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What To Do And What Not To Do In The Nether ~A Noobs Guide~

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Pandau's Avatar Pandau
Level 46 : Master Sweetheart
I decided to make a blog about what to do and what not to do in the Nether. I've seen people doing what not to do in the nether on servers, I have to admit.. it was hilarious! Anyways lets continue. Most people know what to do in the nether though. So lets get started.

What Not To Do In The Nether: 
Don't make a wooden house/building/cabin, the reason why because it would burn down, and nobody likes burnt buildings.

Don't make a bed and try to sleep, because once you right click the bed to sleep, the bed and all around you will blow up. You might die in this process.

If you're planning not to die, then don't hit a zombie pigmen without the proper gear. If you do then every single zombie pigmen will chase you, and theres a high percentage you will die.

Don't dig straight down through the Nether Rack, because theres like always lava underneath you. 

Make sure to remember where your portal is if you're in single player. Or else you might never leave the Nether.

If you built some sort of structure or building of some sort, remember where it is. Or else you might never see the structure again.

Don't bring a clock, in the Nether know one knows if its day or night so the clock doesn't work. 

What To Do In The Nether: 
Bring food, or you might starve to death (unless you want to eat rotten flesh... Yuck). 

Bring armor, tools, and weapons, theres all sorts of creatures you need to battle, and all sorts of items you can mine/dig. With armor you have a high percentage of living. Bow and arrows are helpful when battling Ghasts.

If you did lose your portal, it would be a smart idea to bring extra obsidian and flint and steel, so you can get out of the Nether.

Bring blocks you can build with (not wood, I repeat not wood!), so you can make a base, or build your way up to collect glow stone (since its high up on the ceiling. 

Remember which way you're going. Remember that your base is North, South, East, or West!

Don't fall in lava (like you're trying to haha XD). We have lost hundreds, maybe thousands, MAYBE MILLIONS of players dying in lava, don't be one of them. 

Build a base (not with wood...) far from lava, where you can stay safe if there is too many zombie pigmen chasing you. Or just to keep your stuff safe.

Thanks For Reading! <3 Hope this advice helped ;)

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