What was Your FIRST Build??

Dragon_Hunter_II's Avatar Dragon_Hunter_II12/12/15 6:43 am
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1/20/2016 10:50 am
MrCatSquid's Avatar MrCatSquid
What was the first thing you ever actually built in minecraft? How did it turn out?
Posted by Dragon_Hunter_II's Avatar
Level 36 : Artisan Blacksmith

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01/20/2016 10:50 am
Level 21 : Expert Fish
MrCatSquid's Avatar
A sand house in the middle of the ocean. I played the game in a dark basement, so I was too terrified to leave the house I had made. Then my sister came down and we built a HUGE island mansion. We walled it all off too. It was pretty impressive for some 10 yr olds. Ahh, memories.
01/20/2016 6:26 am
Level 14 : Journeyman Pokemon
SaviorSorrow's Avatar
I spawned near the ocean, night came so I gathered a bunch of sand and dirt and built a shack. I ended up digging a trench to keep skeletons out (I didn't understand how spawns worked) and expanded with more dirt.
01/20/2016 4:41 am
Level 28 : Expert Toast
norigamii's Avatar
My first build.. was quite embarrassing... i didn't know what the black wool block was so I used it and attempted to also build a fireplace... well. it did not turn out good.
01/20/2016 4:13 am
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Technomancer
flashteens's Avatar
My first build was an awkward diamond house built in Creative Mode...

And the next screenshot is what it looks like so far.

