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The Offical Endercraft Community (Often duplicated)

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BoyOfTheEnders's Avatar BoyOfTheEnders
Level 44 : Master Artist
Hello Zaralith and PMC Staff,

I have attempted to file my greivance with your staff, reguarding the multiple repeat copys of my original communtiy's name and server's graphics and images.
The reply's I get from your staff are simply "Prove it", to no avail.
The blatant overlooking of content theft is appauling, and without a doubt, reporting and flagging these has been a total waste of my time, thanks to the actions of the staff here.

The hyperlink posted previously to Zaralith is broken, but I assure you the certificate link on the bottom of Endercraft.com is valid, and the DMCA has taken copy-cat content theft sites down for me, at a fee.
The url posted in the previous message is simply broken, the real certificate page is indeed operational.
Also, it seems you have no idea how the DMCA website works, as they do charge for take-downs, and they do follow though.
It is by no means free, and we have been satisfied with their execution of removing ender-craft.com's scam site, impersonating our server.

There was a one time more than 4 servers listed as "Endercraft" on PMC, that have literally stolen my banners off our website, and our fan's artwork, for their own use. This is wrong.

I can see you do not investigate anything fully enough to even see that the legitimate certificate on our site is Valid, instead simply following a link I gave you, and blowing me off.

The community I run is healthy enough, that I don't think we need to worry about the imposters, and copycat servers, that are rampant on both your site's listings, and other top lists.

I appreciate your time, trying to debunk my claims, and I would rather just deal with the copycats, than have to deal with your staff calling me a liar. Due to this nonprofessional, I will discontinue reporting of my content being stolen by your users.
What is the flagging process for if you just call people a liar?
Regardless of my proof of Trademark and Copyright, it would be amazing to receive some kind of feedback as to the 20+ server listings using the community's name, I have flagged here.

My originality is often called "Copying" by your own staff, in fact I was banned from PMC for my original texture pack work, by your member SoulStealer, without any investigation what so ever. Obviously that is the theme around the Moderator table here, Zaralith has proven this.


I am the copyright and now, after a application fee of 375$, and processing, a Trademark holder!!
I am the owner of Endercraft.com and the related server and community.
Our next step is to file for a DBA license to market Endercraft Community themes merchandise!
Obviously we can not market "Minecraft" merch, so we will be using 100% original art along with the name as a logo!
I would just like to talk about the server and community that I have spent countless hours and dollars on designing trademarking, and copyrighting those designs to the fullest extent, all the while watching the Minecraft community blatantly steal the unique creations and users of sites like PMC then steal to call their own.

Sites like CreativeCommons.org and DMCA.com promise to help protect users from copyright infringement, but a large deal of cooperation is required in order to catch these thieves.

Myself and a legal team have been notified by, that we are to contact anyone who has created and copied anything contained within the trademark and copyright's umbrella.

I would just like to warn the PMC community that all servers listed as Endercraft besides the one I own and operate, will be reported as Illegal duplicates, and asked to be removed.

Last time we did this the PMC staff banned me for doing what I am legally inclined to do.
Wish us luck in our endeavors.

Want to trademark your unique server name before the world copies it?
It will cost you a pretty penny and a lot of time!
Filed in June for copyright and trademark, and just now got a certificate!
It is actually illegal to claim you have a copyright or trademark if you don't!

So come to Endercraft.com, steal our graphics and make yet another server called Endercraft
PMC will let you, they dont care! I will AGAIN, file a 200$ take-down fee with DMCA and have your site removed, successfully, to prove the Staff here wrong.

OUR REPLY FROM THE DMCA on our first takedown:

Hello BoyOfTheEnders,

We have received your request to process a Professionally Managed case.

It is: DMCA-CASE#12438 You can login and view your case details here: https://www.dmca.com/Cases/view.aspx?id=44450681-bca2-4897-9841-7ded9ab2206b

We will begin processing your Takedown as soon as we receive payment.

To pay for your takedown case, please click on the PayPal link on the top left of the case detail view.

If you have already submitted your payment, thank you. We will have begun your Takedown and no further action on your part at this time is required.
Thank you
DMCA Takedowns

2 Update Logs

Update #2 : by BoyOfTheEnders 04/11/2012 1:53:54 pmApr 11th, 2012

Added letter to pmc staff.

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10/26/2012 4:00 pm
Level 44 : Master Artist
BoyOfTheEnders's Avatar
04/11/2012 2:22 pm
He/Him • Level 88 : Elite Scapegoat Programmer
Paril's Avatar
DMCA takedown requests do not cost anything. I'm pretty sure there's something fishy going on, there.
Had Cyprezz gotten an official DMCA notice from the US government, we would have had no choice but to take it down, but from my understand we haven't gotten anything.

04/11/2012 2:41 pm
Level 44 : Master Artist
BoyOfTheEnders's Avatar
I went ahead and added our reply from them regarding our first case, that is now closed.
04/11/2012 2:33 pm
Level 44 : Master Artist
BoyOfTheEnders's Avatar
It's all over a bunch of unoriginal little kids..... Very sad reflection of the lack of creativity in a game's community that is supposed to be nothing but creative.
04/11/2012 2:30 pm
Level 44 : Master Artist
BoyOfTheEnders's Avatar
They do actually charge a fee... quite funny how much you guys don't investigate these things.
After filling paying for the Certificate, we have the option to use their Takedown process at a 174$-200$ filing fee per site. This is legitimate, and has worked for us.
04/11/2012 2:32 pm
Level 44 : Master Artist
BoyOfTheEnders's Avatar
No the "Requests" are free.. the actual action beyond that, costs money.
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