Aura | Build Team | Recruiting

AuraBT's Avatar AuraBT7/5/14 3:10 am
8/12/2014 12:35 pm
AuraBT's Avatar AuraBT

What is Aura?
Aura is a Minecraft Building Team. At Aura, we do not see building as a job, but as an art. We respect it for what it is, which is a complex and creative form of expressing your thoughts into a structure which you can see in front of your eyes!

How big is Aura?
We are not hoping to grow massive as that will split us apart and that could be the cause of many arguments that get in the way of what really matters. At the time of writing this, we currently have 11 members in our build team. We are aiming to have around 20 builders in our team at any one time.

Who are you looking for?

We are currently looking for:
  • Terraformers
  • Medieval builders
  • Organics specialists
  • Misc. jobs:
  • Animator (To make renders of our builds)
  • Technician (To keep the server healthy, and do small jobs)

What is special about Aura?
We put in our absolute effort into everything we create, and we expect that it will be given from all of our Builders. We are soon opening a public creative server (Using the plot me plugin), and the Builders from the team will also be expected to go onto there and give support and teach casual players techniques to help them get better at building!

Does Aura have a website?
Yes we do - currently there are not any 'projects' on it as we have not made any public yet. The website can be found here: http://www.mcaura.com.

So, now that we're done with the reading - how do I join?
Simply fill out the following application and post it in the comments section below!

Pictures/links to previous builds:
Why you want to join Aura:
Building experience:
Build team experience:
What you can bring to the table:
Main category (Medieval, terraforming etc.):

A decent application will look like this (this is actually an application that we got, with a few edits):
Click to reveal
Builder Application:

Name: Fabian

Age: 21

IGN: Kaitocat

Skype (if yes, please insert name): I do have Skype but I dont want to enter this here.. if needed I can give it to you within a pm.

Pictures of previous builds: Examples of Builds that I was involved: http://www.planetminecraft.com/project/ ... erver-hub/
Some Scraps:
http://www.planetminecraft.com/project/ ... -progress/
Unfinished Terraform:
http://www.directupload.net/file/d/3672 ... n9_png.htm

Previous building experience: I guess I got alot of experience. I used to be in the Sunfury-Team (www.planetminecraft.com/member/sunfury/) and I have built quite much different styles and builds since I started with mc.

Biggest server you have built for: Sunfury / Mithrintia / Eleria / Mc-server.co.uk

Do you expect to become a Build Team Captain: I dont know.. I think it really depends on your team. I think I would be capable of doing it but if there is someone else fitting this job better than me, im fine with that also. In general I think the Captain should be like one of the best builders of the team. So I'm not sure if I can answer this question without getting to know other Teammates and seeing what they are capable of.

Minecraft experience: (no survival XP) I was building ever since. Dont remember when I exactly started.

Why do you want to join Aura: Well I like building in a Team, and getting new and different Ideas, and getting to know new people. This is actually why im looking for a new Buildteam/Buildcommunity.

Can you do anything apart from building? Well I can do Terraforming and Building; also like average Redstone skills. But besides mc there is not to much that is relevant here.

How many hours can you spend on daily: In general there is no restriction - it depends on what I have going on that day to be honest.

Country: CH

How will you benefit us: I guess you guys are looking for experienced Builders; so I think thats how I will benefit you. (and I can build in almost every style)

Maturity: Dont know

Why you think you have that maturity ^: You will have to judge this for me, as who knows - I could be lying.

Sorry for my english.
looking forward hearing from you,

If you are applying for a misc. job, simply PM us and ask us for information about that!

Thank you for reading!
Posted by AuraBT's Avatar
Level 3 : Apprentice Network

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08/12/2014 12:19 pm
Level 22 : Expert Architect
TrickyTriger's Avatar
Name: Daniel Longaker

Age: 14

IGN: artista12

Pictures/links to previous builds: http://www.planetminecraft.com/member/trickytriger/

Why you want to join Aura: I want to join the Aura build team for many reasons. I have been a part of a few good build teams, but none of them have been long-lasting. I se that aura is recruiting builders of the medieval style, something I specialize in, and I really want to be a part of that. Aura also looks well-planned. It appears to be a team that has been well-though out and has taken time to create. I also believe that I can be a strong contributor to the team. I would like to be a part of the aura build team for the reasons listed.

