Aliance Prison | Looking for alot of staff!

devinisplayinMC's Avatar devinisplayinMC7/27/16 8:25 pm
1 emeralds 202 4
7/28/2016 6:14 am
DodgeNodge's Avatar DodgeNodge
Hello! so if u clicked on this you're are probably wondering about the server that needs staff! well join this IP and talk to DownInTheForestt for further instruction!




Age (Atleast 13):


What are you applying for? (Any Position except Co-Owner and Head-Admin)

Do you have any previous staff experience?

Why should I accept you as a staff memeber?

On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate your overall Minecraft knowledge?

How Active would you be on the server?

Tell me what you would do to benefit my server and my players.
Posted by devinisplayinMC's Avatar
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner

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07/28/2016 6:14 am
Level 1 : New Miner
DodgeNodge's Avatar

IGN: DodgeNodge

Age (Atleast 13): 14

Skype: Ill send you if im accepted

What are you applying for? (Any Position except Co-Owner and Head-Admin) Headbuilder or Admin.

Do you have any previous staff experience? Yes:
HeadAdmin (2)
Admin (3)
Headbuilder (2)
Builder (5)
Mod (4)
Helper (6)
Staffmanager (1)
Through all those i have learnt lots of stuff about being staff and also helping players.
If your wondering that if i have so many staff positions i can't be on your server
well most of them shut down and a few are barely ever online. I have also been co owner 2 and i have hosted my own minecraft server.

Why should I accept you as a staff member? I have lots of experience. I am mature, but not to mature that i don't make jokes https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcbzPl ... E6qbDOpuOA
I can speak and type proper english so you can understand me. I can use lots of plugins also I am good at building.

On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate your overall Minecraft knowledge? 9

How Active would you be on the server? 1-4 hours

Tell me what you would do to benefit my server and my players. I would help all the players even if I hate them. I am not to strict i give 3 chances if someones spamming:
Warning 1: Tell him/her to stop.
Warning 2: Temp-Mute.
Warning 3: Mute and then ask what you want me to do kick temp ban unmute longer tempmute etc.
Warning 1: Tell him to stop.
Warning 2: temp ban/kick depends how bad it is.
Warning 3: Ban and ask you what you want to do with him.
Warning 1: Lock him up in jail (/jail name jailname)
or put him in a bedrock cage depends if he somehow can break the jail.
Warning 2: temp ban and ask you.
Warning 3: Ban.
For building:
I can build lots of different types of buildings spawns shops maps etc.
I can change my idea of a build style quickly and help the builders who don't understand. I can manage lots of builders at one time while also building. I can add little easter eggs in difficult and easy places to find. I can make parkour and I can make all of different sized builds.
Overall: For admin: I would make sure no hackers griefers spammers or any of those disturb the players and I can help with ideas and help all players in lots of different ways.
For HeadBuilder: I can build a amazing place players would like to be around in and look around. Also managing lots of builders and helping them all.

thanks for reading
07/27/2016 11:11 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
xbox girl123
xbox girl123's Avatar
IGN: xboxgirl123

Age (Atleast 13):13


What are you applying for? (Any Position except Co-Owner and Head-Admin) headbuilder or admin

Do you have any previous staff experience?Yes I have been on minecraft for 3 years and I have been different type of staff for 2.I have been mods, admins and most times builders.

Why should I accept you as a staff member? I am a good builder I know some redstone contraptions if help needed.

On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate your overall Minecraft knowledge? 9-10

How Active would you be on the server?I can have 9 am to 9 or 10 pm in summer and weekends.On school days I can have 3 pm to 8 pm

Tell me what you would do to benefit my server and my players. I would help by answering questions, doing builds and other things of what the owner and co-owner need.
07/27/2016 10:44 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
doppledanger123's Avatar
IGN: doppledanger123

Age: 13

Skype: dopplerdudeunodostres

What are you applying for: Builder/Mod

Do you have previous experience: Yes, me and my friends have made a few servers that have been taken down due to trolls destroying property when we try to open it... There was never a complaint about my building skills.

Why should I accept you as a staff member? I am loyal and will add some cool hidden tunnels/ easter eggs to prison. Also, as a mod i will patrol and anyone caught breaking the rules will be severely punished.

On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate your overall Minecraft knowledge? 10 I have been playing for 6 years!

How active? i would be as active as possible, clocking in a few hours every day and maybe one on school days (Honor roll)

Tell me what you would do to benefit my server and my players: I would make sure that no trolls would run rampant and that no hole would be unscoured! i will also bring a beautiful touch to any build!
07/27/2016 9:07 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Malik888's Avatar

Age (Atleast 13):12 almost 13


What are you applying for? Admin

Do you have any previous staff experience? Yes i have been mods helpers and admins for one reson because i deal with stuff in a calm mature fashion

Why should I accept you as a staff memeber? because I can help you out alot like if you go out of town or something or if people need help I am a very helpful person and love helping and i like to have a nice server to just have fun and play with no hackers ad people.

On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate your overall Minecraft knowledge? 9

How Active would you be on the server? very active at least 4 hours when not on vacation time may change when school starts.

Tell me what you would do to benefit my server and my players.
I can help keep this server from spam and help players in distress or help in general and I am sorta good at building.
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