This Blog is an entry in the completed A Life of Steve.

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The Origin of Steve - A Life of Steve Contest Entry

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WormWithRabies's Avatar WormWithRabies
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
It was a peaceful day in Minesville. It was time for the Moon Festival. During the Moon Festival, there would be a celebration celebrating the Harvest Moon at midnight. Everybody was there. They counted down as the clock started heading towards midnight, but moments before 12:00, something terrible happened. The clock froze, lightning struck, and there was a terrible whirlwind. Zombies, creepers, and skeletons rained from the skies. The Wither came down and destroyed everything and everyone. One man, named Steve, managed to escape the Wither, but his friends weren't so lucky. Steve fought the Wither, and Steve was strong, too. The Wither retreated to his firey domain, the Nether, but his minions stood their guard on Earth. Ever since, monsters have been coming out at night time to destroy Steve, ending the human reign. Steve needed to avenge his friends, so he forged the best armor he could craft. He fought off the monsters, but every night they would come back. There were too many. He enchanted his armor and his sword, and went off to slay every monster in sight. He mined and he farmed. He brought down and he raised up. He built and he destroyed. He finally had rebuilt what the Wither had destroyed. All but one thing. His friends. No matter what he did, he couldn't bring them back. Killing monsters and rebuilding his own little world wasn't enough. He killed every animal in sight, getting all the food he could. He got coal and sticks, and made torches. He cooked his food, enchanted his armor, sharpened his sword, and went on. He mined as deeply as he could, until he was as deep as he could go. He mined and mined, gaining more minerals. He headed up for the night, and opened up his chest. Taking out all of his obsidian and a lighter, he built a portal to the Nether, the Wither's kingdom. He grabbed all of his food, plenty of torches, a chest, a weapon, a pickaxe, a wolf, and some building materials. He headed off into the portal, and was attacked almost instantly by a Ghast. He dodged every hit the Ghast made, and with his keen eye, he shot it. He was swarmed with pigmen, and his wolf sacrificed its life for him. The wolf had died, but so had most of the pigmen. He was being chased, and he ran and ran. He found a good place to settle down for the night. He ate some steak and built a small stone house. The next morning, he headed off to find the Wither. He made it to the Wither's main fortress and proceeded up the stairs. He fought off Blazes, survived through burning lava and cubes of magma, and fought off the Wither's henchman. One-by-one he collected the heads of his skeletal minions, until he had a total of three. He got some soul sand and managed to get to the very top of the Nether. Nervous, but not afraid, he ate the last of his food, readied his sword, and summoned the Wither, the one who had killed all of his friends. It was a terrifying battle. The Wither nearly blew him to pieces with his exploding skull projectiles. With Steve's last bit of energy, he had defeated the Wither. For once he was finally at peace. He had defeated the one who murderously ruined his life with no actual point.. Steve fell on the ground. When he awoke, he was back on Earth. Could it have been a dream? No. He still felt more peaceful than he ever had. He walked outside, and it was night time. Something was different, though. The area wasn't littered with the horrible and frightening monsters like before. He was happy to have fianlly defeated the Wither, and he did, indeed, feel more at peace. But, even without the monsters everywhere, it still wasn't the same. He climed to Eclipse Peak, a big mountain named in honor of the Moon Festival. It was the day of the Moon Festival once again, but with no one to celebrate it with. He looked down from Eclipse Peak, looking at the disasterous remains of the Moon Festival area from the previous year. He sat there, sadly, with his pet Pig. His only friend he truly had left. He turned around and headed back home, but before he could even make several steps down the mountain, something miraculous happened. A lunar beam shot down from the sky. It created a light so blinding that nobody could see anything at all, whether they were looking at the light or not. He rushed down to the festival area to see what had just happened, and that's when he saw it. Somehow his family and friends had been brought back. They were dead, but they were brought back. By defeating the Wither to avenge his friends and family, he had actually brought them back. After that day, he was given the title 'Harbinger of Life'. That year they had a Moon Festival to remember, and something to be thankful for.

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The Origin of Steve - A Life of Steve Contest Entry

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