Building experience: I have had much building experience in the past. I have built on Westeroscraft, a prestigious medieval server. I have also built many spawns such as helping with the Mineplex spawn. I have been helping with other little known servers lately to help them get up and running.

Build team experience: I have had experience with other build teams. Mostly small teams such as Team Galaxy on smaller servers. I have been part of big building projects, but never with a real team. I am looking for something new and thought that I would try out your team.

What you can bring to the table: I can bring energy, new ideas, good buildings, and help for others. I can be a help to others when they need it, always keep up my building schedule, and devote as much time as I can to the build team if I am selected.

Main category (Medieval, terraforming etc.): Medieval. I can do any sort of medieval building and or landscaping whatsoever. Nothing really specific. You can look at my PMC account for more details on that.

Skype: daniel.longaker1

Maturity: On a scale of 1-10 I would say that I am about an 8. Given that I am on the younger side, I can be serious, but I can also give or take a good joke. I am not one to be serious to the point of being disliked is what I am saying here.

Timezone: Pacific-Standard

How much will you contribute each day: Usually 2 hours. I will be on more if I can. It all depends on my schedule for that day.
08/12/2014 12:35 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Network
AuraBT's Avatar
Denied! I appreciate the time invested into this application, but I am afraid that your building technique, detail, and style are not up to our standard. There's always room for improvement, so just re-apply when you think that your standards have improved. Thank you.
08/12/2014 8:16 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Network
AuraBT's Avatar
07/09/2014 3:49 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Network
AuraBT's Avatar
07/08/2014 7:39 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Network
AuraBT's Avatar
07/07/2014 5:56 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Network
AuraBT's Avatar
Still recruiting!
07/06/2014 9:36 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Network
kitkat12343's Avatar
Name: Drea, but call me Tess
Age: 15
IGN: kitkat12343
Skype: alice_cullen12343

Pictures/links to previous builds: http://imgur.com/p5AaHks http://imgur.com/SotKVoO,cTN4ivj,ZZApxC ... ,gc3k3NO#0

Why you want to join Aura: I want to join Aura because it sounds like it has high standards of builders, and I love building and learning from and with people that are at my level or even a higher level of creating. I enjoy helping others and doing group projects, so a build team is perfect!

Building experience: I have been a Builder on two servers so far, and I have been on the Demons Build team. I have been building for three years now, and I learn very quickly! I am highly ranked on many creative servers, and I have been building on the xbox and pocket edition for four years.

Build team experience: As I said in the last question, I have been on the Demons Build Team.

What you can bring to the table: I have a lot of building experience and my style is unique. I use a lot of depth and stone, and have patterns that continue throughout the build. I could also advertise and tell my friends (which have MC) about Aura!

Main category (Medieval, terraforming etc.): Medieval, I am very good with detailed houses that contain depth and stone brick. I have a unique way of building this style that I hope to share with the rest of the team!

Maturity: I am very mature when it comes to getting things done with deadlines and such, but when the team is together on the server and having fun, I loosen up a bit and become friendly and lively. I know that being on a build team is a lot about building, but also that it consists of being on a team. I want to get to know my other team members while also understanding their building style and learning from them, as they can from me.

How many hours a day: I really don't know, usually 2+ with no limit. I don't have school until September, so I will be free all day. I may go on vacation for a few days, but other than that, it all depends on my daily schedule. Although I usually build for at least two hours each day.

