This Blog is an entry in the completed A Life of Steve.

Minecraft Blogs / Story

The Sacrifice of Time

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fira12345's Avatar fira12345
Level 1 : New Miner

"Hey you!" the voice in the distance called out. "Start working! We don't feed you for nothing!"

I saw him pick up his pickaxe once again, using up all of his remaining strength and dug it into the earth. The shock of the impact rattled through him and I felt all of my strength leave my arms as he fell to the ground, lifeless. As my eyes slowly filled with tears, the guards hauled his empty shell of a body away. I did not know that boy, but I still felt a pinch of sadness.

My name is Steve. My surroundings for the past few years were rocky mountains and a furious sea enveloping the island, which waves crashed against the shoreline mercilessly.

As I was blanking out, I saw the guards break out into a run...towards me. 

"I don't remember telling you that you could take a break." he snarled, "You might want to change your attitude before I change you." He showed me his whip, as to scare me back into working.

I wanted to defy him to punch up in his crooked face, but at the same time I also knew the consequences. I gritted my teeth and picked up my pickaxe once more and slammed it hard against the earth. The guard smiled smugly and walked away. Out of my eye I saw many others glance at me and I smiled at them. We all were here in the same place, so we should all help each other keep cheerful in any way.

The guards did not think that way though.

I felt the sting of the whip on my back and as I turned around the same guard was glaring at me with a murderous look.

“I thought you could understand me when I talked about you before. No delays. Back to work miner.”

I went back to chiseling stone for the rest of the day. What could I do? The guards had armor and weapons: bows, guns and swords. However, we had nothing that we could use to fight with. We only had what kept us alive day after day: Faith.

“Bong! Bong!” the bell on top of on of the countless guard towers rang, signaling the end of our shift.

I, along with the many workers all headed towards the meal hall where we were given our meals for all the cursed days that we were here. But the moment I walked into the hall, there was an atmosphere more different than usual. I heard scraps of speech here and there but I got what the gist of it was.

There was going to be a new shipment later tonight.

I once again cursed at the gods for allowing people like them to capture innocent souls and sell their lives for a project that they had no idea what it was. It was horrible. As I lined up, I once again thought of the time when the army came for my village…I was only 8 then…

“Get the children! Burn their houses! Leave no one alive!” I held back tears as the flashback came to me vividly. Run…Run faster! Their coming and you have to warn the others! My feet were racing forward and behind me I heard the screams of children and adults alike. “Glory to the Empire!” I heard as another building was burned to ashes and toppled to the ground.

“I see one here!” I quickly turned around only to see my childhood friend, Karina being grabbed by two guards, about to pile her on top of a truck. I felt my blood boil inside of me and out of the corner I saw a shard of glass on the ground, broken from one of the buildings. I picked it up and ran at the two guards like a wild animal. I never saw the end of that as the whole world blacked out.

When I woke up, I saw that I was on a cheaply put together boat that was headed towards an island. I looked around me…I was all alone.

I overheard the guards that were driving the boat talking about the raid on my village.

“Pity we killed almost all of them…only one left!” one of them said.

“I could have used them for new jobs I created too!” the other chuckled.

As they both howled with laughter at the top of their lungs, I felt my anger rise up in me.


It has been about 8 years since that time and I have still not forgiven them. I smiled at the food vendor and she smiled back and ladled a chunk of unknown goo onto my tray. I sat down on a chair next to a few of my friends that I knew from this rotten place.

“Heard about your adventures with the guard…and is it true another guy dropped?” Hatter asked as he splattered the table with food.

Before I could reply, he got a slap on the back as an answer. “Chew. Swallow. Then talk! I swear I have never seen such a idiotic slave before!” as Charlotte continued on her rant, I quickly silenced her before we attracted any more attention.

Hatter was a young boy caught at around the same age as me but we were in different towns at the time of each of our captures. I was in Olivia Village while he was living in Temperleaf Town. He had raven dark hair and sharp eyes that could detect the slightest of movements. In terms of muscle he was quite scrawny, but who wasn’t on this island. Both of us harbored a distinct hatred towards the guards and were quickly brought together due to that.

Charlotte was a girl who forgot about her past and has never been able to recall who she was since. She had bright blonde hair and knew quite a bit in terms of the art of self-defense but the guards were smart, only giving us enough to work, but not to do anything else.

We gave her the name Charlotte after another worker that was here. The old Charlotte took care of us when we were young here, always getting us a little extra food as she worked in the kitchens. As she was one of the oldest that had lived here on the island she felt that she had a responsibility to look after any newcomers. Everyone loved and adored Charlotte. However, one day she tried to stop one of the guards who was picking on a young girl. Her judgment was unfair and swift and the guards hauled here dead body away from us. Out with the old, in with the new. I still remembered her up to this day. It made my hatred towards the guards even stronger.

“Get in here! All of you!” an angry voice boomed near the entrance to the meal hall, “Eat your grub! You start work first thing in the morning!”

