Fablehaven RP ~Sign up~

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First off,

Fablehaven is a secret nature preserve protecting beings of myth and legend from the outside world. The treaty there ensured the beings safety under the retribution law. The Knights of the Dawn is an organization who was formed to combat the Society of the Evening Star, an evil organization who plotted to open the demon prison, Zzyzx. The Society almost succeeded, but the situation got out of control.
It is about 50 years after the triumph of the Knights of the Dawn and everything has calmed down. The artifacts have been relocated, new guardians placed, and Eternals with their guardians chosen. But everything is not at ease. A new organization has arisen and they are seeking to do the same thing the Society wanted to do; get the demon king to cooperate with them and ultimately rule the world. This new group is called the Order of Midnight Dusk. The Order has already overtaken one of the new secret preserves holding an artifact. The preserve they've overtaken was called Ruinstone Chateau, which was holding the Sands of Sanctity. No one knows whether the Order has found the artifact yet or not. The Knights of the Dawn have started taking action; they've sent trusted members to the secret preserves and known members of the Order are being tracked down. The caretakers of the new secret preserves are quite anxious, wondering if the Order will reach them.
(PS, don't forget to drink a glass of the milk.)

1. No trolling whatsoever.
2. You must have the spelling and grammar level of at least a fifth grader.
3. Do not argue with accepters. Their decision is final.
4. Backstories must be at least a paragraph. Two or more is more likely to be accepted.
5. Don't be too OP.
6. If your app is declined, you have three tries to get accepted. No less, no more.
7. Have fun!



Those who know about the magical creatures:
Full name:
Alignment: (Knight, Order or neutral.)
Anything Else:

Those who don't:
Full Name:
Anything Else:

Magical Beings:
It would be extremely hard to list them all here. So I'll explain the most known ones.
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Large golden owls with human faces. They were the former servants of the Fairy Queen, and the bodyguards of the Fairy King. However, they were full of pride, and they failed in their duty, resulting in the downfall of the King, the fall of all male fairies, and subsequent rise of Imps, and their banishment from the queen's service. Only ninety-three of them exist, and six of them turned dark when they were banished. Their true forms are men in golden armor with large wings. Their regiment was called the Knights of the Dawn—the same name that the brotherhood in opposition of the Society took.

Magical beings in human form that can exert power over others through a bite, of which the myth of vampires was based. The three known types of blixes are the Viviblix, the Narcoblix and the Lectoblix. Viviblixes are able to temporarily re-animate the dead to do their bidding. Narcoblixes bite victims in their sleep, and can then control the victim when they sleep. Lectoblixes age very quickly, and have to drain the youth of a person to stay alive.

Brownies are fairies that look like humans, with the exception that they are much smaller. Brownies fix things that are broken, improving them where possible. Also, when ingredients are left out, they will bake something delicious, although they always attempt to make it into a dessert. Brownies invented the well-known, delicious dessert, brownies, which is how they got their name.

Strong and intelligent beings that are part horse, and part man. They are very noble and prideful. An insult is not taken lightly. A Centaur will duel anyone who insults them.

Demons are powerful beings of darkness. They differ in their forms, sometimes looking like giant frogs while others have three legs, arms and tails. One of the known demons is a froglike being named Olloch the Glutton. If he is fed, he will keep eating things until he ultimately consumes the person who fed him. There is only one known loophole to the consuming of the person who fed Olloch.

Dragons are large creatures that are described as the ultimate hunter. They have amazing intelligence, astounding strength and impressive agility. They are normally sought after for their tears and other excretions or ingredients that Potion Makers would die for. They normally reach 9 times the size of an elephant. Each has a unique Breath Weapon. It is known that they can take human forms. Their bones are milky and semitransparent, as if made of clouded glass or quartz. Only other dragons can properly dispose of the bones, as elements and time are no match. It is known that few are able to become dragon tamers, mainly because so many die on the job. Although dragon tamers are able to hold conversations with dragons, no one can really control a dragon. They are known as the most powerful race of magical creatures. They can live for thousands of years, growing to the size of apartment buildings. Deep magic is woven into every fiber of their bodies. Mortals, when in the presence of dragons, find themselves instantly transfixed, both their bodies and minds paralyzed. If one openly states that they have murdered a Dragon, they would become enemies to all Dragons. A Dragon only shed tears when they are mourning; thus cruel ingredient hunters would kill a Dragon's mother in order to force it's offspring to shed tears.

