I'll review your texture pack!

TheKierick's Avatar TheKierick1/20/14 6:12 pm
1/25/2014 10:40 am
ShadowAge2's Avatar ShadowAge2
Hey guys!

I own this youtube channel: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UC620MntzzmtNvXB3Agrdbeg

and I am currently looking to do another texture pack review! If you want me to review your pack, comment below!

Tell me what it is called and give me a link to a few screen shots (as well as a download link)

Thanks guys! I will be checking back one day from now and choosing the texture pack I want to review!
Posted by TheKierick's Avatar
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer

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01/25/2014 10:40 am
Level 17 : Journeyman Artist
ShadowAge2's Avatar
I worked hard on my texture pack... Aaragerion. For short it's "Interesting Cartoony Default Revamp". For short, again. ICDR!
http://www.planetminecraft.com/texture_ ... lt-revamp/
01/23/2014 11:34 pm
Level 43 : Master Enderdragon
webball's Avatar
Here's mine if you're interested in reviewing it!

WebCraft 1.7.4
http://www.planetminecraft.com/texture_ ... craft-125/

Edit: didn't realize this was ended lol.
01/21/2014 6:55 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Geek
pikminiac92's Avatar
Does mine need to be done first because i regually work on it.
01/21/2014 5:07 pm
Level 40 : Master Pixel Painter
insomniac_lemon's Avatar
You have a cute voice and are entertaining :3, you remind me a bit like FreestyleOMG/Shrii.

Would you mind reviewing my Resource pack, Vivid Torrential Changes?

Also, if you're using MCpatcher with CTM on, maybe you could make a large glass wall (and maybe some different shaped windows) to show off classic glass CTM? I'd really like someone to finally mess around with mine in a video or at least comment about it.

Also, no rush. I'll probably update in the next few days, but I guess it won't make too much of a difference for 1.7.4.

I promise it's definitely worth reviewing, it's at least a decent pack with a few really cool features that needs some more publicity
01/21/2014 7:51 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
TheKierick's Avatar
Aww, thank you dude and I'm sorry, I already filmed something and I'm currently uploading it :/ But I definitely will keep your texture pack in mind!
01/21/2014 11:48 pm
Level 40 : Master Pixel Painter
insomniac_lemon's Avatar
Well, that didn't take long. But, like I said, no rush.

Also to what you said in your latest review: No, MCpatcher/Optifine is NOT needed any longer for HD textures (hasn't been since the terrain.png was disbanded). HOWEVER, try my pack with and without MCpatcher. You will notice WAY more features, including not-so-ugly tiling grass (and a few others), much cooler grass, and some blocks that have different tops.

Patching is no longer required, but it still can even make 16x packs much better.
01/21/2014 4:35 pm
Level 26 : Expert Artist
Trapinch2000's Avatar
Is it too late? because it would be awesome if you review mine!

http://www.planetminecraft.com/texture_ ... aft-v1308/

SimpleCraft is basically a simple recources pack, like it's said in the name x)

I would put a link to your video if you want ^^
01/21/2014 4:29 pm
Level 44 : Master Bunny
ihaspandah_'s Avatar
Can you please review mine? It's on my profile but I haven't really done too much. It doesn't really have a name but just call it ihaspandah_'s pack or something. Thank you in advance c:

EDIT: Here's a link: http://www.planetminecraft.com/texture_pack/my-first-texture-pack--2671187/%20link
01/21/2014 4:24 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Architect
deadacct's Avatar
Is it too late? I'd love for you to take a look at Pastelvision!
01/21/2014 8:01 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Lady_Penny's Avatar
Just got yourself another subscriber good luck!
01/21/2014 4:22 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
TheKierick's Avatar
Thanks !
01/21/2014 7:20 am
Level 22 : Expert Button Pusher
treyishuman's Avatar
Definitely a nice little channel, if I had a resource pack I'd ask, but I don't.
..So I won't.
01/21/2014 7:09 am
Level 23 : Expert Pokemon
rayquazaD10's Avatar
It's called Simple Realistic. it's 1.8 but I have it in my pmc page its my latest post.
01/21/2014 4:20 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
TheKierick's Avatar
I like yours! I downloaded it but it does not show up when i open up my resource packs, even though I downloaded it correctly, as well as placed it in the resource pack folder. Does it need to be unzipped?
01/21/2014 6:52 am
Level 31 : Artisan Blockhead
minthus's Avatar
would be awesome if you could do a review of mine called mintcraft
http://www.planetminecraft.com/texture_ ... ack-16x16/
01/21/2014 6:50 am
Level 34 : Artisan Geek
pikminiac92's Avatar
It's called gravity mines and is based on gravity falls. It's not nearly done yet but it's looking good so far.
http://www.planetminecraft.com/texture_ ... s-beta-02/
screenshots and download is here.
Planet Minecraft


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