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thes is for all the disorder ppl out ther .plz read thes is importint

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zking1998's Avatar zking1998
Level 10 : Journeyman Dragon
i want to talk about how some ppl have a spelling and speech disorder i am going to post thes 3 times 1 time evey week for the next 3 weeks.(#1)i have a speech disorder now dont thank of me as so dume ass kid im 14 and im the top of the class in math and science. i hear to repasent the disorder kids (not the cant move or talk 1 gust the 1 that get piked on and i may spell a few words wonng.

in my school ther r 8 very disorder students not the 1 that ride the short bus(my school dont have any) but 1 that just its hard to learn.1 of them is very smart but hes mind is just not working he can do things i cant but hes mind wont let hem.ther 1 that very hyper and he has better speech than i do.hes just jittery.my school is very nice ther only like 1bully and he bully the 1s that meas with the disorders.very nice guy but ther r alot of jackasses out ther and 1 me and a few outers cant do all of it so i ask u to make a blog on how u fill about thes subejet.thats all just spered it out do thes 4 me plz.

thes is not 1 of thos adds with that arrow things no thes is to help understand wat we have to go thro.i have been in specel classes all my life but u know wat i am smarter than most kids my age im very calm and smart.i have adhd(dont know if that how u put it)and wat it dos is make it to wer im very hyper or just hafe a sleep i have huge knowleg in my head and i have to take medason to help me focose and to thank better i have been off it 4 a month now and i guts got bake on it and to day at school i was the 1 that know all the ansers. thes is not the rest thes bolg but i will modafiy it tomaro and wen i get done with it i will start the reposting.and wat pussed me over the eage is that some 1 called me a ideat after i been called a dume ass a disorder frerk just becose i did not know how to spell i will up date thes tomarro.untell then thank of wat u say.ty for reading thes.

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03/11/2013 7:54 pm
Level 29 : Expert Cake
Shark5x's Avatar
Totally agree. I crack down on people with bad grammar.

Not anymore.
12/06/2012 4:51 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Mountaineer
arrodar's Avatar
I used to be grammar Hitler of the grammar Nazis, but i've changed my mind after reading this.
12/06/2012 5:02 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Dragon
zking1998's Avatar
well ty. u know it has been a long time sense some 1 posted any thing on hear.o and i got Mazola Firefox now and it has a spell cheek
08/11/2012 3:26 am
Level 66 : High Grandmaster uwu
Ash's Avatar
I'll let you in on a secret. I have a slight speech impediment. But that doesn't stop me from doing my vlogs! This is a great blog to see on PMC :) Thankyou for sharing this :)

08/11/2012 3:28 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Dragon
zking1998's Avatar
no ty spred it around plz and ty
08/11/2012 3:32 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Dragon
zking1998's Avatar
o sry i did not c that u wer a judge ty it means alot to me
08/11/2012 3:24 am
Level 26 : Expert Dragonborn
petersee's Avatar
Hey man, your clan leader here. Great blog. Here's a diamond. :)
08/11/2012 3:29 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Dragon
zking1998's Avatar
ty men if u can plz spred it thes need to get out it was hard 4 me to make thes i was wondering if i spelled any thing wonng
08/11/2012 3:30 am
Level 26 : Expert Dragonborn
petersee's Avatar
No problem.
08/11/2012 1:06 am
Level 1 : New Miner
tanner613's Avatar
great job zking i understand what your saying here i not just sayin this cause i know you have a speach
somethin but same here i dislexica thanks for pointin out that not all people that have disorters are stupid

ps i ave u a diamond
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