Country: USA Eastern Time

I'm really looking forward to helping Aura! I will edit this post and add the link to imgur as soon as its done!
07/06/2014 11:08 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Network
AuraBT's Avatar
Accepted! Your application was extremely detailed, and showed that you put effort into making it! I'll be honest; your pictures were quite disappointing, however http://imgur.com/p5AaHks showed creativity and inspiration. I'm sure with some learning we can make you a professional! Please pm us your contact details (preferably Skype).

Still accepting!
07/06/2014 3:17 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Moosey's Avatar
Name: Pasha Warren Falconer
Age: 17
IGN: ShadowGaming987
Pictures/links to previous builds: Please can I send it over Skype
Why you want to join Aura: I want to join Aura, So that I can gain more experience in building and to show off my skills somewhere. I also want to join so that I can meet new friends and become more active in the Community of Builders
Building experience: What do you mean?
Build team experience: What do you mean?
What you can bring to the table: I can bring popularity, I can help people even if its not my build style and I may be able to start bringing in some Profit
Main category (Medieval, terraforming etc.):
Well I build a lot of fantasy stuff from movies like eg.Frozen
07/06/2014 5:51 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Network
AuraBT's Avatar
Denied! Your application was extremely short with almost no information at all - and just for future reference, we will not be adding anyone on anywhere just so they can send photos! Please post your photos here. Thank you.
07/06/2014 3:06 am
Level 32 : Artisan Dragonborn
is_there's Avatar
Conflict of interest but I already built for a server called auracraft. lol might wanna check it out?
Ip is play.auracraft.net
07/06/2014 1:58 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Network
AuraBT's Avatar
07/05/2014 4:14 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Network
AuraBT's Avatar
Update! Website now is now up:

Does Aura have a website?
Yes we do - currently there are not any 'projects' on it as we have not made any public yet. The website can be found here: http://www.mcaura.com.
07/05/2014 8:57 am
Level 1 : New Miner
MCOriginalBud's Avatar
Build for my server
07/05/2014 9:41 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Network
AuraBT's Avatar
PM us for more information about hiring us and such. Thanks.
07/05/2014 5:35 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Network
AuraBT's Avatar
Update! Added this section:

Click to reveal
A decent application will look like this (this is actually an application that we got, with a few edits):
Click to reveal
Builder Application:

Name: Fabian

Age: 21

IGN: Kaitocat

Skype (if yes, please insert name): I do have Skype but I dont want to enter this here.. if needed I can give it to you within a pm.

Pictures of previous builds: Examples of Builds that I was involved: http://www.planetminecraft.com/project/ ... erver-hub/
Some Scraps:
http://www.planetminecraft.com/project/ ... -progress/
Unfinished Terraform:
http://www.directupload.net/file/d/3672 ... n9_png.htm

Previous building experience: I guess I got alot of experience. I used to be in the Sunfury-Team (www.planetminecraft.com/member/sunfury/) and I have built quite much different styles and builds since I started with mc.

Biggest server you have built for: Sunfury / Mithrintia / Eleria / Mc-server.co.uk

Do you expect to become a Build Team Captain: I dont know.. I think it really depends on your team. I think I would be capable of doing it but if there is someone else fitting this job better than me, im fine with that also. In general I think the Captain should be like one of the best builders of the team. So I'm not sure if I can answer this question without getting to know other Teammates and seeing what they are capable of.

Minecraft experience: (no survival XP) I was building ever since. Dont remember when I exactly started.

Why do you want to join Aura: Well I like building in a Team, and getting new and different Ideas, and getting to know new people. This is actually why im looking for a new Buildteam/Buildcommunity.

Can you do anything apart from building? Well I can do Terraforming and Building; also like average Redstone skills. But besides mc there is not to much that is relevant here.

How many hours can you spend on daily: In general there is no restriction - it depends on what I have going on that day to be honest.

Country: CH

How will you benefit us: I guess you guys are looking for experienced Builders; so I think thats how I will benefit you. (and I can build in almost every style)

Maturity: Dont know

Why you think you have that maturity ^: You will have to judge this for me, as who knows - I could be lying.

Sorry for my english.
looking forward hearing from you,
Planet Minecraft


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