“Man I hate those guards. One day, I’ll start a rebellion.” Hatter muttered under his breath and continued chewing the sludge that we were given on a daily basis. Life here was harsh. Very harsh. I saw one of the new kids holding his tray standing in front of us. He didn’t look the least bit frightened and slid into the seat next to me.

“My name’s Kobra. I just came here”, he said as he picked up his spoon and dug it into the gooey mess we had for a meal. “The people there, the one with white hair in the nice dress and the guy that looks like he eats humans for a living? Those are my siblings, Angel and Meatloaf. Not our real names but we can’t remember squat.”

I looked carefully at Kobra. He had scarlet spiky hair and not in a bad shape unlike the rest of the batch. He had a sleazy smile with a pointy nose and looked like he was always getting into trouble. Angel was slightly shorter than the average girl but had a look of steel as she looked around the meal hall. She caught my eye and smiled. I quickly looked away and blushed as Charlotte erupted into laughter.

Meatloaf was no ordinary man. He looked older than us and it was a miracle how the guards managed to catch him and bring him here. His muscles were buffed up to incredible proportions and his size was not one to be messed with.

I smiled at them, they didn’t seem like bad people at all!

But little did I know, everything was about to change…

Chapter One:
After our meal, we headed to the courtyard, or what we like to call ‘The Field of Souls’. They said that guards usually dig holes here and bury the dead workers in them. I wish that wasn’t true but the freshly tilled soil told me otherwise. At the end of the day we always had roll call. We never knew what the purpose truly was but I think it was just to check on our rooms in the time cause they always seem to drag on forever. 

“Keep moving you newcomers! There’s a lot to learn in these parts.” I turned and saw a guard with the newcomers lined up in a straight line, being jostled to the front. I saw Kobra, Angel and Meatloaf, trying to put up a fight with one of the guards by shoving him. He retaliated with a brutal snap of the whip, which landed on Meatloaf’s arm. But Meatloaf didn’t seem to care that much. Out of the corner of my eye I saw the Captain of the Guard, Barry, take his place on the wooden podium in front of us.

Out of all the guards, he was the most feared, giving out brutal torture sentences at a moment’s notice. “Now as you all know, we have had a new batch of workers come in today,” he began pacing back and forth on the podium, “this will be our last batch.”

Mutters erupted all at once around me. Hatter and Charlotte looked at each other with hardened looks on their faces. What was coming? I looked to the stage only to find Barry with a murderous look on his face. “Shut up! All of you!” he bellowed, “From now on, we need to speed up our working process! Tomorrow everyone wakes up one hour early! All the cooks will be put in miner positions! Now get to bed!” Cries of anguish erupted from the crowd. The loudest from the cooks, they had the best jobs, sometimes getting better and more food than the others.

This news was a shock to everyone around me. We had no idea what was going on. The place was in utter chaos until the guards finally took charge and shoved us into the building where we slept on the cold hard floor. The guards in charge quickly slammed the door shut in our faces and locked it from the outside. I cursed and swore under my breath. I hated every single one of those guards. I saw Kobra walking up to me when I turned around from the door.

“You do know what’s happening, don’t you?” he asked with a slight chuckle, “They’re running out of resources themselves and need us to last longer so that they can finish this project.” He pulled out a piece of paper from one of his pockets. “Get Hatter and Charlotte. We need to break out of this stupid place and destroy this thing. There’s a window there that we can use to get some form of moonlight to read this with.”

When we were all gathered, he began telling us how he got this piece of paper from a guard, by knocking him out on the boat while travelling from his hometown to the island. Turns out he was quite lucky as that guard was the chief of plans for whatever is on the island. He opened the piece of paper with shaking hands. We all looked at the paper dumbfounded. It was a plan to build a huge tower with a giant orb at the top. We had no idea what the use of this was for, but we all knew that it wasn’t just something, which harbored any good intentions.

There was some writing scribbled at the bottom, but it was not any language I have ever seen before. “So we found a paper, big whoop,” Charlotte said as she stood up. Hatter looked at her and tried to convince her that this was really a breakthrough. “We all have no idea what it says,” Charlotte retorted, “No one can read it.”

“I can.” squeaked Angel as she cleared her throat and began translating. “When the full moon rises, the machine has to be ready. We have to end the world here and now.” We all stood there dumbfounded. End the world? No one had that much power. I stared at the paper and gritted my teeth. “I don’t know about you, but I want to stop this thing.” It was only then Meatloaf stood up. I didn’t even know he was there. He looked at our group and finally spoke his first words I ever heard him speak. “I agree with Steve. We’re breaking out. Starting from now.” He glanced around, surveying the area. “But we need three things: weapons, fighters and a boat if we are ever going to get off of this island.

I clenched my fist and placed it over my heart. “Today marks a new beginning. Today, marks the start of a new era that we will call,” I paused for dramatic effect, “the Rebellion.” The group of us nodded and began to formulate a plan. The hope of us getting out of this mess was growing. Our faith was growing. And with faith, we could do anything.

