Team R.E.D. - An elite redstone team(Looking for redstoners)

MrBestDeni's Avatar MrBestDeni3/4/14 10:57 am
11/30/2014 12:40 am
Pureship's Avatar Pureship
Hello Redstoners!

I'm proud to announce the creation of "Team R.E.D.", an elite redstone team.
My name is MrBestDeni and I am the founder and leader of this team.
What we're basically looking for in a team is people who know redstone, not necessarily inside and out, but people who are familiar with the current ways of redstone (a.k.a. the newest snapshots).
In the past few snapshots, there has been a lot of new things added, which make the possibilities of redstones almost endless.

We are looking for people that are mature and if we sense any immaturity in your application, it will be ignored.

We are also looking for people that know, and are willing to learn the newest versions of Minecraft. (positive thinker and team-worker is always a plus )

We will be very strict about judging who enters, just so we keep the team as elite as possible, so if you think you're good enough, feel free to apply.


You can apply in three different ways:
1. You can send me a PM with the application template filled out
2. You can reply with a message to this thread with the application template filled out
3. You can reply to the official Team R.E.D. thread with the application template filled out (coming soon)

If you are uncomfortable with answering some of the questions, feel free to PM me said questions with the title "[Your Username] - Redstoner Application"

Please note that if you are accepted, it does not mean you are guaranteed to enter and/or stay in the team.

Questions that are marked with a star (*) are optional, filling them out is always a plus

Application Template:
Minecraft Name/In-Game-Name:
Do you use a cracked or premium Minecraft account?:
*Real Name:
*Skype Name/any other form of contact?:
Time Zone:
What part of redstone do you think you are best at (pick THREE from the list and put an "X" in the brackets)
[ ] Adapting redstone to builds (eg. Blending into buildings)
[ ] Compression (Making the contraption smaller and more compact)
[ ] Ideas (Cool redstone ideas that the team could work on)
[ ] Common Redstone Knowledge (Knowing styles and names of redstone components and using them effectively)
[ ] Dealing with lag (Minimizing lag)
[ ] "Pro-Proof" (Making sure there are no ways to exploit the contraption)
[ ] Knowing your contraption inside and out (If there's a problem, you know immediately how to fix it)
[ ] Working with others (Working with other redstoners in the team)
Provide pictures or videos as proof of the categories chosen above that you have done:
*Are you currently in a redstone team?:
*Have you ever been in another redstone team (if so, which one/ones, possibly provide links to them)?:
*Have you ever helped with a map that has become popular (if so, which one, please provide links)?:
Are you willing to do a trial in redstone if accepted?:
*Additional info? (anything you'd like to add):
If you are unsure how to check your timezone, click on this link: http://www.timeanddate.com/time/map/

If you don't get accepted right away, don't feel down, create something better and apply again!

You can post links to pictures with an image sharing site such as imgur.com
You can post links to videos with a video sharing site such as youtube.com
You can post links to any projects you've done too (Planet Minecraft, Minecraft Forums...etc)

Can I give you money, let me in!
We are currently not looking for donations, the only way to get in is being a good redstoner.

Why do you need a trial?
This is because you need to prove that you've built the thing you showed us, so after you get in the team, you will be asked to build different/similar contraptions, just so we know you didn't take a picture of someone else's build

Team R.E.D. was officially created on March 4th, 2014 by the creation of this thread
This thread is subject to change at any time.
Posted by MrBestDeni's Avatar
Level 3 : Apprentice Engineer

Create an account or sign in to comment.


