New Streamer Looking for What People Want

onelungx's Avatar onelungx2/18/18 10:41 am
3 emeralds 263 6
2/23/2018 4:34 pm
onelungx's Avatar onelungx
Heyo Onelung here again for LoW needing the input and likes and suggestions of all you Planet Minecrafters out there! this post will be about Twitch and Youtube together btw. So originally i Started streaming on Twitch, no plan, no long term ideas or goals, just felt id stream what i play and if people wanna watch and join in more power to them! then i quickly realized a lot of minecraft stuff needs to be edited into Fast Forwarded vids to help with extensive build times and the like so figured meh, why not make YT vids after i finish my twitch stream. started to get addicted to the possibilities of my stream and videos and started to think about it a little more and decided to plan out a schedule with diff types of streams and or vids so viewers can follow my schedule instead of just random streams. Now i have a few ideas of how ill make my stream my own for one i SUCK at pvp and its entertaining but thats just the start.... but i really want to hear from the people what do you guys get stuck watching.... what characteristics of streamers pulls you to them... what do you like seeing people do or fail at doing in MC.... oh and ill share it i guess cuz i cant get other info without(<---Genius) but i suffer from Schizophrenia and was considering doing a thing where i take questions ANY questions Personal, about the illness, aobut anything really, but get questions from people for a week to two weeks and then pick the best ones and have a bit where im answering these questions from you folks about how crazy i am hahahaha.... please tell me the secrets to get you watchng me and please start putting up your questions and suggestions!!!
Posted by onelungx's Avatar
Level 13 : Journeyman Taco

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02/18/2018 6:58 pm
Level 46 : Master Architect
Isz's Avatar
To be quite honest I dont watch any streamers and I really dont get streaming, I can just play the game myself instead of watching someone play it? Doesn't make sense to me
02/18/2018 8:50 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Taco
onelungx's Avatar
i totally understand where youre coming from, but still some game play is just very addicting to watch, like i love watching my friend Jesus stream minecraft hypixel pvp because i suck so bad at pvp it blew me away when i frist saw him at how skilled he was and was blow away at his tallent it just made me wanna watch!i and for a good stream you gotta have the right personality as well some poeple are too quiet but me i am hoping to grow a group of followers that are actively talking to me while i play so i can make it interactive for them, and i also love sharing stories of my schizophrenia that can be very interesting to listen to and make you like your life a lil more hahahaha
02/18/2018 5:52 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Warrior
Huntress2626's Avatar
I usually watch streamers who make me laugh. I have my own channel myself, and although you seem to play Minecraft, I would suggest you have a bit of variety, and play 2 or 3 different games on your channel. If you want to be a twitch streamer, I suggest having a face-cam and background music. I find that it usually makes viewers come back to watch, because they know your stream is enjoyable. Make sure you are always talking, and at a good pace. You don' t want to talk so fast your viewers can't understand you. I also recommend obs to stream, and I would like to know what your twitch and YouTube is called so I can watch sometime, and give more tips to improve :) Don't feel like you have to do any of this, it's just what I would suggest, and what I find best from my own view as a YouTuber.
02/19/2018 7:54 am
Level 13 : Journeyman Taco
onelungx's Avatar
thank you for the tips, i was wanting to play music but mine woould have to be way low becuase i would have to have my insane death metal playing to better show my personality lol. also i do use my cam... love letting people see my crazy ass and how on edge the game gets me on times lol a lot of times im like oh man i wish that thig was off right now cuz i bet i look ridiculous but thats why its there! and you can find my twitch and youtube on my profile on this site actually, but dont watch my youtube vids taht are there, they were total test only and no content to them but hope to better my abilities to produce quality vids down the road that will be added!
02/18/2018 3:29 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
CathalA06's Avatar
You should stream on emeraldhaze.apexmc.co !!!!
02/18/2018 3:44 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Taco
onelungx's Avatar
gg one the personal shoutout lol no worries though, ill either be in my personal server and or on hypixel.... if others have good suggestions or competitions to attend i will consider visiting other servers
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