Custom Achievements in Vanilla Minecraft

Greystalk's Avatar Greystalk3/14/17 11:28 am
1 emeralds 3.2k 17
6/10/2017 6:21 am
Sparthia's Avatar Sparthia
Hello everyone. Today I am making more achievements in vanilla Minecraft using command blocks. I've already got a few, such as

An Apple A Day (Eat an apple)
Butterfingers (Drop a gold ingot on the ground)
Emergency Rations (Eat some rotten flesh)

But I need more ideas for achievements. What do you like to do in Minecraft that I could make into an achievement. I'm hoping to make this a big module with a lot of achievements, so let me know what you guys think. Thanks
Posted by Greystalk's Avatar
Level 45 : Master Ranger

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03/14/2017 5:52 pm
Level 45 : Master Ranger
Greystalk's Avatar
03/14/2017 6:30 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Cyborg
Pepijn's Avatar
"Green fingers" - Use bonemeal on something (crops, grass, saplings)
"The Merchant" - Trade with a Villager
"Close call" - Get saved by a Totem of Undying
03/14/2017 9:37 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Fish
CHorse's Avatar
"Sea-nking Feeling" - Break your first boat
"Fine Dyin" - Eat rotten flesh
"Recipie" - Make a pumpkin pie
"Flying Train" - Drive a group of minecarts off a cliff.
"Vegephobia" - Don't eat vegetables for an entire week.
"Tired Of Life" - Attempt to sleep in a bed in the nether.
"Just Shulking Around" - Defeat 10 shulkers
"Wither Shall You Go?" Defeat 5 withers
"Holy Cow" - Respect the cows and not kill one for a week.
03/14/2017 11:35 pm
Level 45 : Master Ranger
Greystalk's Avatar
Thanks guys, great ideas. I could still use some more if anyone can think of any. Thanks
03/15/2017 12:36 am
Level 47 : Master Button Pusher
Leeberator's Avatar
Pepijn"Green fingers" - Use bonemeal on something (crops, grass, saplings)

Why not "Green Thumb?"
03/15/2017 2:05 am
Level 19 : Journeyman Modder
guestds's Avatar
Pepijn"Green fingers" - Use bonemeal on something (crops, grass, saplings)

Why not "Green Thumb?"

in the minecraft universe neither would really exist so itd make most sense having the achievement reference this by being called "green... fist?"

also CHorse... week as in 7x24000 ingame ticks?

also since Pepijn with your idea meaning i think youd have to have found the Illagers...
"Feeling Ill" kill 32 Illagers

and speaking of villager related things... if possible to detect the villager score (as in when you kill them)
"Bad Trades?" have the lowest possible villager score
and related to above (though this is easier if you have a farm for villager trades and iron)
"Murderer" kill 256 villagers AND 64 iron golems
and a more sciency one rather then killing
"Black Hole" have an inventory full of black shulker boxes full of gold blocks
btw above requires 972 gold blocks aka 8748 gold ingots aka 78732 gold nuggets (this is a hint)
03/15/2017 2:08 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
anonpmc792389's Avatar
03/15/2017 6:27 am
Level 57 : Grandmaster Cyborg
Pepijn's Avatar
Pepijn"Green fingers" - Use bonemeal on something (crops, grass, saplings)

Why not "Green Thumb?"

Both are used in English. I just went with "Green fingers" because it's the literal translation from the Dutch equivalent.
03/15/2017 6:28 am
Level 57 : Grandmaster Cyborg
Pepijn's Avatar
also since Pepijn with your idea meaning i think youd have to have found the Illagers...
"Feeling Ill" kill 32 Illagers

I don't really understand why you mention me here. I never talked about Illagers.
03/15/2017 9:40 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Fish
CHorse's Avatar
"Oh Shoot!" - Accidently shoot your own horse.
"I'm In Command!" - Use 'cheats' for some reason.
"Who's Boss?" - Make a wither fight the enderdragon.
"When Pigs Really Fly!" - Get a pig to be struck by a shulker bullet.
"Lightning Strikes Twice" - Get zapped by lightning twice.
"Witch one?" - Poison both a witch and illager at the same time.
"When Push Comes To Shove" - Be hit by a minecart and shove it back.
"Nether Going Back" - Mine your own portal after arriving at the nether.
"He's Got A Point" - Use only thorns to kill 5 enemies.
"Oh Snap!" - Get killed by the evoker's fangs.
"He's Gonna Blow!" - Force 10 creepers to suicide by using flint and steel on them.
"Unachievable" - Become an unachievable achievement to infuriate others.
03/15/2017 9:58 pm
Level 1 : New Blacksmith
Discontinued-'s Avatar
How did you read my mind. I literally started making a vanilla more achievements mod like months ago. For those months I have been thinking on how the machine lay out was going to be, figuring out tellraw, and other random stuffz. But keep up the good work!
03/16/2017 4:30 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Fish
CHorse's Avatar
Kid; there's 2 million members, and achievements is a very broad topic. If anything, I'm surprised so few have decided to do this.
03/16/2017 5:42 pm
Level 45 : Master Ranger
Greystalk's Avatar
It's hard to implement something like this effectively, which what I'm struggling with. I using scoreboards with the stat. objectives, but some things I want to do don't work with that, which is where the difficult part comes in.
03/17/2017 12:16 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Fish
CHorse's Avatar
I'm not saying it isn't hard; I've tried before and I know how difficult it can be. I am simply a bit confused as to why Epic Enchant finds it fascinating to find another person doing achievements.
03/16/2017 5:30 am
Level 19 : Journeyman Modder
guestds's Avatar
also since Pepijn with your idea meaning i think youd have to have found the Illagers...
"Feeling Ill" kill 32 Illagers

I don't really understand why you mention me here. I never talked about Illagers.

you said villagers and you said totem of undying which im pretty sure can only be found in the mansion things where illagers are... either that or i dont know why either... both of these are likely because its 5:28 am... lol.. but ima sleep now...

but first:
"Night Owl" dont sleep for atleast 2 weeks (ingame, irl you usually die and life doesnt have a respawn option)
06/09/2017 11:43 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
2cool4ubr0's Avatar
How about

"BOOM! Headshot!"
Hit something with a TNT cannon
06/10/2017 6:21 am
Level 20 : Expert Network
Sparthia's Avatar
I usually code stuff like this.
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