Recruiting for a gaming group! (already have some people)

NonSeriousGamer's Avatar NonSeriousGamer6/5/15 4:45 pm
6/10/2015 11:35 am
bigzeus2020's Avatar bigzeus2020
Hello people of PMC. I'm guessing you are looking at this post because you're looking for a gaming group to join? If not then why are you here?

Any way we are looking for somebody that is a good laugh but knows when they need to calm down so we can get things done. Some one we can rely on to be on time and is able to be flexible. Also we now have an SMP server but to be apart of that you need to show that your trustworthy enough not to go around griefing.We want a chilled bunch of people we can play with out side of recording as well just to hang out and get to know each other. So if you think you are capable of these things then please fill out the application below.

Age: (no sqeekers)
Maturity 0-10:
Time zone:
Best joke:
Youtube channel:
Can we rely on you:

Posted by NonSeriousGamer's Avatar
Level 1 : New Explorer

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06/05/2015 5:15 pm
Level 22 : Expert Lumberjack
baucat9's Avatar
IGN: baucat9
Age: Tell you privately
Maturity 0-10: 7.5
Time zone: Tell you privately
Best joke: Two jocks were playing Minecraft. Wait, Jocks physically can't play Minecraft.
Youtube channel: N/A
Can we rely on you: Well, I think you have to.
06/06/2015 1:24 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
ChappyJames's Avatar
Best joke: Two jocks were playing Minecraft. Wait, Jocks physically can't play Minecraft.

Holy dicks you sound like a bitch.

IGN: ChappyJames

Age: 18

Maturity 0-10: Ranges from 5-10 depending on the conversation. (Ive enlisted into the military if that gives you a hint)

Time zone: EST

Best joke: People still remember jokes?

Youtube channel: Dont use it anymore

Can we rely on you: I have no harmful intentions to you or your friends. Im simply trying to play some MC and meet new people before I ship out.
06/06/2015 2:15 am
Level 1 : New Miner
CallMeWulf's Avatar
IGN: Deadwolflord

Age: 17

Maturity 0-10: 10

Time zone:Central Us

Best joke:
A husband and wife are trying to set up a new password for their computer. The husband puts, "Mypenis," and the wife falls on the ground laughing because on the screen it says, "Error. Not long enough."

Youtube(Twitch) channel: CallMeWulf
Can we rely on you: Well what is it that you will need to rely of me for? xD
06/06/2015 5:21 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
NonSeriousGamer's Avatar
You are the only one im considering so far
06/06/2015 11:39 am
Level 1 : New Miner
CallMeWulf's Avatar
alright just hmu over pm if you want me to join
06/06/2015 6:22 am
Level 1 : New Miner
TheGamingHobo's Avatar
Age: (no sqeekers) 17
Maturity 0-10:8.6/10
Time zone:Eastern AEST
Best joke: What do you call a short mexican? a paragraph because he's too small to be an essay
Youtube channel: TheGamingHobo
Can we rely on you:Im on almost everyday so yea
06/06/2015 6:23 am
Level 1 : New Miner
TheGamingHobo's Avatar
Age: (no sqeekers) 17
Maturity 0-10:8.6/10
Time zone:Eastern AEST
Best joke: What do you call a short mexican? a paragraph because he's too small to be an essay
Youtube channel: TheGamingHobo
Can we rely on you:Im on almost everyday so yea
06/06/2015 6:39 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
NonSeriousGamer's Avatar
With that timezone would you be on late/early to keep on time with me? (UTC)
06/07/2015 7:35 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
NonSeriousGamer's Avatar
06/07/2015 11:12 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Gocheno's Avatar
IGN: Gocheno
Age: 14
Maturity: 7
Time zone: Australia, QLD
Youtube channel: http://bit.ly/1eWlR7n
Can we rely on you: I promise I will clean the dishes
Best joke: The power of Gifs
06/08/2015 12:37 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Abnormal_Gnome's Avatar
IGN: Abnormal_Gnome
Age: 23
Maturity 0-10: 8
Time zone: EST
Best joke: What happens to a frog's car when it breaks down?
It gets toad away.
Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQMbQg ... irivTkLwIg
Can we rely on you: Absolutly!!
06/08/2015 6:55 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
NonSeriousGamer's Avatar
If you have skype your in :0
06/08/2015 11:32 am
Level 1 : New Miner
TnFactions's Avatar
Age: (no sqeekers) 17 in 3 days
Maturity 0-10: 10
Time zone: GMT
Best joke: there's a new virus going round in computers its called viagra it turns your 2.5 inch floppy into a hard drive xD
Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0pX6e ... XSw1UkFCwg
Can we rely on you: Surely Can
Mic quality : amazing with no background noice
MLG level : 10
06/09/2015 5:12 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
NonSeriousGamer's Avatar
ACCEPTED! Pm me your skype if you have one. I am GMT+1
06/08/2015 1:48 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Wafflelancher's Avatar
IGN: Wafflelancher
Age: (no sqeekers) 19
Maturity 0-10: 8
Time zone: GMT
Best joke: What do a christmas tree and a priest have in common?
Their balls are just for decoration
Youtube channel: I have/had 2
Wafflelancher - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHR-CN ... DyujFuFW4w
2W - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSj8IW ... 5aNNwASx7w
Can we rely on you: I work 7am till 4:30pm and am free all times around that so I shall say yes. I would like to know your timezone though as if it is an American group obviously I cannot participate.
06/09/2015 5:11 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
NonSeriousGamer's Avatar
ACCEPTED! Pm me your skype if you have one.
06/09/2015 6:05 am
Level 33 : Artisan Dragon
HudsonGamingYT's Avatar
IGN: HudsonGamingYT
Age: 12
Maturity 0-10: 7
Time zone: (UTC+10:00) Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney
Best joke: Are you a redstone torch? Because my piston just activated!
YouTube channel: Hudson Gaming http://tinyurl.com/HudsonGaming/
Can we rely on you: Yes! I'm very trust worthy and i don't act up