11/30/2014 12:40 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Architect
Pureship's Avatar
Minecraft Name/In-Game-Name: Pureship
Do you use a cracked or premium Minecraft account?: Cracked (Still buying a Premium one)
*Real Name: Ian Laigo
Age: 13 XD
*Skype Name/any other form of contact?: Snowgod24101(Skype)
Time Zone: UTC+08:00
What part of redstone do you think you are best at (pick THREE from the list and put an "X" in the brackets)
[ X] Adapting redstone to builds (eg. Blending into buildings)
[ ] Compression (Making the contraption smaller and more compact)
[ X] Ideas (Cool redstone ideas that the team could work on)
[ ] Common Redstone Knowledge (Knowing styles and names of redstone components and using them effectively)
[ ] Dealing with lag (Minimizing lag)
[ ] "Pro-Proof" (Making sure there are no ways to exploit the contraption)
[ ] Knowing your contraption inside and out (If there's a problem, you know immediately how to fix it)
[ X] Working with others (Working with other redstoners in the team)
Provide pictures or videos as proof of the categories chosen above that you have done:
*Are you currently in a redstone team?: Nope
*Have you ever been in another redstone team (if so, which one/ones, possibly provide links to them)?: Nyope
*Have you ever helped with a map that has become popular (if so, which one, please provide links)?: Nyope again
Are you willing to do a trial in redstone if accepted?: Ofcourse!
*Additional info? (anything you'd like to add): Hi
03/12/2014 7:28 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Pafis's Avatar
Minecraft Name/In-Game-Name: smirenej (also known as RSmir, but it's not my IGN)
Do you use a cracked or premium Minecraft account?: Premium of couse
*Real Name: Patrik Fischer (but I prefer my nick even in real life => Pafis)
Age: 19
*Skype Name/any other form of contact?: Skype: pafis.sifapovic (but for communication I prefer teamspeak [because it isn't that stressfull for my processor while playing MC])
Time Zone: CET (Czech Republic)
What part of redstone do you think you are best at (pick THREE from the list and put an "X" in the brackets)
[X] Adapting redstone to builds (eg. Blending into buildings)
[X] Compression (Making the contraption smaller and more compact)
[X] Ideas (Cool redstone ideas that the team could work on)
[ ] Common Redstone Knowledge (Knowing styles and names of redstone components and using them effectively)
[ ] Dealing with lag (Minimizing lag)
[ ] "Pro-Proof" (Making sure there are no ways to exploit the contraption)
[ ] Knowing your contraption inside and out (If there's a problem, you know immediately how to fix it)
[ ] Working with others (Working with other redstoners in the team)
Provide pictures or videos as proof of the categories chosen above that you have done:

The idea:

You have there no line that says something about redesigning, but that's more or less the same as "compacting", isn't it?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VZ5UXxhEjF4 (have also more stuff in my creative world, but I have no idea of how should I post it here, so if you'll be interested in it, I can send you my PrintScreens with skype or I can open my world to Lan.

And talking about adapting redstone to builds, I'm actually not quite sure if I understood properly,but I can show you the work that I've done with the help of other people at our server with the Iron Trench. If it's not the thing you thought of, please, ask me to send something else.

*Are you currently in a redstone team?: No (playing on one server, but there are no redstoners there, more or less builders)
*Have you ever been in another redstone team (if so, which one/ones, possibly provide links to them)?: No I haven't, but I always wanted to be able to build or speak with someone who knows what he's doing about RS stuff.
*Have you ever helped with a map that has become popular (if so, which one, please provide links)?: Well I did helped, but it didn't became popular, and I actually think that the main author have deleted it ... So it'll be better not to talk about it (also it was a CTM, so not that much redstone to work on, mainly the WE)
Are you willing to do a trial in redstone if accepted?: No problemo!
*Additional info? (anything you'd like to add): Well, I would definitely like to say that my main language is Czech, I'm learning English only like 4/5 years I'd say, so not that good at it. Actually the most I've learned comes through the YT videos ... The other thing I definitely have to say is my skill with command blocks (well I's a part of redstone, isn't it?). I'm still learning, my knowledge is not big (like I know the basics, but when I want to do something, I very often gotta look into MCwiki).

As the last thing I'd like to say is that I'm sorry for that I'm answering now, a few months after you sent this post there. I hope you still want some people to work with.