Wood Nymphs, who live in the forest and dress in flowing autumnal robes. They are beings of the forest as a whole, as opposed to hamadryads, who are linked to individual trees. They are more serious and stately than the hamadryads.

Short people who live underground and keep to themselves. Both the males and females have facial hair. Their preferred weapons are large hammers. Some can be skilled in powerful magic.

These magical creatures resemble tiny females with wings. They emit a gleaming light, and love their own reflection. They are often times vain and they will not stand an insult. Anyone who turns a fairy into an imp, even on accident, would be punished by other fairies.

They are, as the name implies, very large creatures that slightly resemble humans. Giants are often times brutal beings that do not care for the well-being of humans. Some giants include; sky giants, fog giants and snow giants. Sky giants are several time taller than any type of giant, making them the tallest of the giants. Fog giants are powerful, brutal and blood thirsty, but also slightly dim-witted and slow. They are usually taller than a tree.

Goblins are generally evil creatures that can disguise themselves. Some goblins however, can upkeep dungeons, often for a goose or two.

A creature made out of natural materials and given life by a powerful spell. They are typically servants who always obey their master. True golems have a will of their own, though they are loyal to their master. True golems were thought to be extinct until recently.

These are creatures related to dryads. However, they are linked to a single tree. They are more lively and carefree than the dryads are too. They are usually found being chased by satyrs.

Shriveled hags with bird wings instead of arms, and talons instead of feet. Their talons can inflict a deadly poisonous wound.

A monster with approximately 20 dragon-like heads. When you decapitate one of the heads, two more grow back.

Imps are fairies who have been captured and kept inside over night. Also considered a Fallen Fairy. Imps originally rose from fallen male fairies.

Jackalope are rabbits with antlers. Jackalope feet are said to be lucky. Yet, it wasn't very lucky for the Jackalope, was it?

Milch Cow
Every magical preserve has one of these amazing animals, which in everything but size, appear like normal animals. However, they are enormous. They are magical beings that create the milk the fairies drink. It is this milk that allows mortals to see magical creatures.

Or Water Nymphs. Beings that live underwater who live a life of mirth and frivolity. The naiads love to make fun of anyone else, and drown humans for fun. If a naiad steps onto land, she becomes mortal until she steps back into the water of the pond where she had come from. They are known to guard some of the shrines to the Fairy Queen.

Nipsies are related to brownies, but are only a quarter inch tall. They live in seven kingdoms and build their cities using natural resources. They have little magical ability, but they adept at cultivating poisonous plants to protect their domain.

Immortal beings in human female form. Some include the naiads, the hamadryads and the dryads.

Typically big and clumsy, though smaller than giants. They are known for devouring their victims.

Powerful creature that inhabits the Dragon Sanctuary, Wyrmroost, as listed by Agad, the caretaker. Phoenix arrow feathers, along with dragon breath and unicorn horns, are the only things that can kill the Eternals.

Pixies are a type of fairy. One type of pixie is known to shed their wings during winter. Those pixies make a cocoon to protect themselves and emerge in spring with new wings. The cocoons of this pixie can be used to enclose a person in an impervious shell that can only be broken from the inside.

A Revenant is essentially a Zombie, or a reanimated corpse. They usually radiate magical fear, something that cannot easily be overcome. Some are known to turn people into mute albinos.

Satyrs are part goat, part human creatures. They live fun and frivolous lives. Oftentimes, you can find one chasing a hamadryad.

Creatures that can take the form of any animal and are gifted with speech. They are charged with the protection of the Eternals. They often have one specific form they like, and usually stay in.

Humans that have the ability to shape shift into an animal.

These creatures actually start out as a fruit growing on a Stingbulb tree. The tree only produces a few a year. When touched, they obtain a tissue or blood sample - which is where the sting comes from. Then it takes them about 90 minutes to grow into a replica of that person. This copy only lives for 3 to 4 days after completing the metamorphosis. It keeps much of the memories of the person it is impersonating. It obeys its initial instructions to perform some mission before it dies.

Trolls are unfriendly, greedy scavengers that will typically live in forests, by rivers, in caves or underground. Some are lizard-like in appearance, burly and shorter than the average man. Others are huge and brutish. There are many types of troll. Some include the River Troll, Cliff Troll, Mountain Troll, and Hermit Troll.

White horses with spiraling horns on their foreheads. Unicorns are exceptionally rare and some considered them extinct. They represent purity, and their horns purify. A unicorn has three horns; kind of like humans with baby teeth. The third horn allows a unicorn to revert to its true form and is also a mental telepathy link to the Fairy Queen. Unicorns created fairydom and were its protectors.

