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[V¡x€μ] Enderborn: Heirs of The End (Chapters 1, 2 and 3)

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BeeBookWizard's Avatar BeeBookWizard
Level 7 : Apprentice Ranger
What lived in the ruins of The End World? Was it always the Enderman? Did the Enderdragon always rule?

No. Not always.

The End World was once as prosperous and beautiful as The Overworld. Ruled by a race called The Enderborn.

That is... until the monstrous Enderdragon destroyed everything and used dark magic to transform the Enderborn into hideous beasts.

It was said that only those with the royal blood of the Enderlord would once again be able to take back the throne of the once mighty capital of Waylack.

'Who am I?'

Not many people have a list to council when they are asked that question, but I do.

Take your pick; Autumn Fin, Leonda, The Soul Reviver, Enderess, whatever catches your fancy.

But my real name is Finera Notas, and this Is my story....

Chapter 1 - Incident
“Good night mother!” I shouted down our spiral staircase. “Don’t forget to lock the trapdoor to the roof!” she called back.

“Ok” I yelled back. Duh I said to myself rolling my eyes. Like in the fourteen years of my life I would forget to lock the trapdoor it’s not like there weren’t spiders everywhere.

I fell face-first onto my bed growling into the pillow. I flipped onto my side my tinted black hair tickling my nose. I sighed and fell asleep.

I woke to the sound of crashing thunder. I jolted upright to find myself no longer in my bed but on the roof! What?!

“MOTHER!” I screamed, utterly terrified, I went over to the trapdoor, it was locked!

Duh I locked it myself. Then how in the Nether did I get up here?

“MOM!” I screamed again, the thunder once again emphasizing my cries.

“Finera!?” My mother’s voice called from the other side of the door. I could hear the sculling of spiders across the roof, getting closer.


It opened and my mother quickly pulled me inside. Where I fell into her arms and sobbed. I had never liked the thunder or storms but the whole situation was scary.

“Mother, what happened? How- how did I get up there?” She pulled me close

“I don't know sweetie.” I didn’t know it then, but she knew exactly what had happened. “...but it won’t happen again ok? I promise I’ll never let you be alone like that again.” She was right, it never did happen again while she was there.

That was two years ago, just one week before mother got ill. After that all of our sword sessions, vollyblock games and horse races stopped after that.

I had to take care of her. For a year she was sick unable to do anything, and from the beginning it seemed as if she never believed she would get better.

Well she was right.

Just three days after my fifteenth birthday, she died breaking her promise to me all those years ago, and leaving me all alone.

Chapter 2: The Discovery

Am I really prepared to do this? To leave? To take the easy way out?

Finera was standing at the top of the tower. There was a marvelous view of the world outside the walls, she remembered when she was younger and she would sit up here for hours, wondering what it would be like out there. But today Finera wasn't looking up or outward, she was looking down. Down over the edge to the ground several blocks below.

Just one step and it’s over. I’ll be with mother again.

This was the thirty-somthingth time that she had climbed up here and contemplated the idea, debated her demise.

What would it be like? Death…

With a sigh she turned and stepped down through the trapdoor, climbing down the ladder back to ground level.

She felt like a coward. Was she really debating? Couldn’t she be brave enough to take the single step and follow her mother to The Aether? It would be so easy.

Maybe I’m being brave by not doing it? Stupid Logic, always messing with my head when I'd rather throw it out the window. What was the point of all this?

Without her mother for the past two years Finera felt empty, just surviving through each day. And for what? She hasn't been able to build up the courage to kill herself or leave, going past the walls. Not like there's anyone around to miss me.

Every time she had resolved to do it she always chickened out i, the end. Finera shook her head. Just one last look around. She told herself, then I'll try again.

Finera's footsteps echoed through the stone-brick corridor. She silently wondered why they had such a large house. It wasn't as if they ever had company or anything. Was her mother trying to hide something?

