Family-friendly community without nationalismhow_to_reg

Igor Tio's Avatar Igor Tio1/4/24 8:00 am scheduled history
1/5/2024 9:52 am
Drzzter's Avatar Drzzter
Lately, I have seen that a fairly large amount of nationalist and chauvinist content appears on the site. Such ideologies are prohibited in most countries of the world because they are associated with discrimination against other races, nationalities, and people of other cultures. The expansion of such content is a socially dangerous phenomenon and, in my opinion, does not contribute to the development of a family-friendly community and affects the consciousness of fragile minds. Such content, although created in most cases for «educational purposes», is actually used by people for other purposes.

For my part, I offer several options on how to solve this problem.

«The soft method»:
1) Introduction of an initial system for blurring such content without first removing it (can be changed through profile settings, allowing the user to see content of a nationalistic nature) and hiding links and images of this content from an Internet search engine (similar to posts that can be seen “exclusively by site members”);
2) The introduction of a mandatory publication requirement, in which content of a dangerous or discriminatory nature must be specifically clarified, making it easier for the moderation team to monitor compliance with the site's rules;
3) The requirement for mandatory clarification that the content is published exclusively for educational purposes. The use of unacceptable statements and slogans in a publication leads to the removal of content and temporary blocking of the profile.

«The hard method»:
1) Complete ban on the publication of nationalist and discriminatory content;
2) Elimination of previously created nationalist and chauvinist content, followed by archiving of content (which will allow the content creator not to lose his created progress), replenishment of lost experience and levels on the site.

Do you consider nationalist content dangerous for Planet Minecraft?
Posted by Igor Tio's Avatar
Igor Tio
Level 51 : Grandmaster Button Pusher

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01/05/2024 9:52 am
Level 74 : Legendary Vampire
Drzzter's Avatar
I'm going to lock this thread. Constructive criticism of what should/should not be allowed to be posted here is fine, but this thread isn't going about it the right way and is tiptoeing around multiple topics which are not appropriate to be discussed on PMC. I would encourage concerned parties to make tickets if they'd like to affect change to the submission rules.

If you are concerned about a particular submission or user, please file a report for our team to investigate. We do not delete all of the "nationalistic" content that you're referring to because the majority of it is harmless and posted with artistic, educational, or military/history-buff hobby intent and should not be taken to mean that the user in question is trying to pervert the minds of our young userbase. Using the user you cited as an example, they have a much more extensive catalogue than the submissions you cherry-picked which are not offensive in any way, but demonstrate an interest in Ukrainian culture, uniforms, and famous figures. With that said, there are some bad actors, and if you think you have run across one, please send them our way so they can be appropriately handled.

If you have any questions, please reach out to me through the private messaging system or create a ticket here.

01/05/2024 9:09 am
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Sweetheart
POSTAL Doe's Avatar
It seems to me that Igor_Tio does not mean nationalism, but nazism.
nazism is Bad.
01/05/2024 8:11 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Crafter
Clockspiral's Avatar
Really? Nationalism is not bad. You make loving one's country and culture moreso than others as some sort of boogeyman bad thing, when it is not.

Can a Chilean citizen be in love with their national identity? Yes... that makes them a nationalist, though.

Love for one's nation should not be rejected because a few bad apples exist.

Instead, just reject the bad apples. Jim may simply love his country, but Jana thinks her country is superior to Jim's.

Both of these are fine opinions. It is ONLY a problem if there is some hateful things being pushed.

Please, don't support more authoritarianism.

This is a dumb argument.
Ender Sparkle
01/05/2024 12:45 am
Level 39 : Artisan Enderdragon
Ender Sparkle's Avatar
Know the difference:

Nationalism isn't bad. In fact, it's very good. Nationalism is prioritizing your own country from every other one. Example: You live in Lithuania and you hear Estonia is attacked. Those are pretty unlikely news, but it's for explaining. Of course, it's sad that one of your Baltic friends is going through bad times. And you are sure to help Estonia, but first, you check your own butt.

While Jingoism (yes, I searched it up on Google Translate) is actually evil. That is presented by actually bad acts like discrimination of other ethnicities and races. This type of content (like posting very specific austrian painter skins) is not allowed on a family-friendly (yes, you can start throwing papier balls) site like Planet Minecraft.