Have a good day, Pafis
03/12/2014 12:09 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Engineer
MrBestDeni's Avatar
I already answered the other one, but no matter
03/05/2014 12:49 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Pixel Painter
pieisnotpi's Avatar
I've filled out an application, I hope it is satisfactory.
I use premium Minecraft, my IGN is rtevans12 (contrary to popular belief, this is not my name )
Age: 15
Form of contact: I do have teamspeak
Time Zone: -5:00
Specializations in redstone:
  • Adapting redstone to builds (eg. Blending into buildings)
    [ ] Compression (Making the contraption smaller and more compact)
    [ ] Ideas (Cool redstone ideas that the team could work on)
    [ ] Common Redstone Knowledge (Knowing styles and names of redstone components and using them effectively)
    [ ] Dealing with lag (Minimizing lag)
  • "Pro-Proof" (Making sure there are no ways to exploit the contraption)
    [ ] Knowing your contraption inside and out (If there's a problem, you know immediately how to fix it)
  • Working with others (Working with other redstoners in the team)
    Provide pictures or videos as proof of the categories chosen above that you have done:
    *Are you currently in a redstone team?: No
    Have you ever been in another redstone team: Yea, but it's not exactly around anymore.
    Have you ever helped with a map that has become popular: No, I mostly work by myself, which doesn't work well with large projects I want to make. I have, however, worked well in teams before.
    Are you willing to do a trial in redstone if accepted?: Of course
    Addional info:
    I mostly specialize in the technicality of command blocks, such as scoreboards and exploit them to do something cool. I must admit, I'm not very good at analog redstone, such as circuits and switches. I know how to use these new features in interesting and useful ways. This includes war simulations, magic spells, and (probably) anything you can come up with.
    Because of where my specialty lies, it would be difficult to provide proper picture documentation of my builds.
  • 1
    03/05/2014 1:17 pm
    Level 3 : Apprentice Engineer
    MrBestDeni's Avatar
    Accepted for trial!
    We will contact you through a PM soon!
    03/04/2014 3:48 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Explorer
    Peter_Caylor's Avatar
    Minecraft Name/In-Game-Name:MasterSecretFire
    Do you use a cracked or premium Minecraft account?:Premium
    *Real Name:Peter
    *Skype Name/any other form of contact?:skype is peter.caylor
    Time Zone:EST (Kentucky)
    What part of redstone do you think you are best at (pick THREE from the list and put an "X" in the brackets)
    [ ] Adapting redstone to builds (eg. Blending into buildings)
    [ ] Compression (Making the contraption smaller and more compact)
    [X ] Ideas (Cool redstone ideas that the team could work on)
    [X ] Common Redstone Knowledge (Knowing styles and names of redstone components and using them effectively)
    [ ] Dealing with lag (Minimizing lag)
    [ ] "Pro-Proof" (Making sure there are no ways to exploit the contraption)
    [ X] Knowing your contraption inside and out (If there's a problem, you know immediately how to fix it)
    [ ] Working with others (Working with other redstoners in the team)
    Provide pictures or videos as proof of the categories chosen above that you have done:I never take screenshots, but i can show you ingame or on my server
    *Are you currently in a redstone team?:No this would be my first
    *Have you ever been in another redstone team (if so, which one/ones, possibly provide links to them)?:As above, no this is my first(if i get accepted)
    *Have you ever helped with a map that has become popular (if so, which one, please provide links)?:Not as of yet.
    Are you willing to do a trial in redstone if accepted?:Absolutely
    *Additional info? (anything you'd like to add):My dad and i work on mechanical things, such as engines, i find things like that, and redstone, fun to do and i can work on an idea all day because i have perseverance when it comes to redstone. I find myself OK at what i do, but i may be better than i think or worse, i dont know. I hope you accept this, have a great day.
    03/04/2014 6:10 pm
    Level 49 : Master Technomancer
    TedTheTechie's Avatar

    I am the Co-Owner of the Elite Redstone team. May you please message me on skype the IP to your server so i can check out some of your redstone?

