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Wooding Part 3. The Last Part.

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Mr Frosty's Avatar Mr Frosty
Level 19 : Journeyman Dolphin
Kai's mom and him were both shocked. They didn't say a word for a couple minute's, and Kai's mom finally broke the silence; 'Kaki,' his mom asked, with a bit of terror in her voice 'By any chance are you camping in the forest' asked Kai's mom, looking worried. Kaki couldn't say yes, because his mom would not allow him to go, and he would get made fun of at school. Kaki decided that he would just lie. 'No' replied Kaki, as he bit his lip. Kaki was a terrible liar. He couldn't even lie if his life depended on it. The only person he could trick by lying is his mother. His mother was gullible. Sometime's, a little to much. Anyone, Kaki looked at the clock and saw that it was 5:46. His mother saw where he was looking at and said 'Well, you should get going'. Kaki said his goodbye's and walked out the door. He didn't want to walk all the way over to the forest, it was a couple miles away and Kaki was tired. He decided that he would try to get on a bus. It took Kaki a couple a hour's before a bus came. Kaki woke up from his sleep and walked over to the bus. 'Do you have a bus pass' asked the conductor. Kaki nodded and showed the conductor his bus pass. 'Well, I think there's a couple of seats available, why don't you find one?' asked the conductor, looking over his shoulder. Kaki walked over to the back of the bus and saw an empty seat. Kaki sat in the seat and started thinking of what he got himself into.... A Couple of hour's past before Kaki got to his stop. It was parked right in front of the forest. Kaki pulled the yellow wire and started walking. When he got to the driver, he said his thank you's and he left. He walked around on the sidewalk, looking for a way to get into the forest. It was mostly closed in, due to the fact that they're were several murder's found in the forest. On the left side of the forest, Kaki saw a, not to barricaded entrance that he could fit into. Kaki walked over to the forest entrance and chucked his backpack over the barricade. After the backpack went over the barricade, Kaki did also. Kaki had a hard landing. He landed on a rock, which shoved into his knee. The rock didn't really hurt Kaki, so he just shrugged it off and continued walking into the forest. Once Kaki got into the forest, he looked around and saw they're was no going back. That thought made Kaki scared. He wanted to turn back but he couldn't, he said. I have to show the kid's at school that it's not real, thought Kaki, as he ran into the forest a bit more. Kaki wasn't sure if he was going to the center of the forest, or the left. Eventually, he found a nice place to camp out. It had two big tree's that were in lined with eachother, so Kaki could set up his tent. First, Kaki unpacked his things from his backpack. He left the backpack leaning against a rock, so it wouldn't roll away, from all of the strong wind's brewing up. Then, Kaki un-attached the elastic band from his tent and started rolling the tent out. He attached one end to the tree, and the other end to the other tree. Then, Kaki started finding rock's to make a campfire. Once he found the rocks, he put them in a circle. Then he found a bunch of sticks and put them in the circle. Then, he took out his lighter and lit the stick's. After Kaki was finished installing his setup, it was late. Kaki was very tired from all of the walking. Kaki layed his head on the pellow and started sleeping. Kaki had this terrible dream. In the dream, they're was this thing that was chasing him down the forest. The monster got faster and got Kai's leg. The monster started attacking him. When the monster did his final blow, Kaki woke up. Kaki was breathing hard when he woke up. He also sensed  a huge pain in his leg. When Kaki pulled up his jeans, he saw his lot's of scars. Kaki was shocked, and curious. A monster in his dream jumped on the same leg and scratched him in it. How is this even possible? Thought Kaki, staring at his leg. The rumors must be true... Kaki walked out of his tent and saw that the rock's were all moved. What's going on? Thought Kaki, getting a bit worried. If this is really happening, I should try to get some stuff to protect myself. That idea made Kaki sound stupid. Oh... They're a monster that's probably not even real, who's after me... Kaki thought for a while... He decided that it would be better safe then sorry. So, Kaki started finding sticks and rock's, and started making things. He managed to make the rock sharp, and attach it to the stick. It wasn't the best weapon, but Kaki was pretty impressed with himself. The hour's started to go by, and Kaki could swear he saw a grey thing looking at him. It wasn't till night, when Kaki actually started to hear noises in the bushes. The noises went in a pattern. Two noises, then Kaki could see the grey figure move from bush to bush. Finally, the grey figure was in front of Kaki, not moving a bit. Kaki charged at the grey figure with his sword, and swung at him. The figure just moved. Kaki sat out for a bout 3 hour's, to see if he was gone. He was actually gone. Kaki was curious, so he tried sleeping with his sword. Sometime's when Kaki slept, he could control his dream. This time, Kaki was lucky. He went into his dream with his sword, and could control what he does. The figure was they're. This time, the grey figure was half human. Instead of being half-transparent, Kaki could be able to actually hurt him. 'So... Why'd you come here?' asked the monster in a demonic voice. Kaki thought about what to do. He had this idea; Strike him when he doesn't expect it. 'Ain't going to talk, hey' said the grey man, turning his back to Kaki. Kaki started charging at the grey man. The grey man turned around and grabbed Kaki by the throat. 'Oh, he wants to play?' said the grey man, smiling. 'Alright, I start' replied the man, chucking Kaki across the forest. Kaki was getting very frustrated and ran over to the man. Kaki was able to strike him in the arm. 'Argh' yelled the man, getting frustrated. He picked up Kaki by the neck and started raising Kaki higher and higher. 'Well, you're done. Game Over' said the man, turning his head. Kaki remembered that he had his sword in his back pocket and pulled it out, then striked him in the head. The hit was fatal. The man fell to the ground. When the man died, Kaki waked up from his dream. When Kaki woke up, he didn't stay and pack up his stuff. He just ran, and ran, and ran. In a couple of hour's, Kaki made it to the exit of the forest. He walked directly into his house, and ran into his room. Kaki was greeted, by his parent's in his room. 'Are you alright?' asked his mom, worried. 'Yes...' replied Kaki, breathing hard. Kaki blacked out after he said yes. Then.... Kaki didn't wake up...

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03/24/2014 6:50 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Mage
Rocketman2301's Avatar
I noticed you kept changing from kai to kaki throughout the beginning of the story. Otherwise it is really good.
Mr Frosty
03/24/2014 7:40 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Dolphin
Mr Frosty's Avatar
Really? Never noticed...
03/24/2014 8:23 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Mage
Rocketman2301's Avatar
yeah throughout the whole thing you say kaki instead of kai
Mr Frosty
03/25/2014 7:27 am
Level 19 : Journeyman Dolphin
Mr Frosty's Avatar
Oh I noticed, well I'll change it ASAP
03/25/2014 8:32 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Mage
Rocketman2301's Avatar
Cool. I am OCD, so it really messed with me. By the way, good story!
Mr Frosty
03/26/2014 6:49 am
Level 19 : Journeyman Dolphin
Mr Frosty's Avatar
I am two... Don't feel bad tho.
Mr Frosty
03/23/2014 8:09 am
Level 19 : Journeyman Dolphin
Mr Frosty's Avatar
Sorry, I'll edit it as soon as possible!
03/23/2014 1:51 am
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Senpai
AnimeFanFTW's Avatar
Um...this is listed as an interview blog. You made a mistake.
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