1 question! What is this gaming group called!
06/09/2015 7:54 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
Gaius550's Avatar
Age: 420!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DORitos!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 (13)
Maturity 0-10: 9.7
Time zone:UCT+8:00
Best joke:dont have one i just tends to happen
Youtube channel: http://www.youtube.com/c/versatilediamond
Can we rely on you: Depends (lol)
06/09/2015 8:18 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
NonSeriousGamer's Avatar
This everybody is an amazing example of why I dont have squeekers
06/09/2015 8:37 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
Gaius550's Avatar
am i in or no if not ok but i sad :'(
06/09/2015 3:51 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
NonSeriousGamer's Avatar
No your not clearly to immature
06/09/2015 8:25 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
Gaius550's Avatar
am i in? pls sir i dont have friends lol just kiddin
06/09/2015 7:38 pm
Level 23 : Expert Toast
zute6's Avatar
IGN: ScreamingPanda
Age: (no sqeekers) 15,
Maturity 0-10: 8
Time zone: Australia (UTC+10)
Best joke: What do you get when you burn down safeway, coles
Youtube channel: PandaPlaysAll
Can we rely on you: Yes, but i do have a schedule
06/10/2015 11:10 am
Level 1 : New Miner
jojo_jacko's Avatar
IGN: jojo_jacko
Age: 18 (no sqeekers)<----I hate squeakers
Maturity 0-10:8
Time zone:gmt 0
Best joke: http://www.memecenter.com/fun/4498425/step-1-call-yourself-ugly-step-2-receive-likes-and-compliments
Youtube channel:http://bit.ly/1DrFeOv
Can we rely on you:Definitely.I don't steal or grief. i have owned several of my own servers and I stream when I play so you can just watch my broadcast if you find something suspicious.
For my skype you can either message me or just tell me your skype and I will add you i don't like giving mine out.
06/10/2015 11:35 am
Level 1 : New Miner
bigzeus2020's Avatar
IGN: BigZeus20

Age: 13 (No I'm not a squeaker)

Maturity 0-10: Ranges from 5-10 depending on the conversation.

Time zone: (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)

Best joke: (Don't know but here's one) I know why Superman left Krypton. Earth was the only place he could get steroids!

Can we rely on you: Yes you can rely on me. I have never griefed someone throughout all my minecraft experience. I don't really do anything except play MC and surf the web usually so I have plenty of time.
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