Need Good Builders. *Second Attempt*

dfwlucas's Avatar dfwlucas10/8/12 3:05 pm
10/10/2012 12:54 am
proscan13's Avatar proscan13
Experience:I have had many highrank jobs on many servers
How mature are you from 1-10: 8.5
Did you sign up(Make sure to add your name from the website):Yes
Why do you want to join:To work on a server to free myself from being bored i promise to have very good builds and people skills
What will you offer to the server: Good buildings and people skills
Posted by dfwlucas's Avatar
Level 1 : New Miner

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10/10/2012 12:54 am
Level 1 : New Miner
proscan13's Avatar
ign: proscan12
skype: yes but you cant call
Specialty: building, mining, redstone machines
Experience: i had my own server and designed it as an adventure map
Im a 7.5 im maturity
did i sign up no not yet but will if I am accepted
I want to join because i can bring great things to your server
i will enforce the rules i do that on other servers i just walk around and i giess i am a police man
10/09/2012 5:45 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
natnat49's Avatar
IGN: natnat49
Skype: natalie.franklin49
Specialty: Houses and deco
Experience: I have built half a server spawn but the player lost his world save to it and had to start again!
How mature are you from 1-10: 9 I like to have a laugh!
Did you sign up(Make sure to add your name from the website): Yap (obviously )!
Why do you want to join:So i can show the world my skills and learn a few more skills in the mean time!
What will you offer to the server: A great member and builder who will never greif or break a single rule!
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