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[Story] Story of the Nether

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robscottish's Avatar robscottish
Level 8 : Apprentice Architect
Chapter 1 The Pigmen.

For melleniums ago, the Nether was a land of beauty and nature...

Inhabited by great ansectors of the creeper and the pig, the Pigmen saved nature from all kinds of harm, such as fire.

Altough Pigman Conuntry (Now known as Atlantis, because it sank into the vowels of the earth.) was peacefull there were evil pigmen among the crowd. These pigmen killed their bretheren, and revived them as zombie slaves forevermore. A dark mage named Creepous Ancesterous McGunpowder (unoriginal name, i know :P) managed to slay 51% living pigmen, and they were soon to be revived of their death, unwillingly as evil zombie pigmen. Those who resisted, were the strongest hunters, who kept natures balance. The dark pigman mage, split them into 2 parts, the evil side of doom known as Creepers and the good nature and tasty porkchop giving pig.

The creepers were evil, and helped the dark mage, but the once nature defending pigs, couldnt do a thing to stop their evil sides.

In the end, Creepous decided to punish still surviving pigmen (if there were any!) by sinking the land into the earth, and making it a hell, Creepous decided to call this The Nether.

Chapter 2 The guardians of hell.

Pigmen escaped back into the overworld as the zombies called it, there escaped thousands per what would be called a day on the overworld, so like in Berlin with the wall, Creepous didnt create a guarded wall, he created giant prisons, Nether Forts and created flying jellyfish cops the Ghasts, guarding the cells he made a 3 times so dangerous enemy a Blaze, instead of shooting 1 fireball, they shoot 3! Pigmen tryed to establish their kingdom another place, but in the new lands there lived humans. Humans were greedy creatures that destroyed nature for their palaces and castles, they even mistaked the pigmen for pigs, and ate them... ALIVE! The pigmen numbers fell! They had to steal soucres of weapons especaliy diamond and iron. With the loss of the pigmen the greedy humans had to make more farms and breed animals, and not just slay what moves. Altough the pigmen soon saw bigger dangers than those greedy humans! Zombies, like in the Nether they were hunted by the dead.

Then they saw humans fighting the zombies and a green thingy that went boom.

The pigmen were ambushed by the green thingys, and when the humans saw them fighting them. Pigmen werent pork, they were allys (Or not >:D?)

The pigman tribe leader helped a human "highrank" about their dangers, the nether creepous and their zombie bretheren ghasts, but he forgot Nether Prisons and Blaze. But he showed them how to access the nether, though a portal out of expensive wares; obsidian.

Chapter 3: War of the worlds

The pigmen and their allys the humans planned an ambush, to free their still living bretheren from the prisons. The pigmen told the trible leader about the prisons and blaze as they had forgotten.

The portals were ready, the army was ready, appart from one thing. Creepers were suddenly EVERYWHERE as if they were spying about the attack. 'Cause they ARE! Creepous knew what he was going up agianst. He moved the prisoners, gave the zombies gold swords of infection and created a new slave race: Magma Cubes

Magma Cubes are dead slimes, with a molten core hotter than lava, they set stuff they touch on fire, and melt armour often killing the opponent due extreme heat.

The creepers stopped swarming the overworld, and let the Humans and Pigmen enter.

Little did any know they were being observed... By a third force of dont blink or you die.


Who will the Endermen support? Leave your answer in the comments!

3 Update Logs

Update #3 : by robscottish 11/05/2011 8:36:25 amNov 5th, 2011

Added chapter three

Who do YOU think the enderman will support?

Answer in the comments!

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12/07/2011 3:09 am
Level 24 : Expert Cowboy
S0J_KAM1KAZ1's Avatar
i think that the endermen should be the real villains. I think that they will use the life force from the war of worlds to open a portal so that their dark god the ENDERDRAGON can go into both the nether and overworld and basically be evil. and it turns out that the ENDERDRAGON actually caused the war and is the whole reason of Creepous Ancesterous McGunpowder's powerful evil powers! and at the darkest hour a hero will arise and save every one.

anyways that's how I think it should end.
if its okay with you can i use this story and expand it and make an ending for it?
kinda just did
11/08/2011 7:44 am
Level 42 : Master Nether Knight
bob99's Avatar
the ender men will NOT help anyone,they just try to destroy their emeys
11/05/2011 7:27 am
Level 42 : Master Nether Knight
bob99's Avatar
11/05/2011 4:39 am
Level 53 : Grandmaster Elf
lukeyio's Avatar
Nice story!
11/04/2011 5:05 pm
Level 42 : Master Nether Knight
bob99's Avatar
cool!your right about humans
11/05/2011 2:29 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Architect
robscottish's Avatar
Yeah i know, appart from us eating pigmen and pigs alive. However we do eat oysters and mussels (And on Noma the "best" restruant prawns.) ALIVE O:
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