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Where I Began?

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Rocket Cow's Avatar Rocket Cow
Level 16 : Journeyman Goblin
Where I Began?

I know how hard it is to get into skin business, well, at least for me.

If I had to say where I first began, I'd immediately think of the Skindex and a couple buds of mine. I started out on the skindex long before I came to PMC, so eh, a rough estimate, about a year or so ago? When I first started, what kept me discouraged was all the good skins I kept seeing. It was hard to know that people would rather look at other's skins than even think of mine, and it really is difficult to stay motivated as well. The best thing I can say to keep motivated is the feedback from people who take notice. It really helps to have a good compliment and suggestion every once in a while, and believe me, it does feel good! Although the Skindex is full of useful tools and archives of skins, it isn't the most clean place to me. Its riddled with ads on every side, and constant messes of both spam, copied skins, and just plain nasty things. Of my collection of about ten skins on an account I prefer not to name (For embarrassment reasons ;_;) none were all that fancy. Half of them without shading, and about two of them were just edited... After a while I gave up on the skindex and came to join PMC, a much better alternative. C:
The Dedication

Its hard to stay put on one thing after it becomes both boring, and hopeless.. Now, with my procrastinating habits and lazy attitude towards dedicating myself to a project, it was hard to even get one skin done. I usually just came out with like, one skin per every three months. (O.O!?) These skins were a little better from my experience on the skindex, but looking back now (in embarrassment r_r) I realize just how terrible these are compared to my newer styles. I don't know how long ago, but I eventually just stopped posting skins and got away from the whole idea of making skins. It wasn't until about a week ago I decided to come back and revive my account. My self-motivation new computer allowed for much more things and much better time and effort to be allowed. The hardest thing is staying dedicated! STAY DEDICATED! Best advice I can give is to seek for others to help cheer you on and push you forward...?
The Technique

Most people want to be original in their skins (like me), but the problem I have with "being original" is that creating techniques is NOT easy! One of my favourite quotes states "The best techniques are passed on by the survivors." (From Skyrim XD). Its as close to the truth as I see it. Its okay to use methods that other people use, and the reason they use them is because they are, well, the best!
The Community

Its good to have an amazing community backing you up, so you know that at least someone will appreciate your skin (and you) when you upload. The Skindex, (In my eyes) is a rather independent and solo career to start at. The people there often steal skins and spam you. (NOTE: This is from my experience!!) Planet Minecraft's site is so much more clean and efficient to use, as well as tons new things to discover and use. People i've met on here are so kind and awesome that its almost shocking to see how nice they are. (Not to mention the creativeness is off the charts!!) Peer pressure, especially when it comes to being accepted, can be tough to overcome. Just keep going, and don't stop, no matter what insults or rude things that come your way.
Getting a Name

Now, I'm not famous, like, not at all really. I just enjoy making skins and seeing people enjoy them as much as I do; when it comes to getting a name, its not really my word to trust. I'm still working on my own, but I guess I could share some things i've learned..
1. No matter what, your name is unique to you, and at least one person will remember it.
2. Anything you use to signify yourself in your works is effective in expanding your preferred name. (XD)
3. And lastly, its never okay to steal someone else's ideas or general works. This includes their logo or name. ALWAYS give credit to those who deserve it, and don't take what you don't own or have been granted.

NOW, I'm fresh out of amazing ideas, so I'll just end with a couple lines of things I get motivated from...
Music is one of my inspirations.
Comedy is one of my inspirations.
Idols are one of my inspirations.
Feedback is my major inspiration.

This article was based on my own thoughts and ideas, and does not summarize anyone else's opinions. If any of this offends you, I'm dearly sorry that it did. The best I can say is to avoid my blogs... :C.

Thank you for reading, and if you really did enjoy, please feel free to leave feedback! Its much appreciated.

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01/04/2014 10:49 am
Level 17 : Journeyman Network
callistokrats's Avatar
I love this blog. I love the last line you say (the Feedback is my major inspiration). Dis is amerzerng. Diamond and fav. :D :D
Rocket Cow
01/04/2014 2:48 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Goblin
Rocket Cow's Avatar
Thank you Jiffy, you're amazin! :D
01/04/2014 2:58 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Network
callistokrats's Avatar
I know I am! jk
Dis blog is amazing :D :D
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