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Ultimate Mod Guide Late 2022! (Java Edition)

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Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
Bored of Vanilla? Game doesn't run smoothly? Game could look better? Want to enhance your multiplayer experience?

Mods can do all this, but for some people this may not be too easy 😔. Don't worry though, because this guide covers FABRIC, QUILT and FORGE mods. Want to skip to an important part? Ctrl + F is your best friend for that. This guide is only for Java.

Before we start, lets clear up 2 myths about modding (M means the myth, and T means the truth):

M: Modding is against TOS
T: No, its not, Mojang actually somewhat supports modding as it provides deobfuscation tools to the public, which can be and are used by loaders like Forge and Fabric. They even showed their support for the community recently by showcasing mods in Minecraft Live 2022. However, while they encourage and support the modding community, they don't help with development of modloaders like Forge and Fabric, and as a result updates to the game most often cause them to become unfunctional.

M: Mods will get me banned from servers
T: Ok while there is some truth in this, most often if you join a non-forge server with a mod that adds stuff to the game, like items, inventory slots, mobs and whatever, the game doesn't connect. But if your using Client Side modifications do this at your own risk. There is no guarantee that your mod creator modifies server packets in their mods, but if they do don't use them unless you know what you are doing. Being banned from Hypixel because of using mods is often rare, but with stuff such as Minimaps unfortunately some people have unfortunately banned (but all of these cases involve modifying server packets and not reading the rules or the mod description properly). It's fine though, check the server rules, and make sure you are using a client side mod. There are no anticheats on realms, so you have no risk from using client side mods, but realms cannot run forge, so you can't install Twilight Forest or any mod that adds things to the game,

Alright, lets get started:
A launcher I recommend:

Honestly the default launcher isn't very good for mods, sure it works, but you have to do a lot just to get the mods running, and switching versions with mods isn't easy. You will see more into the guide why using MultiMC is better, but regardless I will also include steps to install mods on the default launcher.

MultiMC is a completely free launcher (its not cracked though) that allows you to easily manage different Minecraft instances (Versions of the game in their own directory) and also run numerous instances at the same time- for whatever reason. It works for Mac, Linux and Windows and its also open source :)

How to install MultiMC:

1. Head over to https://multimc.org
2. Click download and install the version you need, if you use Linux you probably will know what to do (just double click the downloaded file bro, it will open your package manager, then click install), mac users and windows users will have it in some kind of compressed file. Just open the file in your archive manager of choice, extract the files to any folder (I recommend creating a new one for organizational purposes) and then run the .exe, I don't know what it is in Mac, but mac users will know as it is some kind of executable
3. If you open it the first time it will help you set it up. Follow their steps.
4. I recommend you go to accounts and log in with Microsoft. You SHOULD have transferred your account to Microsoft.
4. Your done!

Ok lets get into installing forge/fabric now:
Alright then, Minecraft Launcher users should see their familiar interface, but MultiMC users, have no fear if the new interface looks different. I'll help both like I said:

MultiMC (Recommended):

1. Click add instance
2. Click vanilla (I know just wait)
3. Select your desired version and click "ok"
5. Now, right click the instance and click edit, go to version then click Fabric, Forge or Quilt. Do not click all of them, none of them can be used together, but some Fabric mods can be used by Quilt, as Quilt is a fork. (not the other way around though.)
6. Select the modloader version (the starred one is often the best)
7. There we go, enjoy!

You may have noticed modpack sites/hosts in the add instance UI too, you can install modpacks in the same way minus step

Minecraft Launcher:
Alright then here we go:

1. Install the desired version from the create installation menu and run it, or Forge/Fabric won't allow you to install themselves in.
2. Download Forge from https://files.minecraftforge.net/net/minecraftforge/forge/ Fabric from https://fabricmc.net and Quilt from https://quiltmc.org/en/.
3. Double click the installer and select your Minecraft Directory
4. It will take some time to install everything
5. Go to the version install menu, select the modded installation (scroll down) and click create.
6. Tick modded in the version manager and then select the game from the bottom left, and then press play.
There should be a mods folder after you launch it for the first time, you can always create this before launching the first time though.

Installing Mods:
Now for the fun stuff, first of all if you are on fabric, install the Fabric API mod first you can get it from here, most mods use this.

MultiMC (Recommended) :

1. Download the mod, make sure it matches the version of the
2. Go to the instance you created and click on the Loader Mods section
3. Click add mods, then click on the mod file you downloaded earlier, OR you could drag it to the window.
4. You are all done, make sure the mod you want has all of the required core mods if they are needed needed too (they are installed in the same way).

1. Type %appdata% to get to your .minecraft directory, and then go to the mods folder
2. Drag the mod from your downloads folder to your mods folder
3. Your all done! Make sure the core mods are installed too (they are installed in the same way)

Now that you have your mods installed I'm going to cover some additional things:

Installing Optifine on MultiMC (forge only):
Optifine can help your game run better, and allows you to run shaderpacks.
1. Go to https://www.optifine.net/home and run the installation file. Click extract instead of install, and extract the file to your downloads folder or straight to your game directories mods folder.
2. Your all done

Installing on The Minecraft Launcher:

1. Go to https://www.optifine.net/home and download the installation file
2. Make sure your version is already downloaded, click install to your .minecraft folder.

Fixing Problems (P means problem and S means solution):
P: My game keeps crashing! What the hell man!
S: Check the installed mods for the problematic ones, make sure they are for the right version and loader, check the comments or the mod description for crashes or common problems. If its unfixable and an oversight by the mod creator, report the problem to them and just wait it out, unfortunately its not a problem you can fix, but don't worry as most of the time the creator will fix it. If no one else is having a problem, use a different Java installation. Memory also plays a role, change the amount of memory Minecraft is using in the versions settings. In MultiMC this would be in Edit Instance>Java, and then you can just change it to what you want (Don't apply too much for your PC though!)
P: My game runs terribly!
S: Install optifine, but if that doesn't work install Sodium if your on Fabric and remove Optifine from forge and install Rubidium instead. Large modpacks may also have a lot of mods, so increasing your memory as I showed you in the solution above can help. Getting a better PC is also a good solution, as a lot of mods can be increasingly demanding on your computer and cause frame drops/lag

Those 2 are the most common problems that are fixable.

The end of this guide, but the start to your adventure!
Thank you for reading my guide. I created this so people new to Java can have as much joy as I do playing the game. Please link this guide to friends who may be confused, family who want to play mods with you, or someone who just needs help online. Below are some recommended mod sites for you, and if you have any problem write it in the comments!

Have fun Mod Community!

Recommended sites:
Planet Minecraft: Hey this sounds familiar, wait I'm on there right now

Modrinth: https://modrinth.com
CurseForge: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods
Minecraft Forums: https://www.minecraftforum.net

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