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The Horrible Quality of Today's Articles

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CheatSource's Avatar CheatSource
Level 36 : Artisan Dragonborn
While looking through the pop reel for blogs, as I usually do every day, I saw a blog with a crappy thumbnail, and the title reading "People on servers that I hate". The blog has been removed by the owner; I hope I didn't completely discouraged her from making articles. I just want a little proper grammar.

The Horrible Grammar of Today's Articles

I read through the entire article. What most annoyed me was all the font being completely random. Most of the text had a big font size with small font sizes inbetween every now and then. Random font sizes are very unnessesary, and makes your blog look bad in most cases. Even the colors were random, switching between blue, black, and green. Sometimes even the background color behind the text was changed.

Then there were the people that were described as annoying on servers. The first was the girls that always talked, about her life in perticular. An example given of what these girls usually say is, "My boyfriend just broke up with me." Sure, girls talk sometimes, even hiding the fact that they are a girl because they'll either get perved on, or be made fun of by little nine-year-olds that still believe in coodies. I'm not even sure how you spell that, I was never into the coodies game.

There were three others, two of which were the grammar nazis and the advertisers. I don't really like the name "grammar nazi" because it compared grammatically correct people to people who killed jewish people. I can get why advertisers are annoying, but grammatically correct people don't correct every little word you say because everyone knows that can get really annoying. Sometimes they may be neccessary when you have a ton of kids that can't even spell their own name.

But what about the advertiser? Yes, advertisers can be annoying, that's the only thing on the list that was true. It's not like their really neccessary. They just advertise servers they want to be admin on, but that server is going down in a couple weeks, so why even bother. I'm going to stop talking about advertisers before this turns into the same blog she made, but the grammatically correct version.

Sometimes I would see people in the comments saying, "This blog is awesome! Diamond," but usually in the horrible grammar that people like that use. Then it would make me feel better seeing people who actually cared about grammar and spelling, saying stuff like, "There's grammar, and then there's English." It makes me feel like I'm not the only one who likes to see a good and organized blog. There could have at least been headers, but we all know how buggy Planet Minecraft is. They have to be indifferent by using BBCode instead of HTML.

Right now, I'm using p instead of span for some reason and that's why my paragraphs are a little inclined on the left side. Just make up your mind on what you want, because it took me a few minutes to figure out how to use center so that it doesn't delete my entire article in the process. But that's a rant for another time, and I will possible make one on how to fix your article so you can use headers and center correctly.

Anyways, at the end of the article I covered, she says there is going to be another part about the hater, and that it took two days to make. I really don't think it took that long. There's no obvious edits or revisions besides changing the font all willy nilly. Apparently there was a lot of "planning" involved, which I don't believe. If it were worked on so hard maybe the grammar and spelling would be better. This article took about half an hour to do, and I'm completely revising the entire article, rewording most of it to look better and improving the headers at the top of each section, even updating outdated information.

Here's an exact quote, copy and pasted during the time the blog was still up. "so.... these is the type of people i hate in servers....*akward*". First off, I don't know what's so awkward about starting off the article. It can't be awkward unless her friend is breathing down her neck the whole time and she didn't mention it in the article. There's also supposed to be three periods instead of four, you should have at least gotten that part right.

The article was the first thing on the pop reel besides the Above the Clouds contest. In case you're wondering about that second section she's writing about the hater, that article was taken down for reason I don't know about. Maybe a moderator had taken it down for low quality, maybe I discouraged her and she took it down, either way, I'm saving this article into a text file because I'm hoping this article isn't taken down too. The section about the hater probably would have just talked about them raging and calling random people noobs.

This article has been majorly condensed down, and the paragraphs are a bit longer because some of them were combined, then modified. Why did I make my entire article look shorter? Well, I wanted it to look nicer. I even made the font size smaller because I really don't like big looking text. I like to keep to the simple eight pixel size. People don't like long looking text, which is why this is split into paragraphs, which I will explain in another article.

The Horrible Quality Thumbnails of Today's Articles

In the previous version of this article, I said there would be three sections to this blog, covering the two aspects of a quality article. The third section would be about how other people think I'm the first one to talk about this subject, even though I'm not. Stop saying I'm the first one. I've seen some about the entire blog section being low quality and that it's dead. I've seen others about grammar and how most people don't use it. The only difference is that I'm going to cover all that in one article.

