Minecraft Data Packs / Other

Wooden Plane Datapack (1.13/1.14/1.15/1.16)

  • check_circle Functions
  • check_circle Loot Tables
  • 7,024 views, 1 today
  • 247 downloads, 0 today
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DaveDbest Kidz's Avatar DaveDbest Kidz
Level 41 : Master Strawberry
If you have a datapack, just simply type the command: "/reload"

Fun fact:

Have a ride with wooden plane

You can find a structure, temple, sand temple and village

Don't go to near -1 if you land very low your plane will explode!

Don't go to the cave it to hard to see and your plane will explode!

In Survival and Adventure (and i think Hardcore ( V  V) you die and game over if your plane crashes lands!)
                      (V V)



#Title of the datapack

title @p title {"text":"Wooden Plane v3.0","color":"gold"}
title @p subtitle {"text":"by ChzDaveMinecraft2424","color":"green"}

#Commands needs to not spam

gamerule sendCommandFeedback false

#Tellraw of the datapack

tellraw @p ["", { "text": "Wooden Plane v3.0 by Davedbest!", "color": "green", "extra": ["", {"text": " the Passenger is "} ]}, {"selector": "@p", "color": "green" }]

#Kill all entites

kill @e[tag=passenger]
kill @e[tag=woodenblock]
kill @e[tag=seat]

#Check all of the players (1 allowed)
scoreboard objectives add players dummy
scoreboard players set @p players 0
execute as @a run scoreboard players add @p players 1

#Give a player of spawn eggs (with Tellraw message of there is too many players in the server)

execute unless score @p players matches 1 run tellraw @p {"text":"You cannot get the spawn eggs, because there is too many players in the server (this works in Singleplayer)","color":"red"}

execute if score @p players matches 1 run execute as @p at @s run summon minecraft:item ~ ~ ~ {Item:{id:"minecraft:phantom_spawn_egg",Count:5b,tag:{Enchantments:[{id:""}],display:{Name:"{\"text\":\"SUMMON Wooden Plane\",\"color\":\"gold\"}",Lore:["Summon an Wooden Plane and Lets take to the sky!"]},EntityTag:{id:"minecraft:armor_stand", Invisible:1b, NoGravity:1b, Tags: ["summonplane"]}}}}
execute if score @p players matches 1 run execute as @p at @s run summon minecraft:item ~ ~ ~ {Item:{id:"minecraft:pufferfish_spawn_egg",Count:5b,tag:{Enchantments:[{id:""}],display:{Name:"{\"text\":\"REMOVE Wooden Plane\",\"color\":\"red\"}",Lore:["Remove an Wooden Plane and it will gone!"]},EntityTag:{id:"minecraft:armor_stand", Invisible:1b, NoGravity:1b, Tags: ["removeplane"]}}}}

#Tellraw advancement
execute if score @p players matches 1 run tellraw @p [{"selector":"@p","color":"white","extra":[{"text":" has made the advancement "}]},{"text":"[Take a ride!]","color":"green","hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text","value":[{"text":"Take a ride\n","color":"green","extra":[{"text":"Flying up to the sky with Wooden Plane"}]}]}}]

CompatibilityMinecraft 1.13
toMinecraft 1.16

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09/20/2020 4:23 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Crafter
django07's Avatar
Hi! I love this plugin but is there a way I can actually land without crashing? please could you tell me!
Some Random Kid
08/16/2020 10:06 am
Level 26 : Expert Blacksmith
Some Random Kid's Avatar
Some Random Kid
08/15/2020 9:06 pm
Level 26 : Expert Blacksmith
Some Random Kid's Avatar
also how much people can be on the plane
DaveDbest Kidz
08/16/2020 8:05 am
Level 41 : Master Strawberry
DaveDbest Kidz's Avatar
Some Random Kid Just only 1 player can only sit on.
04/19/2020 7:39 am
Level 74 : Legendary Engineer
Dani4355's Avatar
Nice datapack but how do I land the plane, it explodes when I touch the ground
DaveDbest Kidz
04/17/2020 7:35 am
Level 41 : Master Strawberry
DaveDbest Kidz's Avatar
If there is the bug just give me a comment
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