In conclusion, we got a square-rectangle situation.
Every square is a rectangle, but not every rectangle is a square. Just like this, every jingoist is nationalistic, but not every nationalistic person is a jingoist.

Care for your country more than any other one that's out there, but don't make your view for it too superior, so no jingoism happens.

01/05/2024 6:49 am
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Sweetheart
POSTAL Doe's Avatar
You upset me Ender. Very upset.
Ender Sparkle
01/05/2024 8:29 am
Level 39 : Artisan Enderdragon
Ender Sparkle's Avatar
01/05/2024 9:25 am
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Sweetheart
POSTAL Doe's Avatar
You're not trying to justify nazism, are you?
Igor Tio
01/05/2024 3:41 am
Level 51 : Grandmaster Button Pusher
Igor Tio's Avatar
A patriot is a person who loves his ancestors, his Fatherland, and acts in the interests of his country. A nationalist may or may not be a patriot. A modern example of a nationalist state is Ukraine, which for 9 years has been basing its "patriotism" on hatred of Russian culture, Russians living in the East, the abolition of the Russian language, the glorification of nationalists and the demolition of historical monuments. Nationalism is an ideology built on hatred of someone, the ideology of the superiority of one nation over another.
Ender Sparkle
01/05/2024 4:34 am
Level 39 : Artisan Enderdragon
Ender Sparkle's Avatar
Nationalism is good without any radicality and in smaller portions. I do not hate any countries (although I dislike Russia for mamy obvious reasons). I respect other nationalities.
Igor Tio
01/05/2024 5:14 am
Level 51 : Grandmaster Button Pusher
Igor Tio's Avatar
Can you give examples where nationalist ideas, even in small portions, are useful for the development of a website about Minecraft content and will not lead to bad consequences?
01/05/2024 8:30 am
Level 42 : Master Technomancer
Giancarlovan's Avatar
Arnold lives in the USA, and he loves the USA more than the UK, so when he builds on public servers, he builds the White House and Mount Rushmore instead of Buckingham Palace and Windsor Castle, and posts them here on Planet Minecraft as pretty good content
Ender Sparkle
01/05/2024 5:41 am
Level 39 : Artisan Enderdragon
Ender Sparkle's Avatar
As long as you respect other nationalities and don't support crimes against humanity, it's okay. I'm against posting Minecraft skins that present various dictators and war criminals. I'm just saying that if something happened to the entire world, first sector to be repaired should be our own country. And I do not mean Poland, I mean homelands of everyone here, including me (Poland 🇵🇱). Like, Americans check USA, Poles check Poland etc. . I do not plan making any political skins (aside from Polish flag cape), and I won't support idea of "historical" dictator skins.
Igor Tio
01/05/2024 5:52 am
Level 51 : Grandmaster Button Pusher
Igor Tio's Avatar
Nationalism and respect for other nations are incompatible concepts
01/04/2024 5:47 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
BaconLover07's Avatar
What kind of good message board DOESN'T have some good old fashioned Serbian Nationalism?
01/04/2024 4:19 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Miner
ScotsMiser's Avatar
What are some examples of such material?

(I've seen very little I would qualify as overly nationalistic and quite a bit of what I find chauvanistic appears to be for protected classes [​found that out back in '19])

As a general rule, I'd like to see as little censorship as possible [​approaching the standard that if it's not legally actionable, it's left alone] with the exceptions being material I consider inappropriate for youngsters.
[​Previous experience indicates my standards for the latter are considerably stricter than the site is willing to support. ]

While material offensive to any given member is nearly certain to be occasionally available, material offensive to a large percentage of members does not seem to be an issue. [​Counter examples invited.]

The costs of imposing a censorship regime above the currenmt site rules are therefore unlikely to outweigh the [​pitative] advantages.
Igor Tio
01/04/2024 4:53 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Button Pusher
Igor Tio's Avatar
There are specific nationalist content makers who publish such content. Personally, in view of the current situation, I am concerned about the increase in such content from Ukrainian members of the site who depict collaborators of Hitler - SS Galician (part of the Nazi SS, assembled from Ukrainian volunteer collaborators) and UPA (an army led by the Ukrainian nationalist Stepan Bandera, responsible for the genocide of the Poles and the Soviet population, including Ukrainians. They staged terrorist attacks against civilians, even in the post-war period). And the worst thing is that such content unites them and directs them to persecute the Russian-speaking community. It is also worth noting that content dedicated to Nazi Germany and Hitler directly is gaining a huge number of views and downloads. Young people are attracted to this content and find it funny rather than terrible. This is what's scary

And special:
01/04/2024 8:18 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Miner
ScotsMiser's Avatar
Thank you for the reply and the citations, I can see how there are some people might find such objectionable under some circumstances…

The difficulty with censoring them remains that someone must abitrarily determine when/if the value of censoring outweighs the value of allowing.

