Sonicfan0001's Writing Contest

Innominate's Avatar Innominate8/18/14 3:11 pm
8/22/2014 9:14 am
Innominate's Avatar Innominate
Hey guys, what's up, it's sonicfan0001 with something different (Yet again!) Now, you're probably wondering why I'm not posting this as a blog or something. That is because I am currently temp-banned from making blogs, projects, etc. Why? I won't go into details, this might get deleted if I did. Anyways, welcome to the first annual

sonicfan0001 writing contest!

That's WRITE (See what I did there? That's a pun, if you didn't see. Why did I put this thing here? So grammar Nazis don't attack me.), I am hosting my very own writing contest. I have taken many classes and am pretty experienced with writing, so I can make a suitable judge. However, the topic of writing is up to you. I want you guys to either write in the comments or PM me your vote. The topic with the most votes wins, and that will be the topic. Here are the topics:
-Horror/Scary fiction
-Action/adventure fiction
-General fiction

These do not have to be about Minecraft, but they can be. Be sure to not begin writing until I officially announce the topic in the comments. Also, please take the time to read these guidelines:
-Cussing IS allowed, just don't use it every 2 seconds, please.
-Nothing racist, sexist, ageist, or anything like that.
-Nothing promoting religion or contradicting other religion.
-Must be AT LEAST 9-10 sentences long.
-Post your story as a blog, be sure to mention in the title: "For sonicfan0001's writing contest" or something along those lines. Link it in the comments.
-Weapons, violence, and stuff like that is allowed, but please no sexual violence.
-No mention of sexual activity (Kissing and hugging is fine, of course).
-Try your best!

What's the prize? There will be 3 winners, here are the prizes, starting at 3rd place:
-2 themed schematics for use with anything (Specify what kind of build)
-Redstone/Basics of mcedit and forge installation tutorials

-3 themed schematics for use with anything
-The same tutorials as 3rd
-Building tips - detail

-4 themed schematics for use with anything
-The same tutorials
-Building tips - detail
-This one's a choice: If you like acting and such, go with getting your own custom character (Some guidelines) in the sequel to my first MC movie. Or have me do an extensive review on one of your projects or your story you wrote, with feedback and tips. If your story is exponentially good, you can have both.

So, there you have it. If there are any questions, please feel free to ask in the comments or in a PM! I look forward to seeing your entries, the winners will be announced in the comments, and the deadline (When you can't post anymore and I start judging) is September 10. That gives you all 22 days. Thanks again for reading this! If this is in the wrong forum section, any moderator is free to move it to the correct one. Thanks again!

Posted by Innominate's Avatar
Level 39 : Artisan Vampire

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08/18/2014 7:24 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Vampire
Innominate's Avatar
Contest will be discontinued after a week if there is no topic voted on or general interest.
08/19/2014 2:37 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Vampire
Innominate's Avatar
UPDATE: I guess I'll decide the topic. The topic is:

Horror/Scary fiction

Other entries will be disqualified. If you are already in the middle of writing a story that is general fiction or adventure/action fiction, please let me know, and I will still accept it.
08/19/2014 7:55 pm
Level 76 : Legendary Pokemon
blitzscrank's Avatar
If only one person enters does that mean that person automatically wins?
08/19/2014 8:58 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Vampire
Innominate's Avatar

You've still gotta write something and try your best, though.
08/21/2014 1:51 am
Level 76 : Legendary Pokemon
blitzscrank's Avatar
I can try but I might end up forgetting
08/21/2014 10:12 am
Level 39 : Artisan Vampire
Innominate's Avatar
OK. This contest might have done better if I had posted it as a blog, but I couldn't. Let's just say I got banned for something that wasn't my fault.
08/22/2014 8:32 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Minecraftian202's Avatar
I'm game for entering I really want that custom character. Only one problem is I suck at writing horror if this was a fantasy story I would do boss . Well I'll try my best. How long does the story have to be?
08/22/2014 8:36 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Minecraftian202's Avatar
oh atleast 9-10 sentences
08/22/2014 8:47 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Minecraftian202's Avatar
well no one else is really in this contest so I dont have much competition
08/22/2014 9:14 am
Level 39 : Artisan Vampire
Innominate's Avatar
Hey, it's OK if horror isn't really your thing. I just chose that because
A) No one chose a topic
B) I'm good at writing disturbing stuff.

If you really wanna write fantasy, go ahead, that's fine.

And yeah, you'll probably either get 1st or 2nd.
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