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[TOG] Survive a griefer infestation! [CONTEST :D]

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copherfield's Avatar copherfield
Level 17 : Journeyman Architect

[TOG] The Owner's Guide!

Hello dear Planet Minecrafters and server owners,

I'm starting with a series of guides for server owners adn today's special is: What to do after my server gets infestated with griefers?

This guide it's mostly an answer to the people that got a horrible griefer infestation going on at their server and for them to react properly to such situation, it's also a great guide to prevent such episodes from happening.

Prevention! YAY!

Here are some nice tools you should totally consider to PREVENT griefing attacks:

A plugin to prevent it all, and solve at once griefing and such:

  • ChunkAutoClaimer: This is a plugin that automatically claims chunks (16x16) for players when they build "x" ammount of blocks. They don't have to do anything but build and they will let the work for the server, which is going to help him survive griefing. (for more, click here)
  • Factions: Factions plugin it's pretty complex, but it can be used simply. It allows players to create factins (groups), claim land (and get it protected) and invite friends. Obviously it's far more complex, it has stuff like PvP, Warzones, SafeZones and an economy system. (for more, click here)
  • Towny: A.K.A. Towny Advanced, it's a WAY too complex plugin, it allows you to create towns, with majors and and "politic" system, with a pretty sweet economy setup and obviously, protection for the whole town against griefing. Only the town "leader" will state who can and who can't build/destroy there. It's great to compite with Factions but I guess that's pretty complex for the purpose here. You can always give it a chance, why not? (for more, click here)
  • Residence or areaguard: This two do pretty much the same, it's personal (that can always be shared) land protection based on cuboids and, if desired, managed by server economy. Check more aboutresidence and areaguard :D
  • LWC & Lockette: Both pretty similar, this are plugins that lock chests, doors, furnaces and such to personal (again, or shared) use. It's pretty safe and lightweight and since it's player managed, less stress for you.

If you have a small server and maximum 10-20 players online, you can do something I love to do: Teleport (while in vanish mode) to players and see what they are doing. If they are just minin' craftin' and enjoyin' you can join the fun and get known as the "friendly admin" but if you see that they are getitng a BUNCH of diamonds or griefer, you can start dropping some ban hammers.

Reacting to the situation properly!

The console it's your friend, use it!

The first step when you realize that you are pretty much screwed is stopping the server. Some say that with a fresh mind people think better, I'm not suggesting you to go buy mints at the local store to "fresh up" or anything like that, I suggest that you stop the server (gracefully if possible) and think clearly without any console to beep beep boom! or the people calling you through skype looking for a hope in order to get their creations back.

How to stop the server gracefully?

Type (on the console or in-game)

/stop <-- In-game


stop <-- Console

Some software and server managers such as McMyAdmin, multicraft or such have a stop button, use it!

Why stopping the server gracefully?

If you don't then you might mess up with data saves and your map can get lost. Just to give you an example, shutting down the console by pressing the red "x" on the corner, or killing the process from terminal or simply not doing what written above it's just as if you are rendering a video and then you cut the power supply. All the video render (in most cases) will get lost, forever.

Ok so I stopped the server, what's now?

The next step is simple: Whitelist the server and add only your most trusted people (for trusted people I mean REALLY trusted people, someone that you trust to blow up your server and you know that he wont)

After this, load a backup of your map (I'm guessing that you have one) OR if you have a block logger such as logblock, hawkeye, Coreprotect (my favorite) or similar, rollback the entire server by the player's name and by time. This is the way how you should do it:

Rolling back with different plugins
d=days / h= hours / m= minutes [F.e: 1d3h22m is 1 day 3 hours and 22 minutes]

For the procedure above consider that: this lags pretty hard the server specially on MySQL based loggers (hawk or Logblock.

"I'm the server owner. I HAVE THE POWER!"

Read that and remember it.
Remember that you are the owner of the server and that the staff at your host is there to help you. Most of the hosts have online services and software (such as McMyAdmin, Multicraft or similar) that save backups of your world daily, simply ask your host about how to do it.

Extreme case! - What if a griefer gets OP'ed?


This is mostly an answer to my previous blog :)
If a griefer gets OP'ed (because you did trusing him to be a great staff member, because someone betrayed you or for any reason) then the steps to solve this follow:
  1. Stop the server (gracefully) - Read above for more info :D
  2. (if he banned you) unban yourself from the ban.txt file, you can find it on the server ROOT folder *the one where craftbukkit.jar is placed)
  3. Deop him (and everyone else if possible) via the ops.txt file (same as ban.txt)
  4. (if he deoped you) OP yourself from the ops.txt file
  5. Don't trust anyone OP and follow my previous guide!

I hope you enjoyed this little (long :L) blog. Use it as a reference (favorite, diamond it or whatever to keep it in mind) in case something like this happens to you.
I've done this MANY times in different servers and I can tell you, I've never failed so far with it.
I'm participating (with this) on the contest, love?

A diamond it's the shiny way to say "thanks" :D / Join the Delta Team server NOW! read more *here*

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09/03/2012 11:14 am
Level 47 : Master Network
Linkini's Avatar
sorry for the direct question (website keeps lagging and bugging on me)
can you do a banner like this for me?


It will be much appreciated and all credit toward the banner will go to you as mentioned in my upcoming blog. Thanks! PM me for further details...
07/12/2012 2:56 am
Level 1 : New Crafter
Otchey's Avatar
Hey Sorry for me posting again but I am having a big problem with my permissions so whenever someone is not op they cant build. the Plugin that would have something to do with this might be worldguard, Coreprotect or PermissionsEx. Plsss HELP me! :D

And whenever I reload server my gamemode Changes

and your Server is Great!
07/12/2012 5:46 am
Level 17 : Journeyman Architect
copherfield's Avatar
Try doing something like this on your permissions:
Or just look for it on the site of PEX
07/11/2012 2:26 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Creeper Hugger
BigSteve's Avatar
Hey sorry for the double comment (I commented on your other post), just want to suggest you update here as well. That Grief Prevention plugin does everything you mention above (land claim, chest claim), it's easier to use than residence or worldguard, eliminates the need to log blocks or even have a database, does a better job of repair than world edit, and also covers chat spam, spawn camping, forest fires, lava dumping, etc etc etc. So you can download just one plugin and your job is done.
07/11/2012 2:45 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Architect
copherfield's Avatar
Humm, I'll check it out :)
I would like to say, tho, that people commonly like only 1 part of it (for example the log block) so it's nice to let them know which is great for each task, obviously a plugin that does it all it's a great option for someone that actually uses them all :D
07/11/2012 4:23 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Creeper Hugger
BigSteve's Avatar
Cool glad to hear you're still maintaining the article. :) I don't imagine many servers would have one grief problem without the others. In my experience for my server, closing one hole only made the bad guys go to another one (for example, land claims drove griefers to chat spam).

And you can disable the bits you don't want, although I don't have any features disabled.
07/11/2012 4:25 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Architect
copherfield's Avatar
Nice, Maybe Ill implement this tool on my server and Ill soon add this to the blog :)
07/11/2012 4:52 am
Level 1 : New Crafter
Otchey's Avatar
your guide is so! user friendly by the way
07/11/2012 4:22 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Architect
copherfield's Avatar
Thank you :D
07/11/2012 4:52 am
Level 1 : New Crafter
Otchey's Avatar
Omg helping me so tons your right coreprotect is really good OMG make more more more!
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