Starting with what I see as the least controversial:

Skins of specific historical uniforms serve a positive purpose if used as 'garb' for historical reenactments [​e.g. the battle of Gettysburg July, 1863 is frequently reenacted and such depictions include (of necessity) a significant number of participants to assume the role of CSA soldiers]. As this is permitted IRL, similar reenactments in MC should not be censored. [​IMO the historical value of the reenactment surpasses any negative result of having uniform patterns etc available.]
Consider also, taht censoring such might easily beextended to other items such as tanks or buildings… something for which the case that any damage arises is much weaker.

Of the two Ukranians you cited, I was only previously [​vaguely] familiar with Bandera. Both, however controversial, seem to have a number of strong supporters as well as detractors both inside and outside their country.
This brings up the issue [​again] of who gets to decide…
Consider the cases of George Washington and Benedict Arnold:
the 1st is generally regarded as a hero and founder of the USA while the second is portrayed as a traitor [even in his Britanica bio].
Washington was, however, without question a rebel against the lawful authoroty of the government of George III and would (had events gone differently) been executed as a traitor.
Again… WHO gets to decide?

This leaves the case of Herr Reichskanzler Adolf Hitler.
[Despite this particular socialist often being named, the actions of Stalin, Mao, Pot, Amin, Castro and many others provide fierce competition for the 20th century's most perfect embodiment of evil.]

Even here a ban on depictions of an historical figure must be very carefully considered…
I believe few would argue that John Cleese mocking the German socialist in Fawlty Towers would be construed as complimentary or in any way indicative of support. [Nor would the 'cameo' of Hilter in hell in 'Little Nicky' (although decidedly not child-friendly) seem worrisome.]

There must also be considered what may now be refered to as the 'Voldemort effect' where the ban on naming can have the effect of elevating the importance and/or status of gteh individual.

(As a side note, a Hitler skin may also be of use if MC is used to produce the electronic equivalent of an historical diorama.)

Taking all of the above into consideration, my postion remains that censorship is not the path down which it woudl be wise to go.
(The 2nd reply by Zerguskotus to one of the cited skins strikes me as afar less dangerous approach to limiting any damage such material may do.)
Igor Tio
01/05/2024 4:50 am
Level 51 : Grandmaster Button Pusher
Igor Tio's Avatar
I proposed the idea of ​​​​banning this content in the second idea only as an alternative and easier way to resolve this issue. I'm more in favour of making it possible to hide unwanted content through profile settings, as many other websites do. It is impossible to completely ban such content, and it is right that it should be used for educational purposes.
01/04/2024 5:50 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
BaconLover07's Avatar
to be fair, alot has changed in 8 years. A lot of people aren't thinking "heh yeah Im gonna go eliminate the lesser ones". They're just making light of a bad situation. What one person finds bad the other may find perfectly fine. At the end of the day no one person, no one group can truly make a decision based on opinion that doesn't by default exclude others. Maybe talk to people who used to think like that and ask them about it?
01/04/2024 5:53 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
BaconLover07's Avatar
To stop people from supporting evil causes (Fascism, Racism, Communism, etc). We shouldn't just BAN it. You should SHOW them, TELL them what happened.
Post WW2, alot of youth in Germany still supported the Fascists, but they allies didn't just go around refusing to talk about it, they showed the MISERY, the SUFFERING these ideas cause. THAT is what should be done.
01/05/2024 8:32 am
Level 42 : Master Technomancer
Giancarlovan's Avatar
There we go! Hiding nasty things makes people more curious and interested, showing nasty things makes them feel repulsed
01/04/2024 8:46 am
Level 51 : Grandmaster Technomancer
mythicaldream69's Avatar
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