned home, he placed the egg near the fire and watched it for a month. Steve woke up one morning by the noise of some glass breaking. Steve was cautiously walking downstairs when he heard a loud munching noise. Steve looked around a corner and saw a big 3 headed monster scavenging through Steve's flower garden. Steve approached it carefully, and when Steve got near it, the monster ate 9 of his flowers in one single gulp. The creature then turned around and stopped moving when it saw Steve. Steve slowly moved back, but then the creature moved with him. Steve gave it a carrot and thought it would not eat him instead, and one of the heads ate it. Steve then moved back and it and stroked its back, and felt some rough spot then saw that it was injured there. When Steve moved up stairs to find some potions, the beast followed him up there. Steve's wolf was up there, and when it saw it creature, the wolf saw it and attacked the creature. When the monster had this happen, it made a aura looking shield around it and shot some weird looking projectile at the wolf. On impact with the wolf, the wolf died and the back of creature was healed. Steve then thought this could be his new pet instead of the stupid wolf. Steve had to name the beast, so he called it "Wither" for its behavior. Steve is now happy (for once) and he now has a pet to be satisfied with, and also doesn't die so easily. R.I.P. Wolf #624
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Credit624 Dead wolves

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10/10/2012 7:15 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Dragon
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i like this
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