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Styles of Writing - DiamondBlog

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Diamonddozen's Avatar Diamonddozen
Level 55 : Grandmaster Baconator
Hello DiamondMiners! Diamonddozen here. Do you like the new banner? If you do go check out _Ginko. He made it, and knows what he's doing.

Today's blog is all about different styles of writing. A writer's style can decide whether he's going to have a career in writing or not. I chose this topic as I am a writer. I like to find out things about people who do the same thing as I. So therefore...this blog.

Once Upon a Time...
Fairy tales have been here for many many years. Parents have been telling their children fairy tails since words were invented. The first published fairy tales were by the brothers grimm. These weren't actually what you might think they were. All these fairy tales about true love coming together, princesses, magic, and all that were originally...horror stories, but that's in a different section of this blog.

Fairy tales, as mentioned before, are all about magic, and love. Many authors have used this style as if they were in the early 1600's or so. It's a good style, but not one of my favourites.

It Was a Dark and Stormy Night...
This is one of my favourite styles. It has mystery, and horror wrapped up into one. This style always keeps you on your toes and asking "What happens next?". I couldn't name you off any Mystery authors, but I could tell you there are many. For instance in school (yes I'm still in school) we are on our mystery unit. So many marvelous stories of never giving up, but being in suspense.

"Short and Sweet That's What I Always Say"...
I couldn't tell you who that quote is from, but I know it's used quite a bit. Basically in this style writers make a short story that usually has a moral of some kind. A moral that everyone can relate to. Across a whole bunch of different categories. For instance let's look at two different books. The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton, and Maniac McGee by Jerry Spinelli. They aren't short stories that's for sure. However, they both have the same concept. The Outsiders is all about two sides of the city fighting against eachother. There's the rich, Socs (pronounced 'soshes'), and the poor, Greasers. In Maniac McGee there is also two sides to the city. The black, and the white. What I'm trying to say is that many books can teach the same thing.

One thing with short stories is that most of them follow the same plot diagram:
Introduction -
The introduction is all about what the name entails...introducing. It includes meeting the characters, revealing the setting, and many other things.

Rising Action -
The rising action is all about building up to the turning point of the story. It usually includes a problem, and someone tries at least three different ways to solve it.

Climax -
The climax is the turning point of the story. It has the most action, and basically solves the problem.

Falling Action -
The falling action is basically just briefing up what happened. There won't be much suspense, and gives you a break from all the excitement.

Conclusion -
This is where the author ends the story. That's about it.

*Bang* *Pow*...
This is going to sound weird, but I hate this style. I find action to be boring. At least action movies, anyways. they all seem generic, and about the same thing. Though that is just my opinion. Nothing more. Most people like this style, because of how much excitement there is to offer.

Stephen King's Specialty...
If you don't know who Stephen King is, he is a horror writer. He has written many award winning novels that even scare him. I like anything to do with horror. Books, movies, television shows, anything. I like it, because it takes skill to be scary. Many horror books aren't scary, because the author doesn't know how to tell it right. I find this style to be the hardest, but most rewarding.

I hoped you liked learning about the different styles of writing. Maybe you will become a famous writer someday and use these styles.

Woah I did not expect this at all. I was looking at the Pop Reel, and I saw this, and I literally yelled out "Woah". Needless to say my heart is racing. Thanks for all the support.

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01/14/2013 3:13 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Pirate
Mr_Pwnz0r's Avatar
W00t! Nice job Dia..Start getting on earlier and we'll write that blog :l
01/13/2013 11:51 pm
Level 25 : Expert Artist
SilentAero's Avatar
"It usually includes a problem, and someone tries at least three different ways to solve it."

Don't tell me what to do. I'm going to make a story with an issue, and he doesn't even try to solve it. YOLO
01/14/2013 8:09 am
Level 55 : Grandmaster Baconator
Diamonddozen's Avatar
No no no no no no. #YOLO. That's how YOLO it is.
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