    03/04/2014 2:51 pm
    Level 16 : Journeyman Engineer
    atomick86's Avatar
    Hey, im atomick86, this is my app

    Click to reveal
    Minecraft Name/In-Game-Name: atomick86
    Do you use a cracked or premium Minecraft account?: Premium all the way
    *Real Name: my name is Tom, or twiggy as im called
    Age: 16
    *Skype Name/any other form of contact?: skype: atomick8622
    Time Zone: GMT +10 being aussie in minecraft has its problems with time
    What part of redstone do you think you are best at (pick THREE from the list and put an "X" in the brackets)
    [X] Adapting redstone to builds (eg. Blending into buildings)
    [X] Compression (Making the contraption smaller and more compact)
    [ ] Ideas (Cool redstone ideas that the team could work on)
    [ ] Common Redstone Knowledge (Knowing styles and names of redstone components and using them effectively)
    [ ] Dealing with lag (Minimizing lag)
    [X] "Pro-Proof" (Making sure there are no ways to exploit the contraption)
    [ ] Knowing your contraption inside and out (If there's a problem, you know immediately how to fix it)
    [ ] Working with others (Working with other redstoners in the team)
    Provide pictures or videos as proof of the categories chosen above that you have done: theres a few things on my profile atm, but i dont have time to get on the computer and snap a few of my builds, which i will do asap, hopefully today, so you wont see this...
    *Are you currently in a redstone team?: not currently, we just stopped talking
    *Have you ever been in another redstone team (if so, which one/ones, possibly provide links to them)?: i was in a few different teams, only one was partly successful, if you want to check it out, the link is in my profile description
    *Have you ever helped with a map that has become popular (if so, which one, please provide links)?: yes, i have helped to make the screen for a popular calculator, the link: http://www.planetminecraft.com/project/ ... rakonslof/ but the part that i worked on was after the actual project was uploaded, i helped to make the screen more visable during the day time, so i added in a redstone lamp display to make it easier to see, since this was after the original release, a version 2.0 was made with the changes, so the screen can only be seen from the actual download
    Are you willing to do a trial in redstone if accepted?: yes of course, it'd be good to talk to you to find out whats happening with the group and stuff, in getting to know you and stuff
    *Additional info? (anything you'd like to add):i am still curently in school at the moment, and most of the time i wont be able to get on at all on a wednesday and thursday at all, and also every second weekend i cant, sorry for any inconvenience.
    Also, i am better at the smaller contraptions rather than the large ones like computer systems in this style, or you could give me a beefy build, and i could find a way to make it smaller.

    If there happens to be anything i've missed, please just tell it straight to me and i'll try and fix it right away.

    Hope its something good -atomick86
    03/05/2014 10:48 am
    Level 3 : Apprentice Engineer
    MrBestDeni's Avatar
    Accepted for trial!
    We will contact you through a PM soon!
    03/04/2014 11:34 am
    Level 13 : Journeyman Hunter
    gasyboy's Avatar
    I changed that, And i don't have pictures sorry, I will have to build on a server if you need to test me.
    03/04/2014 11:32 am
    Level 3 : Apprentice Engineer
    MrBestDeni's Avatar
    gasyboyMinecraft Name/In-Game-Name: gasyboy
    Do you use a cracked or premium Minecraft account?: premium
    *Real Name: George
    Age: 16
    *Skype Name/any other form of contact?: fred.fred159
    Time Zone: GMT+1
    What part of redstone do you think you are best at (pick THREE from the list and put an "X" in the brackets)
    [ ] Adapting redstone to builds (eg. Blending into buildings)
    [ ] Compression (Making the contraption smaller and more compact)
    [ ] Ideas (Cool redstone ideas that the team could work on)
    [ ] Common Redstone Knowledge (Knowing styles and names of redstone components and using them effectively)
    [ ] Dealing with lag (Minimizing lag)
    [ ] "Pro-Proof" (Making sure there are no ways to exploit the contraption)
    [X] Knowing your contraption inside and out (If there's a problem, you know immediately how to fix it)
    [ ] Working with others (Working with other redstoners in the team)
    *Are you currently in a redstone team?: No
    *Have you ever been in another redstone team (if so, which one/ones, possibly provide links to them)?: No
    *Have you ever helped with a map that has become popular (if so, which one, please provide links)?: No, I have made maps before but they never went public, just me and a few friends playing them.
    Are you willing to do a trial in redstone if accepted?: Yes
    *Additional info? (anything you'd like to add): I do not have a lot of experience for being in a red stone team but i would like to get some experience and everyone needs a place to start.

