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Randomdude195's Avatar Randomdude195
Level 26 : Expert Engineer
Is killing the wither really worth it. I mean you haft to kill a monster that is super strong that regenerates health just to get a star and with that star you can put it with some glass and obsidion to make a machine. With that machine you haft to make a small, medium, large, or extra large pyrimid of gold, diamonds, emeralds, and iron. It is a waste trying to make it anyway. It is only usefull at full pyramid and it only gives you a effect for 5 seconds. Good use of that, not. I am not saying to get rid of the wither I like fighting it. I'm just saying that it isn't a very good idea and to be used as a way to find your home, there is other ways to do it that are more simple. Like taking a compass and nowing what direction on the point is your house. You could make a giant dirt tower. You could also go back to the basics and place a block or torch ( anything really ) every few blocks so you can follow it back.

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06/02/2013 9:41 am
Level 28 : Expert Artist
TamashiNeko's Avatar
I do not agree. People like the wither for different reasons, because everyone usually has different opinions. Some people like the wither for the fun fight. Some people like the wither because of how cool it is. Some people like it for the beacon. Some like it to get the beacon for the special ability it has to give potion effects to those around it (if you activate it). I think the wither should stay, because it's a lot of peoples enjoyment. Some people like the beacon so they don't get lost in the night and waste torches.
06/02/2013 9:43 am
Level 28 : Expert Artist
TamashiNeko's Avatar
about the effect for 5 seconds, and whenever you go near it, it regives you the potion effect for 5 seconds. Plus you can make it go longer.
09/01/2013 1:05 pm
Level 28 : Expert Artist
TamashiNeko's Avatar
It can be better two with more diamond, gold, emerald iron blocks.
06/02/2013 9:24 am
Level 33 : Artisan Creeper Hugger
ades_254's Avatar
06/02/2013 9:21 am
Level 39 : Artisan Architect
OnlyIn5DYT's Avatar
It's to make the game more hard and give it one more challenge. It's not even useful for tracking a place for something because it will get into your render distance at the same time a dirt tower would. It's in minecraft so that it will give you unlimited potion effects when you are in it's range.

The game isn't hard enough, so they added something to make it harder. That's a good thing. Oh and you would probably
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