These are mortal females who have turned to evil and dark magic. Witches can be called evil and not only dark because they willingly chose to become what they are; demons, on the other hand, are born as destroyers.

Dragons who became mortals to gain powerful magical abilities. 5 very powerful wizards were the ones who created the demon prison, Zzyzx. Archadius and Morisant are famous Wizards.

Powerful and dangerous creatures, like many of its neighbors, that inhabit the Dragon Sanctuary, Wyrmroost. They resemble dragons with wolfish heads and two feet.

You can use any of those... But a warning, do not make it too OP.

Alignment: (Light, Dark)
Anything Else:

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Don't even think of stealing.
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Full name:
Elaine Oren
She is a Knight of the Dawn.
Elaine grew up on a preserve in Texas. The preserve was called Everhope Oasis. Her parents ran and managed the preserve well. She learned of the magical creatures as a small kid. Everyday she would go out into the yard around the main house and play with the fairies in the garden. Once in a while, she would wander to the edge of the yard and stare out into the woods, wondering what else was out there. After 7 more years of peace and calmness at Everhope Oasis, a dragon started wrecking havoc. Elaine was only 12. The Knights of the Dawn sent some of their most talented Dragon Tamers to Everhope Oasis to stop the dragon. There was a total of 10 Dragon tamers. Elaine went along with them, without them or her parents knowing. 5 of the Tamers were eaten and 3 were injured when Elaine finally revealed herself. The dragon and her had a staring contest, in which Elaine won. She smiled as the dragon stopped rampaging and flew back to it's cave. The surviving Tamers were extremely impressed that such a young girl had actually gotten the dragon to stop. They told her parents that she would make an excellent Dragon Tamer. Then they left, and reported the details of the mission to the Captain of the Knights. Elaine spent another two uneventful years roaming the preserve and meeting more of the creatures there. Then when she was 14, the Knights formally invited her to join them because of her amazing Dragon Taming abilities. She gladly accepted and was sent on many Dragon related missions, until recently when she was sent back to Everhope Oasis to watch out for the Order and remain in the safety of her parents and the two other knights who were sent there.
Elaine is brave, intelligent, and naturally curious. She can be stubborn often.
Elaine has straight brown hair that curls slightly at the bottom. She wears a black aviator jacket and a bright orange tee shirt under that. Her favorite charcoal jeans have holes in the knees from various pricker bushes that she passed on her roaming trips.
Anything Else:

He is associated with light.
Verion is a regular satyr on the Everhope Oasis Preserve. He grew up, chasing the hamadryads, and annoying the dryads. When he was nine, he had some of the Brownies at Everhope make him a Pan Flute. He was very glad about how amazing the flute was and he played it every morning. He made good friends with another satyr and they stuck together. When the dragon started rampaging, Verion was only thirteen. His best friend was eaten by the dragon. Verion swore revenge on that dragon, and started preparing for an attack. However, the dragon was stopped before Verion was able to attack it. That probably saved his life, but he doesn't admit that openly. He met Elaine when she was wandering. She left shortly after he started flirting. He is currently trying to get some batteries to power an old Gameboy that he found the previous year. When he found it, it still had some power, which is how he found the game fascinating.
He is cunning, rash, very energetic and naturally loves to flirt with girls.
Verion has short, curly, blonde hair. He wears a gray jacket over a dark purple shirt, both made by the Brownies. His furry goat legs are white with small spots of brown.
Anything Else:


RP Thread:
Posted by BlackRoseO's Avatar
Level 26 : Expert Mage

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04/09/2012 8:38 pm
Level 26 : Expert Toast
Gobble124's Avatar
You Made it before I drowned the 100th baby bird. Your lucky, I was almost done.
04/09/2012 8:40 pm
Level 26 : Expert Mage
BlackRoseO's Avatar
Gawd, I still feel like the story part is a piece of crud....

