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The Ever Increasing Occurrence of Disappointing Minecraft Udates

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KiddShadow's Avatar KiddShadow
Level 21 : Expert Scribe
Before you start bombarding me with insults, let me get this straight: I am not a Minecraft hater, and I'm glad for anything Mojang produces. I only hope they never lay there eyes on this and get discouraged.

Remember back in the good old days of Minecraft, when you couldn't do s**t with redstone? Remember when you had ad a second rail to your minecart track in order to speed up your minecart? Or, what about when gold was actually useful for something such as blast proof armor? If you've been around in Minecraft for a long time, like when the Halloween update came out, you probably will understand this better. As Minecraft updated, it slowly got to a high point, and now starts to decay. We've seen some really marvelous things in Minecraft, such as pistons, redstone, enchantments, comparator, repeaters, spawner carts, and potions, yet we've also seen some rather depressing things, too. Pistons (again), carrots, potatoes, hunger, and soon horses, have made me say "Really Mojang?".

The fact that Minecraft updates is what keeps it selling so well. You never have to pay monthly fees or buy a new version of the game, like "Minecraft II". Updates always keep us playing, too. We're always excited to see what Mojang will think of next. The Seecret Friday Updates brought us redstone, which opened up a whole new aspect to Minecraft. The Halloween update brought us the Nether, which added numerous new perils and adventures, and also opened a possibility of far more updates. Updates are the heart and soul of why Minecraft sells.

Though crucial to Minecraft's survival, updates also bring it down. We see updates coming faster and faster now as Mojang works all night to keep us happy, but I believe they should take it down a notch (bad pun, I know). I find more and more a lack of creativity in the updates. The first time this came up was with pistons. I see it as a copy of the pistons mod. I understand how convenient it was that we no longer had to mod for this useful device, but I disagree with it being the star of the update. It would have been better if they had waited, and added it in as a side thing. Now we see horses coming in. Unlike pistons, I think horses are just a complete copy off of the Simply Horses mod. Sure they're cool and all, but what makes them an original Mojang idea, what actually makes them usefull? The same with TNT carts. Not an original Mojang idea, a copy off of railcraft, and completely useless.

I hope to spark some discussion over this, so leave you thoughts in the comments. If you plan to write a falming comment I will ignore you, but I will look at both sides, so don't be afraid to disagree with me.

I just hope Mojang never sees this.

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06/08/2013 1:59 am
Level 27 : Expert Engineer
SG_Unicron's Avatar
I have to agree even though I'm a relatively new player (I started playing in 1.3.2). I'm mean, horses.... You got the guy who made Mocreatures on board to add horses.......... Ya shoulda worked with iChun to add the portal gun... Or maybe work with the guy who made the Dalek mod!...... Not cool Jeb.
06/08/2013 10:35 am
Level 21 : Expert Scribe
KiddShadow's Avatar
Yeh, they just have to stop overworking, and start imagining more.
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