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The Demons we Trap Inside 👿

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Fia Rue's Avatar Fia Rue
Level 34 : Artisan Lemon
(I didn't try very hard on this drawing btw...)

We all have had those moments, where we completely lost it.
We thrashed out on the person that we were bottling it all up against.
When you truly wanted to hurt them.

There's a difference between thinking about hurting someone,
and actually doing it.

But that's not what I'm going to discuss today.
It relates in some way.

Lucid Dreaming.
Are you superstitious?
The most likely answer to that question is no.
I'm not either, but I do believe demons and angels exist.
I will get into why I believe that another time maybe.

But, besides the point, demons exist as well.
I've heard about some people, who have attempted lucid dreaming,
have it totally backfire on them.

Instead of going somewhere nice, warm, in your mind.
They went to somewhere far worse.
I'm not sure how exaggerated this is, or if it's even true.
I know people will laugh at me for believing this, or even being concerned.
But, the thing I probably best at is worrying.
I hate to see someone in agony,
Nonetheless, I'm worried about this person.

He is a good person,
but, demons don't care about that.
I believe, when you are lucid dreaming, we all become susceptible to that experience.
You are not in a dream, but you are not in reality.
You're in between, giving the demon a chance,
Sure, when you're asleep, you're probably more vulnerable, but a dream is
your subconscious mind making images and video in your head.

The demon can't make you experience the horror it wants you to have.
But, in lucid dreams, you are neither awake nor asleep.
You are aware of your surroundings,
but you're not awake.

The demon could do to you as it pleased.

Watch SultenSketches 4 part to the video I linked in here.
I don't believe he could've made that up.
He's proven to be a reliable YouTuber.
And, he's a PG channel,
his channel would get a strike for making something just to scare the children.

There are many reasons to believe he is telling the truth.
Also, if you don't believe or agree with what I'm saying,
don't think too much on it.
I don't want someone out there to get startled,
or, ironically, superstitious.


Eh, but then again, what do I know?
I've never encountered a demon before, or even attempted lucid dreaming.
I guess I'll update you if I ever do.

Don't take this seriously btw,
I do believe Sultan had some trauma with lucid dreaming,
but, he could've been forming it in his mind without realizing it.
His friend, advised him not to, without telling him why.
She was already on the topic about demons and all,
and then mentioned lucid dreaming.

Sultan could've been imagining the things he saw.

You can be the judge of that.
But, I do advise you not to get too deep into things like this,
people always pay for playing with fire.


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04/09/2020 10:54 am
Level 29 : Expert Button Pusher
EnderFlame_'s Avatar
lol love the tags you chose xD
04/09/2020 10:54 am
Level 29 : Expert Button Pusher
EnderFlame_'s Avatar
I skimmed, now confused.
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