    -I'm not sure if you intentionally skipped the picture part, but please provide proof of your previous builds, or build something quickly and then screenshot it and post it here.
    -Also it says: "pick THREE from the list", are you only good at one?
    03/04/2014 11:28 am
    Level 8 : Apprentice Artist
    KNinjaGamerNerd's Avatar
    that is an great idea i love redstone and id love to join:

    Minecraft Name/In-Game-Name:KNinjaGamerNerd
    Do you use a cracked or premium Minecraft account?:Premium
    *Real Name:Kayo
    Age:11 1/2
    *Skype Name/any other form of contact?:Skype:kayoyo60
    Time Zone:-3 GMT
    What part of redstone do you think you are best at (pick THREE from the list and put an "X" in the brackets)
    [ x] Adapting redstone to builds (eg. Blending into buildings)
    [ ] Compression (Making the contraption smaller and more compact)
    [x ] Ideas (Cool redstone ideas that the team could work on)
    [ ] Common Redstone Knowledge (Knowing styles and names of redstone components and using them effectively)
    [ ] Dealing with lag (Minimizing lag)
    [ ] "Pro-Proof" (Making sure there are no ways to exploit the contraption)
    [ ] Knowing your contraption inside and out (If there's a problem, you know immediately how to fix it)
    [x ] Working with others (Working with other redstoners in the team)
    Provide pictures or videos as proof of the categories chosen above that you have done:
    *Are you currently in a redstone team?:no
    *Have you ever been in another redstone team (if so, which one/ones, possibly provide links to them)?:no
    *Have you ever helped with a map that has become popular (if so, which one, please provide links)?:no
    Are you willing to do a trial in redstone if accepted?:yes
    *Additional info? (anything you'd like to add):im not exactly an pro on redstone, i wish i could learn more, i do simple stuff, but im very creative (i make some contraptions for party's and im not so good in command blocks but i know the basics)
    03/04/2014 11:36 am
    Level 3 : Apprentice Engineer
    MrBestDeni's Avatar
    Alright, you are accepted for now, we will contact you through a PM soon with further info.
    03/04/2014 11:39 am
    Level 8 : Apprentice Artist
    KNinjaGamerNerd's Avatar
    yay, ill run an small server for now (ill make some creations in it):
    03/04/2014 11:25 am
    Level 13 : Journeyman Hunter
    gasyboy's Avatar
    Minecraft Name/In-Game-Name: gasyboy
    Do you use a cracked or premium Minecraft account?: premium
    *Real Name: George
    Age: 16
    *Skype Name/any other form of contact?: fred.fred159
    Time Zone: GMT+1
    What part of redstone do you think you are best at (pick THREE from the list and put an "X" in the brackets)
    [ ] Adapting redstone to builds (eg. Blending into buildings)
    [ ] Compression (Making the contraption smaller and more compact)
    [X ] Ideas (Cool redstone ideas that the team could work on)
    [ ] Common Redstone Knowledge (Knowing styles and names of redstone components and using them effectively)
    [ ] Dealing with lag (Minimizing lag)
    [ ] "Pro-Proof" (Making sure there are no ways to exploit the contraption)
    [X] Knowing your contraption inside and out (If there's a problem, you know immediately how to fix it)
    [ X] Working with others (Working with other redstoners in the team)
    *Are you currently in a redstone team?: No
    *Have you ever been in another redstone team (if so, which one/ones, possibly provide links to them)?: No
    *Have you ever helped with a map that has become popular (if so, which one, please provide links)?: No, I have made maps before but they never went public, just me and a few friends playing them.
    Are you willing to do a trial in redstone if accepted?: Yes
    *Additional info? (anything you'd like to add): I do not have a lot of experience for being in a red stone team but i would like to get some experience and everyone needs a place to start.
    03/04/2014 11:10 am
    Level 25 : Expert Cowboy
    Aethroz's Avatar
    What does RED stand for?
    As in you put it R.E.D as if its an acronym
    03/04/2014 11:19 am
    Level 3 : Apprentice Engineer
    MrBestDeni's Avatar
    It's a secret for members that get accepted
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