This happens much more frequently on the pop reel than articles with bad grammar and random font. The thumbnails are the things least worked on. It takes maybe five to ten minutes to make my thumbnails. This one doesn't look at good at the one that are upcoming because my Minecraft animator was outdated. Now that it's updated, I can make them look much better. Yes, this section of the article is shorter than the others.

I want to redirect you to this blog. The thumbnail looks really nice. Even though it's from NovaSkins, at least she cared enough to put a good thumbnail. One thing that really bugs me is when people post a plain link, not putting it into text. It doesn't look good, especially if it's a really long link. Shrink it into an Adfly link? Still put it into text. It still just plain looks better. It could be because they don't know they can do that, maybe they're just lazy like people who can't press the shift button, or people who can't get a proper thumbnail.

Back to the topic of low quality thumbnails. I'll usually see one that is just a meme downloaded from the internet, or even a thumbnail taken from a YouTube video which really bugs me. If you want a quality and animated thumbnail, just message me. I don't ask for anything in return, but I need the details of what you want on the thumbnail. You can even get one off of NovaSkin too, I just don't know where because I don't use NovaSkin, I use Skin Studio on my iPad. It's just much easier to make skins on there for me.

I'll see a pretty good article with correct grammar and an original topic, but the thumbnail will be copied or low quality. I really hate when their copied from a video or a small resolution. I especially don't like the ones that don't fit the frame, so it zooms in on a certain part of the picture. I like mine to be 1920x1080, but I'll usually make them a smaller resolution so that they don't look blurry because they are fit into frame. I care more about the thumbnail than the grammar, but it's best to have both high quality. That's what will get your article noticed. I'll even make a tutorial blog on making high quality articles. In fact, that will be the next section.

6 Update Logs

Update #6 : by CheatSource 07/19/2014 5:49:03 pmJul 19th, 2014

Added fourth section. Does anyone read these besides moderators?

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08/18/2014 5:36 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Network
irritatedCat's Avatar
Grammar. I've talking about this multiple times,

I don't exactly understand what their for, but their probably useful.

If youdid one about what's coming in the update, your tags would be: article, blog, 1.8, update, Minecraft, coming soon.


You're not a grammar ninja yourself. Nice blog, but you happened to get a little narsistic at times.
08/19/2014 10:47 am
Level 36 : Artisan Dragonborn
CheatSource's Avatar
The point I was making is that most blogs have grammar going along the lines of this.
"i lik dis skin cuz its funy"
08/17/2014 4:26 pm
Level 52 : Grandmaster Batman
smanrt's Avatar
Really like your blogs!
07/19/2014 7:46 pm
Level 67 : High Grandmaster Senpai
Dguy's Avatar
This kinda seems pretencious, using yourself as the example most of the time. If your "so good" at making blogs, then why can't you prove your points with sources. It isn't that hard putting up links to good blogs, and inserting quoted phrases from bad ones. Don't sit here and act like your blogs are invincible either, I don't see you or anybody else on this site getting a Pulitzer.
07/19/2014 6:31 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Network
Cheese_Commander's Avatar
I'm 18% Noob.

07/19/2014 2:48 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Network
Cheese_Commander's Avatar
How do you make your thumbnails?
07/19/2014 2:52 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Dragonborn
CheatSource's Avatar
I create a scene using Mine-imator, then export it as a picture. I also use a ton of different fonts using DaFont.com, although I haven't put text on my Planet Minecraft thumbnails yet.
07/19/2014 2:55 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Network
Cheese_Commander's Avatar
07/11/2014 8:21 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Cowboy
HappyGalaxy2's Avatar
I get that its annoying that some people download thumbnails, such as myself, but the do their own little minor hanges, and a reason that they download them is that they have no clue how to make one so thats the best thing they can do, they can also be quiet busy and just want to post their opinion. Also, when you voulenteered to make animations for them, they might not have the time or patience to wait for you to finish or you might not be on. I'm just saying, I dissagree with that point.
07/11/2014 3:13 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
anonpmc1232741's Avatar
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