If you would like to visit them in Minecraft, the download link for this world in available here, which is playable in 1.8+ Vanilla versions.
01/02/2016 10:16 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Explorer
adriien's Avatar
Ahh, Minecraft in the good old days, my first build was.. I think maybe 6x7 or something like that wood plank and dirt house. As my door, I used two trapdoors. I felt like I was all cool in Minecraft, but I didn't know anything about it. LOL
idk lol
01/02/2016 9:31 pm
Level 25 : Expert Crafter
idk lol's Avatar
My first build was actually in the Pocket Edition. I build a lovely mansion, but when I was playing around, trying to build a fireplace, it... it... burned down the house.
01/02/2016 9:15 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Architect
IronWolf16's Avatar
My first build was some tower house, right before the update that added jungles and the ability to breed dogs.. (I was like 12, I dont remember the update xD)
But all I know is it was crap, and I was trying to copy something my friend built
01/02/2016 9:01 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Toast
twiz's Avatar
My first pe build was a lake because I'm dumb and didn't know lakes generated on their own.. First pc build was a giant tnt rock.. Aka lag generator!!
12/29/2015 4:11 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Toast
Hedgehogs2931's Avatar
My first build on MCPE was the little place where you buy tickets in an amusement park. My first build on the PC version was a battle arena. Unfortunately, both got destroyed when I was either too careless when deleting another world or figthing a creeper.
12/29/2015 4:07 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Network
KingofGrief's Avatar
I made a mud hut but it got flattened by a creeper
12/19/2015 4:05 am
Level 1 : New Miner
HayLordHorseh's Avatar
My first build ;o hmm let me think.. I belive my first build was a few years ago probably 3 or so and I built a decent wooden house xD Since I was a big noob at minecraft I think it looked pretty good. It did take me around 3 hours to finish it since it was my first time really trying to build anything but it was pretty good for a noob
12/19/2015 3:46 am
Level 1 : New Miner
anonpmc1494762's Avatar
12/19/2015 3:43 am
Level 44 : Master Architect
Lachie1770's Avatar
Some Weird Stone Castle Village, I remember it had a motel XD this was way back in 1.0 so i cant quiet remember, gosh that was a long time ago...
12/18/2015 11:27 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Blacksmith
Dragon_Hunter_II's Avatar
My first real build that I attempted that was a house that had a lot of redstone contraptions in it.
12/17/2015 12:35 am
Level 83 : Elite Fox
CraftyFoxe's Avatar
One of my first builds was prob a house. I don't remember
12/17/2015 12:14 am
Level 36 : Artisan Blacksmith
Dragon_Hunter_II's Avatar
Thanks for all the responses so far! I never expected this to go such a long way. Over 300 views!
Keep building,
12/13/2015 3:00 am
Level 67 : High Grandmaster Architect
jduartemiller's Avatar
I started back in Alpha 1.2.6, and things were pretty limited back then. The first build i did was a small dirt house, that i then replaced each block with cobblestone, and began putting in glass. But my first build that i actually planned out was a skyscraper, a very simple and small version of one of my skyscrapers that is still present in my latest city today. Because of it's height, as it reached the top of the world, i called it The Spire. As a means to may homage to that initial design, every city i have built has this tower (and in later iterations, two towers).
12/12/2015 10:28 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
AlphaHex's Avatar
My First build was a big animal farm made out of fences.I remember building this back when I didn't know how to play minecraft nor build stuff!
12/12/2015 10:25 pm
Level 48 : Master Architect
Anakiiin's Avatar
If I remember correctly, my first build was on a classic server that was simply known as "Nintendo" or "NintendoCraft," one of the two. I built a terrible rectangular skyscraper ... it was basically a gigantic rectangular prism that was extremely tall, with bricks, glass, wood, and stone decorating the exterior/interior walls. Compared to what I make now, it was absolutely horrific! xD
12/12/2015 10:22 pm
Level 44 : Master Robot
HannahLikesCats's Avatar
I really got into statue builds for a little bit, so I think my first build was a statue of myself. Either that or a half-and-half statue of SkitScape and Fawdz.
12/12/2015 9:47 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Dragon
laserdrago's Avatar
I built a mansion with lots of features using redstone
12/12/2015 9:46 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
Alliantcraft's Avatar
a square wooden house.
12/12/2015 9:36 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Architect
UnknownNate's Avatar
The Original Teen Titans T-Tower...flat...made of wood...with a skylight running all the way through the 3-block wide flat T, and looking at it from the top from the middle out it was 1 layer of glass, then 2 layers of wood, 1 layer of cobblestone, and then 1 layer of obsidian. It looked so retarded, but it was all done in survival. Sadly that computer became so slow that...well...I don't want to say what happened ;( lol we just got a new computer XD!
12/12/2015 6:23 pm
Level 27 : Expert uwu
ryanslikesocool's Avatar
My first build, probably in 1.7.3 beta, was a small mansion made of spruce wood. It was probably the worst thing I've ever built.
12/12/2015 6:14 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Engineer
TheNixedOne's Avatar
I think it was a working slot machine that used dispensers, minecarts(for decoration, when you hit the jackpot), glass, stone, rails, and used gold or something to play. It took me hours to create, and makes me proud to this very day, but its long gone.

There was NO MCEDIT during the creation of the slot machine.