But I couldn't let you drown anymore baby birds.
04/09/2012 8:42 pm
Level 26 : Expert Toast
Gobble124's Avatar
Guess I should return this back to it's nest....Hmmmmm.
04/09/2012 9:08 pm
Level 26 : Expert Mage
BlackRoseO's Avatar
Um, yeah, you need to put that bird back in it's nest....
04/09/2012 9:09 pm
Level 24 : Expert Crafter
Scarifar's Avatar
Name: Wyrden Salakam
Age: 32
Species: Skinwalker
Alignment: Neutral, but will help anyone in the Light.
Backstory: Wyrden was somewhat carefree as he lived near a forest, with wonderful plants and animals to see and enjoy. One day, however, he stumbled upon a bear with some cubs. The bear, instinctively protecting her cubs, stood on its hind legs and gave him a long scratch on his arm. Wyrden ran, fearing his life. His parents cared for him, the decided to meet together and tell him who he really was. Wyrden was skeptical at first, seeing as he had never seen any proof of anything magical before. One day, however, he saw a bird flying majestically through the air, and at once, he wished he could do that too. Before he was aware of it, he was a hawk, just like the one flying above him. He flew, feeling awestruck. He eventually learned to control his ability and turned back to his original form. When he got back to his house, however, he found it burning. He tried to go in, but the smoke and heat was too much and he was forced to stay out. He could do nothing but watch as the house burned down. He shed tears as he reentered the forest, feeling depressed. It only worsened as he heard rumors about his parents found dead, burned all over. Now, he rarely leaves the forest, only listening to whispers and rumors and surviving off the land.
Personality: Caring, sometimes gloomy
Appearance: Usually a Red-tailed Hawk, but does have a human form.
Blue eyes, white hair, long scar on left arm (extends from back of hand to shoulder), grey shirt, brown pants
Anything Else:
04/09/2012 9:28 pm
Level 28 : Expert Dragonborn
soccamaster's Avatar
Full Name: Stanley Sorenson
Age: 14
Species: Human
Alignment: Knight
Backstory: The grandson of a famous Knight of the Dawn, who was a key part of the Knights of the Dawn's victory (slaying two of the most feared demons.). Stanley does not know of his grandfather's achievement or of the existence of magical beings until he is mysteriously teleported to a Dragon Sanctuary and makes it to the entrance gate where a dragon tells him about his ancestors' achievements and becomes determined to finish what they started..
Personality: Confused, cheerful, headstrong
Appearance: Slim, brown hair, brown eyes. ( My skin is a guy with green skin, cornrows, goggles and a lab coat that says SM on the front.
Anything Else: Somewhat stubborn
04/09/2012 9:31 pm
Level 26 : Expert Mage
BlackRoseO's Avatar
Uh, no. Spoilers much? And you used the form for magical creatures, not humans

Very nice app. Hmm, hawks... Where have I heard that from you before? :3
04/09/2012 9:45 pm
Level 26 : Expert Toast
Gobble124's Avatar

Full name: Jason Gatlin
Age: 14
Alignment: (Knight, Order or neutral.) Knight of the Dawn
Backstory: Jason, the youngest of Gatlin brothers grew up on a preserve with his brother. When he was four he did not know of the magical creatures and always wondered what his older brother saw. When he turned six, he was allowed to drink the milk and started to help his brother with the smaller tasks at the preserve, though he mostly just played with the fairies. At the age of 12 he and his brother took on the harder tasks. When he was 13, a Phoenix went on rampage. A few members went to Ever Green (The Preserve) to help but when they got there they saw a calm phoenix playing with 2 teenagers. They found out that the two boys had collaborated to stop it. Mark had worked out a plan and through Jason’s acrobatics they played a game with the Phoenix. Eventually it found fun in it and calmed down. They were invited to become Knights and now year later they are being sent out to keep watch over one of the preserves, though they do not know which one.
Personality: Exergetic, Mischievous, Humorous, Shoot first Ask questions later kinda guy.
Anything Else: Nup.

Full name: Mark Gatlin
Age: 16
Alignment: (Knight, Order or neutral.) Knight of the Dawn
Backstory: Mark, The Older of the Gatlin Brothers grew up on a preserve with his brother. When he was 6 he started to drink the milk and even though his brother pestered him he never told him the truth about the creatures. He started doing small tasks when he was 6 and a half and just said he was doing chores for father, which in a way was true. When he was 10 he started the harder tasks though his brother started at 12. When he was 14, (He was turning 15 the nest week.) a Phoenix went on rampage. A few members went to Ever Green (The Preserve.) to help but when they got there they saw a calm phoenix playing with 2 teenagers. They found out that the two boys had collaborated to stop it. Mark had worked out a plan and through Jason’s acrobatics they played a game with the Phoenix. Eventually it found fun in it and calmed down. They were invited to become Knights and now year later they are being sent out to keep watch over one of the preserves, though they do not know which one.