We split the job up into groups; Kobra and Charlotte, since they both had some form of martial art training were to get the weapons, which were stored in a hut, guarded by some bored guards. Angel and Meatloaf was in charge of making makeshift boats using wood dumped in the junkyard. Hatter and I were to garner support and get as many people as possible to topple the guards. It was going to be a long and hard process, but if we were to succeed, we can finally say goodbye to this island.

We decided that there was no point in doing anything now. First thing in the morning, we all agreed to start working on putting the plan to work. As I laid my head onto the cold hard ground, I smiled. Maybe there really was a chance of getting of the island. My eyelids slit shut and I let the cool night breeze drift me into my slumber.

However, unknown to me, there was an evil presence lurking in the shadows. “Is it ready yet?” an unknown voice bellowed. “Not yet, but it will be very soon sir, I’m sure of it,” said Barry. “Excellent. It’s time to usher in a new era. An era of chaos.”

A maleficent laugh wafted through the night sky.  

Chapter Three:

“God I’m so tired already…can we take a break?” Hatter’s moans echoed throughout the tunnel that we were escaping from the island. I thought about how many lives were lost during that engagement, and how many we have yet to lose. But we already have come this way so far, why stop now?

It was just this morning, 3 weeks since we already started planning our big getaway from this cursed island. Hatter and I had garnered support from almost fifty individuals from the island. The rest merely accepted their fate. “When we fight, we either get of this island or die trying!” Hatter was now shouting at the top of his lungs to the eager faces in front of us. At this moment, Kobra and Charlotte came in, behind them a wagon: full of weapons. Swords, guns, whips, everything that the guards had used on us before for punishment.

“Okay listen up! Everyone take a weapon! Meatloaf and Angel are already near the docks with boats that are able to carry everyone!” Kobra immediately snapped into action. His voice echoed through the island and everyone around us let out a mighty roar. It was then I felt a sense of hope. Little did I know, everything was about to change.

We split up into 4 parties. The first was the scouting party. Kobra had discovered an old abandoned mine shaft that was connected to the main mining area we had to mine ores from. The first group’s job was to travel quickly forward and map out the labyrinth of passageways. The second party was the combat ready party. They were the ones who were going to take the blows of any guards that try to intercept us.

The third party was the elimination party, its job was to aid the second party and eliminate any and all threats that came into their way, when the guard’s attention was distracted. The final party consisted of the original group of us: Me, Hatter, Charlotte, Kobra, Angel and Meatloaf. We all were in charge of our progress in the tunnel and also to provide any backup on the way.

As our plan set into motion, a group of guards were running towards us when they saw us about to enter the tunnel. “Stop! You will all be punished!” Our groups grit our teeth and charged at them with everything we had. We managed to overpower them in terms of numbers, but we still took massive blows to our troops. To attack the five guards, we lost 8 of us already.

“Move. We have no time to lose.” Kobra waved his hand impatiently and we all walked down the tunnel. This brings us back to where we were before. “Is that a light?” The moment one of us exclaimed his euphoria at the scene of the docks, everyone made a mad dash to them. Meatloaf and Angel were already loading up some supplies to the boats.

“Everyone get in! We have no t-…Oh no.” Hatter stopped mid-sentence as waves of guards were running from the tunnel after us. I knew at this point what I had to do. “Get everyone out of here Hatter I’ll handle this.” I rushed towards the guards with nothing but a sword in my hand when…there was suddenly nothing.

I was in a room made out of some kind of metal. “Ah you’re awake? Very good.” A voice suddenly boomed in the room. “You see, Steve, for us to regain our freedom and our time, one’s time has to be sacrificed to do so.” His voice sent shivers up my spine. “I will make sure that your sacrifice of time will not be in vain Steve. Why do you think we built this tower?”

“Leave me out of this! I want to go home already!” I was now shouting at the top of my lungs. The voice chuckled. “That freedom is merely temporary. What we face is a bigger issue than that. The world as we know it is in ruins. A deadly virus is spreading and we don’t have much time left.” The voice continued, “With this machine, we plan to rob someone of his time and turn the dials back to when it first began.” The voice paused. “The start of the world. Start the machine!”

Metallic whirls echoed through the room and a blinding flash of light took me. To another world. I gasped. This world…was the beginning? Was it all over? Or has it only begun. Then again I was the only human on this world now, in this time period. I picked myself off the ground.

It was time for a new beginning. 

Thanks for reading! :)

Please support this and diamond if you enjoyed!

By the way here's the build world from my screenshot, not much, but its there! :D


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10/05/2014 11:23 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
fira12345's Avatar
Awwww thanks!

This is actually my first time writing something like this :P
Swift Luck
10/05/2014 11:11 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Explorer
Swift Luck's Avatar
I love this keep it coming dont let me sit here wait forever for the next part :3
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