12/12/2015 5:47 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Miner
anonpmc1231920's Avatar
12/12/2015 5:17 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
anonpmc1999012's Avatar
12/12/2015 4:45 pm
Level 21 : Expert Toast
Lufuu's Avatar
first house i made was a really basic cobble and wood house. miss the old cobble texture
Darkest Crafting
12/12/2015 4:44 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
Darkest Crafting's Avatar
A mountain house in the mountain inspired by the incredibles
12/12/2015 4:42 pm
Level 45 : Master Dragonborn
Ninniy's Avatar
I made a cobblestone-cube town by an ocean in singleplayer survival, very far away from my spawn. I died and lost it when a creeper blew up myself and my bed.
12/12/2015 4:33 pm
Level 1 : New Network
Auric's Avatar
I tried to build a huge city in some early beta version. My definition of "huge" back then was 2 houses, a castle, a courtyard, and some walls. I spent hours and hours collecting all the cobblestone to make it (yes it was completely made of cobblestone). But I was so proud of it. I wish I could go retrieve it now but it is long gone....
12/12/2015 4:30 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Dragon
Jalaqua's Avatar
I built a massive diamond ore tower in Creative mode. It turned out great!
12/12/2015 4:16 pm
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Terraformer
Ivain's Avatar
The first thing I built with creative intent... (no im not counting my cobble fortresses XD)
was a thing for SSundee's top 5 minecraft creations. I think the theme was garden. I was superproud of it back then, but it sucked more than about 75% of the builds on here.
After that I started working on my "nether brick factory", which of course I never finished (first thing I posted on here). I hope to redo it one day.
12/12/2015 3:58 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Taco
BobTheDestroyer's Avatar
It was a 1 by 1 by 2 dirt hut :/ . Probably the same for most people.
12/12/2015 3:29 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Mage
HeyItsPaul's Avatar
I build, a REALLY really REALLY simple house with two floors, I remember being scared of a creeper in creative mode, mind you I was much younger. I also remember trying to build a roller coaster right outside it xd It didn't go well.
12/12/2015 2:50 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Goblin
Gbubble's Avatar
dirt capsule... for surviving in my first world...
12/12/2015 2:44 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Architect
Zethrez's Avatar
It's been so long I don't even remember...
12/12/2015 3:30 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Mage
HeyItsPaul's Avatar
I'm a bit confused, I recognize the profile picture (I don't bother with usernames AS much) but 1 post? hmm.. must be the wrong person, who else has this profile picture xd
12/12/2015 3:55 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Pixel Puncher
alan's Avatar
Insanity has it.
12/12/2015 2:31 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Procrastinator
VoxelBlox's Avatar
I remember my first build. This was back when I didnt know how to play the game, nor design things to the extent that I do now. This was back in beta 1.7.5 as far as I can remember where all wood was the same, except for the logs and how they always faced upwards. I found a nice spot to make a home, so I started punching some trees down until I made a small rectangular hut. I kept adding more useless rooms to that mansion, I would take out a wall, and make a new room, always going up. I would still have that world if my cousin didnt burn down my house for laughs.

Since then I have tried time and time again to recreate what I made, and I have failed every time. Im simply too experienced to make something so simple, and ugly. But it brings back some of my best memories of Minecraft when I play 1.7 beta, and I would be happy to share the ip of a 1.7 beta server thats still running that I found a week or so ago.
12/12/2015 2:11 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Mlem Mlem Bat
CoDoMoBoRoFoPoSoLoKo's Avatar
A big house made out of dirt and wood, I didn't know anything about the game (it wasn't that popular at the time) so my dad told me what materials people would use in real life.
12/12/2015 1:55 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Network
MCfuncraft's Avatar
Giant smiley face
12/12/2015 1:52 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Pixel Painter
Sardonyx's Avatar
I made an amusement park, that was really bad XD I spent so much tome building it, but it ended up being absolutely terrible XD
12/12/2015 1:45 pm
Level 74 : Legendary uwu
TheOfficialNano's Avatar
This small city back in classic
12/12/2015 1:33 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Network
TypicalTrashcan's Avatar
My first build was a very crappy copy of a small villager house, and I made it on singleplayer maybe 2 or 3 years ago.
12/12/2015 1:20 pm
Level 21 : Expert Artist
Enygma's Avatar
Mine was a gigantic "mansion" comprised of an oversized quartz rectangle, on EDawg878. It had to be three years ago at least, and I remember I had asked four other players to come build it with me. Looking back, I would consider it really ugly, but then, I was so proud.
12/12/2015 12:44 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Dragon
Skitto493's Avatar
I tried to make a tiny water dam, and tried using pistons to make the water flow into the other side.

I didn't realize pistons couldn't push bedrock.
12/12/2015 7:58 am
Level 52 : Grandmaster Blob
Estuary's Avatar
I built a nooby house in the jungle.
Hollily Pip
12/12/2015 7:27 am
Level 1 : New Crafter
Hollily Pip's Avatar
I built a zoo on minecraft xbox on creative and I rly miss it (our xbox broke) but yh I never finished it lol
12/12/2015 7:00 am
Level 36 : Artisan Blacksmith
Dragon_Hunter_II's Avatar
My first build was basically a large 3-sided pavilion, off the side of a mountain, in which I built my house and commenced explorations from. All on creative of course!!
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