Need people to play Pixelmon with

Green_Jememba's Avatar Green_Jememba10/27/13 7:32 pm
1 emeralds 1.2k 15
11/4/2013 10:30 pm
kevthekiller333's Avatar kevthekiller333
I've been doing some pixelmon videos and posting them on youtube
and I've been enjoying doing them, but i want to play around with people

Pixelmon (or pokemon) experience:
Real name (Optional):
IGN (In game name):
Favorite starter:
Fps while recording (minecraft):

Q:Whats pixelmon???
A:It's a minecraft mod that basicly changes your game to pokemon, with a few minecraft aspects such as mining for iron, which is required for pokeballs

Q:Does the experience affect my chance of playing with you?

Q:Does premium affect anything? cos I'm cracked
A:No im cracked aswell

My appication
Pixelmon (or pokemon) experience:a year or so
Real name (Optional):Zac
IGN (In game name):GreenFanter
Favorite starter:Bulbasaur
Fps while recording (minecraft):kinda low, around 6, maybe 10 occasionally (mainly because i don't have opifine and it will not run with my pixelmon anymore)
Posted by Green_Jememba's Avatar
Level 9 : Apprentice Explorer

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10/27/2013 7:42 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Ranger
Reptile_FTW's Avatar

Pixelmon (or pokemon) experience:none
Real name (Optional):Levi Weeks
Skype:Levi Weeks
Premium:idk what this is
IGN (In game name):Reptile_FTW
Favorite starter:idk what this is
Fps while recording (minecraft):60

Sorry im a bit on the derpy side
10/27/2013 7:48 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Explorer
Green_Jememba's Avatar
Well i don't need to now your 2nd name, but whatever
i can answer your questions
Premium is people who brought minecraft (im hoping for that one day)
A starter is a starter pokemon
oh and you need download 2.3.1 pixelmon, craftrealms haven't updated yet
and im sure your new to pokemon, so i'll help you on your journey though the world of pixelmon (and pokemon because they are basicly the same thing)

EDIT:im unable to add you today, i don't know which one is you, send a request on skype

Note:Im going record on pixelmon again sometime today
10/28/2013 6:21 am
Level 9 : Apprentice Explorer
Green_Jememba's Avatar
10/28/2013 6:51 am
Level 59 : Grandmaster Baconator
monkeyfunk26's Avatar
It angers me to see people who play cracked versions. It's piracy. You are stealing someone's hard, honest work. Buy the game, it's around 25$. Seriously.
10/28/2013 9:42 am
Level 9 : Apprentice Explorer
Green_Jememba's Avatar
Some of us can't afford that price, if you want the cracked to end then you have to report sites like mineshafter,team extreme, minecraft SP, sites like that, and get off this topic aswell, your off topic, if you want whine about it go make your own topic about it
besides, theres a forum about cracked servers and if you look around here theres a sub-forum for cracked servers here aswell
parkour brad1
10/29/2013 8:58 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
parkour brad1's Avatar
Age: 13
Pixelmon (or pokemon) experience: Played it a lot
Real name (Optional): Dejan (hard to say)
Skype: dejan_ty
Premium: Yes i have it.
IGN (In game name): parkourbrad1
Favorite starter: squirtle
Fps while recording (minecraft): 120 fps
I dont care if you have cracked. I dont judge.
10/29/2013 7:57 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Morphmander006's Avatar
Age: 11
Pixelmon (or pokemon) experience: 3 years
Real name (Optional):
Skype: morphmander
Premium: Yep!
IGN (In game name): morphogenetic
Favorite starter: CHARMANDER!
Fps while recording (minecraft): with optifine it's about 20 without it about 7-15

Can I use any other mods like NEI and Damage indidcators?
10/29/2013 8:17 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Crafter
Devinbolt145's Avatar
Greetings! If you ever consider buying the legal version of MineCraft (completely worth the 25$) you are more than welcome to join PokeShock! We are a pixelmon server that combines the best themes minecraft and Pokemon both have to offer. Should you be interested you can stop by at; www.pokeshock.enjin.com !

monkeyfunk26It angers me to see people who play cracked versions. It's piracy. You are stealing someone's hard, honest work. Buy the game, it's around 25$. Seriously.

While I agree with this, I will stay on topic just to keep peace.
11/01/2013 11:37 am
Level 9 : Apprentice Explorer
Green_Jememba's Avatar
Well i haven't noticed this topic got bumped, and i'm bumping it again

also devinbolt i hopefully will actually buy it, but i just don't want my username to be my email address right now, i prefer my own minecraft name

Anyway morthmander006 and parkour brad, accepted, you should get a contact request on skype sometime today if you don't then i can't find your username so instead you will have to send me a skype request
11/01/2013 3:22 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Narwhal
patrat1234's Avatar
Age: 15
Pixelmon (or pokemon) experience: Quite a lot
Real name (Optional): Patrick
IGN (In game name):patrat123
Favorite starter: Charmander
Fps while recording (minecraft): 40+
11/01/2013 9:33 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Warrior
aj835's Avatar
Pixelmon (or pokemon) experience: A, week or 2.
Real name (Optional):AJ
Skype: a.j.isawesome5
Premium: Yup
IGN (In game name):xXFALCONS27Xx
Favorite starter:Charzard
Fps while recording (minecraft): About 20.
11/04/2013 3:59 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
Brosiff's Avatar
Pixelmon (or pokemon) experience:Lots. been playing since Red and Blue for gameboy
Real name (Optional): Brandon
Skype: brosiff322
Premium: yes
IGN (In game name): LichKing_Brosiff
Favorite starter: in pixelmon it was eevee but normaly charmander
Fps while recording (minecraft): around 30~40 or so

iv been looking to play with some people for some time lol
11/04/2013 6:03 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Network
SkinSkyrim's Avatar
Pixelmon (or pokemon) experience:Own a pokemon channel with almost 30k subs and I am great at battling. I once owned a server with pixelmon installed but it was ddosed so I had to shut it down.
Real name (Optional):Raylen
IGN (In game name):RayquazaD10
Favorite starter:Treecko
Fps while recording (minecraft):Depends I get up to 50 after christmas I will have a better computer that can get up to 300

I am a GIRL by the way just incase you would like to know.
11/04/2013 9:48 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
kevthekiller333's Avatar
Check out this server trust me it wont wast your time its a really good server

s50.hosthorde.com:25608 Please join if u wanna have fun!
11/04/2013 10:30 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
kevthekiller333's Avatar
Check out this server trust me it wont wast your time its a really good server

s50.hosthorde.com:25608 Please join if u wanna have fun!

As soon as you join the server your pixelmon will crash :/ it only happens once so just join back then and enjoy the awesomeness!!!
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