Minecraft Data Packs / Challenge

Manhunt Datapack 1.16

  • check_circle Functions
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Meinhaert's Avatar Meinhaert
Level 31 : Artisan Architect
How to use:
Once you have all the players in the world with the data pack installed; type /reload (command).
You will then have a text that says what to do next.

For safety reasons, it is wise to have cheats/commands enabled on the world if any trouble were to occur; so you can use commands to fix.

There are minimal commands used in this datapack so it is not perfect and makes some things difficult
CreditDream on youtube
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.15
toMinecraft 1.16

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07/02/2020 11:44 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Programmer
szabo35's Avatar
Warning: this datapack in it's current state is unusable:
  1. It will break as soon as you go into the nether
  2. Hunters can spawn at the runner if their bed is missing or obstructed
  3. Hunters won't receive a compass upon respawning
  4. If a hunter accidentally drops their compass it'll be removed from the game
These issues are mainly caused by the datapack only consisting of 13 lines.

Meinhaert if you're interested in fixing the above mentioned issues feel free to send me a message or check out my own manhunt datapack, I'd love to share my wisdom with you. Until it's fixed, I'd suggest you private it since in it's current state it's unusable, please take no offense since we all have to start from somewhere. :)
07/03/2020 12:48 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Architect
Meinhaert's Avatar
Ive had the problems you’ve gotten and fixed them. If you’re still getting the problems ur just using it wrong. And literally for the hunter all you need is to click in the chat to gain the compass and it disappears when dropped because i dont want many compasses laying on the ground. And obviously it doesnt work in the nether. Dream plugin also doesnt work in the nether; thats the point.

I will private it later when I come home so I can test some other way to make it. I made it this simple with such a small amount if commands because I had little time to make it since me and my friends needed it. I uploaded because of that. But thank you for reporting it; no hard feelings:)

And yes we all need to start somewhere. This is still my first datapack. I didnt realize the problems i fixed for my self still wasnt fixed for others. I dont why is still is like that (hunters spawnpoint glitch thing) because it works for me.
07/03/2020 1:35 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Programmer
szabo35's Avatar
1. The compass not working and the datapack breaking are two separate things, the issue is that you're not limiting the setworldspawn command to a dimension. So if the runner is in the nether and the hunter is still in the overworld the compass won't point to their last overworld position. It'll use their nether coordinates instead making the compass point to some random direction.

2. As a suggestion it'd be better to give a compass upon respawning than to have them click a tellraw message.

3. The spawnpoint issue only occurs when a hunter's bed is missing or obstructed, if that happens they get sent back to the worldspawn instead of the spawnpoint you set before the game. Basically the game only remembers 1 spawnpoint and if it can't find one it chooses the worldspawn instead, and since the worldspawn is always at the runner they'll spawn at them.

On a side note, I got into datapacks while trying to rebuild manhunt as well, since I wanted to have a datapack matching the functionality of the original plugin, no more, no less. It took me around 10-15 hours to figure out the most optimal solution for all these issues and as a beginner it was quite the challenge, as mentioned before I'd love to share my knowledge with you if you're interested since this project lead to many many hours of frustration and time wasted. Best of luck! :)
07/03/2020 3:27 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Architect
Meinhaert's Avatar
1. I completely forgot about that problem that is points towards original world spawn.

i knew there were more problems but forgot what they were and didnt have anyone to test it with me really so I just went with it like this honestly.
i just made this datapack within an hour or two, so i didnt go too advanced with it as i didnt have much time until my brother and his friends wanted to play with it. It’d be fun to share the project as u said.
Thank you for reporting and saying specifically things to upgrade. :)
07/03/2020 5:00 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Programmer
szabo35's Avatar
Sure! You can click here to view it, but I only commented on the essential parts so if you've got any questions you can message me here or on Discord.
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