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Treating under 14's like crap. (RANT)

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Xeno_Stryker's Avatar Xeno_Stryker
Level 29 : Expert Ranger
Hey! Its'a me! Xeno! And this is a rant!


Right,we've all been young (I still am,13) and most of us were pretty stupid when we were young, (Again,Im still kind of stupid) Saying lame 'Your mom!' Jokes or using some dudes catchphrase (*AHEM* Budder) over and over and over and...........You get the point. But because of those kind of people,the rest of my age group are treated like complete and utter shite online! People saying thins like; 'LOL! LOOK AT THE WEE BABY! SHOULDNT YOU BE IN YOUR JAMMIES AND IN BED YOU LITTLE SQUEAKER?' or 'AHHAA HAAA HAAA HAA! LOL! YOURE SO YOUNG blah blah blah' Basicly, most people discriminate young people online,Thats the point of this blog.

The reason people treat under 14's this way!

According to many,many people,Young people have no wit and/or make very rash decisions too quickly,Basically they look before they leap. They also seem to think we are all idiots, and are very immature,cracking stupid jokes and swearing all the time or using caps lock repeatedly to try and prove a point and what not,BUT there is a good few of us that do almost none of the above mentioned! Yes! Some of us are quiet mature,funny,smart and able to prove a point without swearing and/or screaming in caps!

We are just as able as you!

Most people think we cant do anything, Like build some awesome castles or make beast texture packs and make mods. But some of us can! We are able to do just what everyone else can. We can also run servers,but they usually fail, as smart as some of us are, we arent that smart yet. We are under 14, remember! Also we can make YouTube videos, but just like servers, we arent the best at then, as our voices can be a bit high pitched.

The odd rotten apple......

Sometimes,you will find one of us that are a bit dull,or a bit of a rager, but that doesnt mean that we are all bad! For example, suppose a 16 or 17 came on your server,and started screaming in caps 'THS SRVIR SUKZ! I AM GONIN TO HAK IT!!! HA!' That doesnt mean that all 16 or 17 year olds are like that! Its just stereo-typing! And by discriminating us,you are doing literally nothing but putting down someone that will eventually be the same age as you, so you are technically saying that everyone is a rager and whatnot.


Not all young kids are stupid,evil or plainly ragers! Some of us are even for mature than YOU! So next time a you see a under 14 kid asking to help you build a server spawn,give him a chance,you might be supprised.

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06/17/2013 1:03 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Archer
IrishChunks's Avatar
Dude WTF
06/17/2013 3:20 pm
Level 29 : Expert Ranger
Xeno_Stryker's Avatar
I really dont know.....ALSO,I got mah new PC!
06/13/2013 2:20 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Crafter
firefwing24's Avatar
You should probably learn to type correct grammar and put spaces after commas before you tell us about maturity...
06/13/2013 4:07 pm
Level 29 : Expert Ranger
Xeno_Stryker's Avatar
Actually,You dont need a space after a comma, And also, No one is perfect.
06/13/2013 7:33 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Blacksmith
samipur's Avatar
Your wrong you need a space after a comma. Btw young people are not stupid they just have less life experience than older people . Next time someone refuse something to you and he say you are to young think about it.
06/30/2013 2:53 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
MochaBeanMC's Avatar
On the subject of grammar,
*You're wrong, ('You're' is a contraction. It needs a comma. Also, you need a comma after wrong.)
*refuses (Use the singular form, not the plural form.)
*says (Again, use the singular form)
*too young, (Common mistake, but it's 'too,' not 'to.' You also need a comma after young.)
I'll ignore the space between 'people' and the period, as that was probably a typo.

I am 13.
07/01/2013 4:39 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Blacksmith
samipur's Avatar
First you need a space after a comma
Second i dont correct my mistake when i write on a forum
Third you can 13, 12, 100 or any other age you want i dont care
Four why would lose your time to correct my mistake
Five LOL xD
07/05/2013 5:50 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
MochaBeanMC's Avatar
Why would I lose my time to correct your mistake?
I was bored.
06/15/2013 1:22 pm
Level 29 : Expert Ranger
Xeno_Stryker's Avatar
*Ahem* *You're. Lol, also, No one has actually refused me, but if someone did, I would just ask why and then they and improve on what made me not be allowed to do something (If its a skill, like building) And the point of this blog was just to point out how I feel about people treating under 14's like that can't do anything.
06/13/2013 2:03 pm
Level 26 : Expert Button Pusher
gothicminecraft's Avatar
I'm young but NOT stupid ;p
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