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The Fall Of Luther: Story Part 1

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AuxiliaryCraft's Avatar AuxiliaryCraft
Level 16 : Journeyman Fisherman
The Fall Of Luther: Story Part 1

In the early years there were two brothers, the Emperor and the General. They were both son's of AuxilairyCraft's king, Luther Dragon-thorn the Third. After King Luther's death in the Winter of 4932AD the General and the Emperor sought knowledge of who would become the king's successor. To their surprise, Mariana, Luther's daughter was named the King's heir. The Emperor, blind with rage, could not deal with his Father's decision to over look him as successor, being the oldest of Luther's three children, he had trained for years, expecting to be the heir to the king's dynasty. Legend claims he crept up on Mariana while she was over looking her new found kingdom and pierced her heart with a single arrow from his elmwood bow. The news of Mariana's death reached the General on his way through the small town of Darkwood. Stricken with grief the General returned home, leading an army across the land, scorching the earth beneath him as he went. When he arrived at his late Farther's kingdom he was greeted by Farington, his friend and loyal guard. Farignton told the General of Mariana's murder and the evil, which had overcome his brother. Legends say that the General's shout shook the very walls of the palace. The General began to run, with such force and speed the earth below him erupted in clouds of dust, he ran to the castle gate, removing it from its hinges with a strike with his palm. There lay the lifeless body of his sister, Mariana and stood behind it, the pulsating figure of his brother, the Emperor. In despair they charged at one another, the impact was so strong a wave of life-energy erupted between them, reducing their farther's once lively Kingdom, into a burning wasteland of ashes, death and destruction. Weak and powerless, the two brothers stumbled off in opposite directions through the thick cloud of smoke...

Stumbling away from the once great kingdom, the General found himself crawling towards the towering walls of a large, sand like structure. He heard voices above him and rolled tight up against the wall. The sound of footsteps became louder sweeping up dusts of sand as they went. The General looked up, only for his eyes to meet the hot glare of the sun. Two figures emerged, running towards him at speed, before he could speak, the cold face of an iron shovel came down, crunching into his skull. His eyes closed and faded to darkness... As the General regained consciousness, he heard the steady murmur of applause and the snarl of a deep, booming voice. He felt the familiar tickle of sand under his finger tips. Raising his head, all became clear. The crowd of Sarafel arena clapped in slow applause, the General realised where he was, he had wondered so far from his motherland he had come across Sarafel castle. Sarafel was infamous for its oppressive leader Salvar and his vulgar rule. Luther and Salvar have been sworn enemies since the days of the Sky wars. Legend goes that King Luther killed Salvar's farther, Balgorn, with his bare hands, ripping off all his armour and weapons and challenging Balgorn to a fight to the death. For this reason the infested land of Sarafel was plunged into darkness and Salvar oppressed and murdered his own people in rage. Sure enough, Salvar was stood at the highest point of the arena bellowing commands at his officers. The General pushed himself to his feet and stumbled into the centre of the towering arena, the crowed erupted in applause. With a single wave, Salvar silenced the crowd. "Welcome, General, to my humble kingdom, not exactly Dragon-Thorn castle is it?" The General panted, tired and starved fell to his knees. Slavar laughed making his way down the stone steps to a lower balcony overhanging the arena's sand floor. "For years your father left us in poverty and despair, but where is old Luther now, hmm? Oh that's right, word has it the fool is dead". The General grasped a handful of sand, the earth shook, the General raised his head and his eyes burned like netherack, he arose to his feet. Salvar drew his sword...

The crowd began running in fear towards the nearest exit of the colosseum, only to be forced back by Salvar's personal guard. The General pulsed with energy, Salvar, still smirking, scraped the sand with the edge of his diamond sword, arrogantly pacing towards the General. They both stopped just meters from each other, the quaking breath of Salvar was loud and distracting. Salvar dropped a small dagger in front of his foot. The General looked cautiously towards the rusty blade, then at the bulging muscles tightly clenching a sword right above it. He knew better than to trust a king of Sarafel. Salvar saw the Generals hesitation and viciously swung with the edge of his sword, the General threw himself to the floor, dodging the blade by mere inches. The General sturdied himself and attempted to regain his footing, the large metal boot of Salvar came crashing down, shattering the General's rib cage. Rolling in agony, clutching his side, the General crawled away from the hulking being which was the king of Sarafel. Salver laughed in glee at his struggling opponent. "What would dear old Mariana say hmm?" the General stopped crawling. "Oh yes, I've heard all about her, how is your broth.." before the words could fall from Salvar's lips, the General, in one swift movement, leaped to his feet, clutching then launching the dagger into Salvar's chest propelling him off his feet onto the sand a few feet behind him. The same burning hate flamed in the General's eyes, the guards began clicking down from the various balconies into the area. They surrounded the General, slowly closing him in. With a eruption of anger the General let out a mighty yell which shook the walls and surrounding city of Sarafel. His hands burst into flames, he began hurling balls of consuming fire at the guards, who began retreating, like a wolverine he leaped from wall to wall massacring the guards, reducing them to ashes with the now blue burning flames spraying from his hands. The crowed lay silent. A man in the crowed kneeled, the rest followed like a collapsing of a wave, bowing at the man who had freed them of their oppressive leader. The body of Salvar was burned later that day, in front of Sarafel's new leader, the General. And so was born the free and heroic faction of the Alliance...

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