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Yuna's Character Bio

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Lorn77's Avatar Lorn77
Level 36 : Artisan Pirate
This is another character bio from Alteria. Yuna is Mei's daugher.


Yuna looks very similar to Mei; she has the long dark hair and dark green eyes of a forest elf. She is a bit more muscular, though, which comes from the Orc genes of her father. That at two enlongated, sharp canine teeth, though only visible when she grins. Like her mother, she is generally more shy and is weary of strangers. But utterly and without fault loyal to the few friends she has managed to make.

She is, also like her mother, very skilled with a bow, a "natural" according to her father. But her skills with a sword and dagger far surpass that of her mother because she spent seven long years alone in the wilderness with nothing but her wits to survive.

Yana was born in Mei and Tarak's cabin just outside of the small village of Summermist. Her twin brother, Druuk (who takes more after their father), who was, shortly after birth, given up by their mother to the Assasins as requested by Tarak as he died. [see Mei's bio for details]. So she grew up with just her mother, not knowing much about her brother. Though Druuk knew even less about her.

She learned to read and write, but her favorite thing to do as a child was climb trees. She would often, on warm summer nights, crawl up into the treetops and lay there, watching the stars slowly drift by and the Moon's steady ascent into the dark sky. Sometimes, her mother would join her in the trees and would hum to Yuna a lulluby from her homeland. On these peaceful nights, Mei would tell tales of her homeland, which was so impossibly far away. Yuna often visited that mystical land in her dreams and longed to see it in reality. But dared not ask for fear of making her mother even sadder. For, during her childhood, her mother would often go into short lapses of depression. Mostly about Tarak and his unjust demise; and Druuk being sent off to become a trained killer, without ever knowing the warmth and love of a family. During these spans of a few days her mother would not do much except make food for Yuna. And even then, all she made was snowberry soup, which Yuna never complained about, as it was her favorite meal. As she cooked, Mei would hold the small white berries and simply stare at them in her hand, standing there in the kitchen as the water boiled. Yuna never dared interrupt this sacred tributes to her father; it almost scared her, the way her mother would stare at them with unmoving, unblinking eyes. Luckily, these bouts of depression were rare and last only a few days. Her mother would soon snap out of it and appoiogize. "Hush," she would say in a soothing tone, "It's all right. I'm fine now. It won't happen again..." But it did. Always, it did.

The years passed and, despite her mother's occasional rounds of depression, Yuna had a very good childhood. She even had one thing that nearly every child dreams of having; a pet. Yuna had a wolf, called Regi. Whenever she was feeling down, or if she was ill, Regi would snuggle up to her and comfort her. Living isolated in the woods, he was her only friend. She sometimes went into Summermist with her mother to buy food that they couldn't get themselves, like eggs or, Yuna's favorites, snowberries. When Yuna was a bit older, her mother even let her go into the village by herself, which made her feel very grand indeed. She only went into Crowshire once, when her mother needed a special potion to make Regi go to sleep when he was getting old and too sickly to do even eat. Needless to say, she did not enjoy her visit.

Several months passed by, uneventful. Then, everything started rolling. First, her father came home. From the dead. Tarak explained, though Yuna, being just 10, did not understand, how his step-brother, a man called Rean, who was now king of Skyra (homeland of the Orcs, including Tarak) had somehow raised him from the dead. Yuna was weary of her new father at first, but they soon bonded when he taught her how to hunt. He would also read her bedtime stories. He even made up voices for the different characters. But the best part of it was the change in her mother. Her mother was constantly smiling, often humming happy tunes to herself. Yuna had never seen her mother so joyous and so, naturally, she took a liking to her father.

Not long after, another miracle occurred. Her brother Druuk found his way home as well. He somehow made it all the way from snowy Maysaf, home of the Assassins. Yuna thought it odd, to share her mother and new found father with this strange, solitary boy. But she did not have to for very long. After a few days of visiting and long conversations with her parents, to which Yuna was not privy, an act that made her rather jealous, he left and returned the the place from whence he came. Yuna never heard from him, or of him, again.

Then things began to take a turn for the worst. One ordinary afternoon, her mother sent her into Summermist. The problem? Muss, Fend Cora's artistically gifted yet demonic son, just a few years older, kidnapped her. He took her to his father's inn, all the way in Morroc. Yuna was noticed missing soon afterwards and, with the help of their friends, Mei and Tarak were able to bring her home safely. Or so they thought. While kidnapped, Yuna was so severely beaten, that she did not wake up. She lay on her bed in the basement in a coma, unmoving and barely breathing. Frantic, Mei traveled to Ketgari Port where she heard that the ruling lord there, Dustan, might be able to help her. What she heard was correct and she brought back a potion to cure Yuna. Yuna was cured, but not fore long.

Soon after, a mysterious jungle cat appeared on the front porch. Yuna, being the young animal lover that she was, took an immediate liking to it and begged to keep it. Though uncertain, her parents obliged. Still suspicious, Tarak did some research and discovered the Shifter race, a people that can change their form. Why else would a jungle cat be on their porch? It simply did not add up. And so the "cat" was kicked out, much to poor Yuna's dismay.
CreditYuna's skin by: Sil3ntShad0w150

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