Finera wandered aimlessly, trying to relax but finding herself unable to. Soon after she was at the top of a long dark stairway leading deep into the ground. She hadn't remembered ever seeing it before. With that in mind she grabbed a touch off the wall and descended.

Finera started counting the steps. one... two... three... and so on. She ended up losing count after one-hundred thirty-four.

Finally, she emerged into a dark room. Aside from the heat the few lava puddles have off it was erriely chilled. Off to her right she saw a chest with several items in it. Seeing a diamond sword inside she decided to take it, clutching it tightly for comfort.

As she surveyed the room she felt a chill travel up her spine. There was some sort of... presence in the room. Oddly enough it seemed almost familiar.

Finera's hand twitched and she spun towards the far wall. She saw no one. Only a strange chest, a really strange chest, the likes of which she’d never seen before. It seemed to be glowing with some sort of dark radiance.

Finera cautiously walked over to it and lifted the lid, hoping to find something interesting. Yet all she found was a green amulet-eye looking thing. “Well that’s a disappointment.” She grumbled as she picked it up.


Finera spun around, looking for the speaker as the amulet slipped from her hand and flattered on to the floor.

'Honestly Finera! After all these years you drop me in the dirt?' An indignant masculine voice huffed.

Finera gaped at the weird jewelry. “You said that?!” She gingery reached out and picked it back up, gingerly holding it as if it were TNT.

'I certainly did.' The voice answered. 'But enough about that, I need your help.'

“Uhhh…okay?” She said hesitantly

And that’s where Finera's journey began.

Chapter 3: The Departure
Finera opened her eyes slowly, not wanting to get out of her bed. Her long violet-shimmering hair lay splayed across her pillow and she felt so safe tucked under her red blanket.

'Staying in bed isn't going to help anything' A somewhat huffy voice remarked.

Finera groaned and tossed her feet over the side of the bed. She shot a glare at her new grumpy alarm clock, which stared unblinking at her from her nightstand.

'Neither will dirty looks' The green eye remarked, it's voice weaving through her mind like an irritating silverfish.

Without bothering to reply to the talkative jewelry she snatched it up from the small table and tucked it into her pocket. Pulling on a cloak, she headed out the door. Also making sure to grab her travel pack on the way out.

Right when she stepped out of the hallway she paused.

'What is the matter?' Forend inquired.

Without answering Finera walked back to her chest and pulled out a framed picture. It was a picture of her and her mother. Her throat tightened emotionally before she tucked it back into her bag, remembering when things were simpler.

"Mommy?" Four year old Finera asked, looking up from where she was playing in the sitting room.

"Yes darling?" Jennima asked, brushing a dark lock of hair into her headband. she had been listening calming to the patter of the rain against the glass outside.

Finera hesitated, trying to get the courage to ask. "How come I can't go outside?"

Mother laughed, walking over and planting a kiss on her daughter's head. "Because it's raining silly."

Finera shook her head, her violet eyes pouting as she looked up at her mother. "No, I mean... how come I can't go outside the walls?'

Jennima knelt down and scoped Finera into her arms. "Oh sweetie... we stay in the compound because there are many dangers outside."

"What kind of Dangers?"

There was a pause before her mother replied. "The kind that will hurt you, and shun you because you're different.'

"What's wrong with being different?" Finera huffed defiantly, resting her head on her mother's shoulder.

"Nothing." Her mother reassured, chuckling at her daughter's indignation. "It's just that people are afraid of thing that they don't understand."

"Oh." Finera frowned, not quite understanding but she nodded regardless. "Then... I will stay here with you Mommy!" She exclaimed happily. "Forever, will you promise to stay with me?"

"I- I promise."

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CreditAdopted From Bookwormbybee with Permission

3 Update Logs

Update #3 : by BeeBookWizard 10/08/2017 3:46:08 pmOct 8th, 2017

Added Chapter Three!

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