Personality: Quite, Thoughtful, Hardworking, Serious though he does like to have fun, Intelligent, Strategist.
Anything Else: No.
04/09/2012 9:49 pm
Level 28 : Expert Dragonborn
soccamaster's Avatar
I edited mine. It's above Scarifar's post.
04/09/2012 10:12 pm
Level 26 : Expert Mage
BlackRoseO's Avatar
Very nice, very nice.

The backstory is much too short, and I don't like the idea of someone being Seth's grandson... And do I see something that mentions a skin? :/
04/09/2012 10:14 pm
Level 26 : Expert Toast
Gobble124's Avatar
BlackRoseOAnd do I see something that mentions a skin? :/

I Just saw that too....Awww Shiz, somebody's in trouble....

Also, you said to knights are going with your character to the Preserve. So uhhh yeah. Can My characters come?
04/09/2012 10:19 pm
Level 26 : Expert Mage
BlackRoseO's Avatar
Yes, Gobble, your characters may come.
04/09/2012 10:20 pm
Level 26 : Expert Toast
Gobble124's Avatar

Lets Do This
04/09/2012 11:14 pm
Level 26 : Expert Mage
BlackRoseO's Avatar
RP thread is up now~
04/09/2012 11:34 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Loremaster
Poke's Avatar
Am I allowed to create another mythical creature?
04/09/2012 11:37 pm
Level 26 : Expert Toast
Gobble124's Avatar
04/09/2012 11:38 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Loremaster
Poke's Avatar
Yeah, because there are some Magical creatures already.
04/09/2012 11:41 pm
Level 26 : Expert Toast
Gobble124's Avatar
'Course. There are lots in the book. Go ahead unless Rose doesn't want you too.
04/09/2012 11:40 pm
Level 26 : Expert Mage
BlackRoseO's Avatar
04/09/2012 11:43 pm
Level 26 : Expert Mage
BlackRoseO's Avatar
Gobble, I just said he could.
04/09/2012 11:44 pm
Level 26 : Expert Toast
Gobble124's Avatar
I already posted when you posted.
04/09/2012 11:46 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Loremaster
Poke's Avatar
04/09/2012 11:47 pm
Level 26 : Expert Toast
Gobble124's Avatar
I Like Trains. *Wam*
Oh look Pokemonboy's dead.
04/10/2012 12:16 am
Level 35 : Artisan Loremaster
Poke's Avatar
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Similar to Humans, but are more advanced. They are from an entirely different Dimension to most beings, and are born when energy surges occur in that Dimension. The beings that are created here are known as the Verix. Their abilities sometimes vary. But the main abilities they posses are floating, and entering the Human and Verix Dimension, and one other ability as an originality.

Most Verix don't actually choose sides between good or evil, being neutral, they could be influenced by either side, so it's more of a race to see which side they will actually be convinced to join.
04/10/2012 12:42 am
Level 26 : Expert Mage
BlackRoseO's Avatar
Very cool. Is there anything appearance wise that differs them from humans?
04/10/2012 12:52 am
Level 35 : Artisan Loremaster
Poke's Avatar
I haven't thought of anything. >_>
04/10/2012 12:54 am
Level 38 : Artisan Scribe
bnrdhdu's Avatar

Name: Drake Burns
Age: 17
Species: Werepyre
Alignment: Neutral
Backstory: Awww man, I hate this part of the app, is it fine if I write it later?
Personality: Moody and seclusive. Keeps to himself, but very quick to anger.
Appearance: Tall, not incredibly large, maybe a 6.7 on the buff-ness scale. 1 being a bean-pole, 10 being gorilla. Short, brown hair spiked in the front. Red eyes.
True form: 7 feet tall, soft black fur, bat like wings. My avatar basically.
Anything Else: Can shift to his true form at will, granting him greater strength and flight. Has minor mind-control, basically force somebody to tell the truth. move out of the way, make their decision at McDonalds, etc.
04/10/2012 12:57 am
Level 26 : Expert Toast
Gobble124's Avatar
Accepted if you put the Backstory.
04/10/2012 12:58 am
Level 38 : Artisan Scribe
bnrdhdu's Avatar
*Salutes* Sir yes Sir! Is a blog post permitted? Sir!
04/10/2012 12:59 am
Level 26 : Expert Toast
Gobble124's Avatar
Well...uhhh....I guess.....Yeah.....Sure.
04/10/2012 1:00 am
Level 38 : Artisan Scribe
bnrdhdu's Avatar
Ok good, 'cause I can't write backstories at the time I'm supposed to...
04/10/2012 1:02 am
Level 26 : Expert Mage
BlackRoseO's Avatar
One thing though bn,
What is a werepyre?
04/10/2012 1:04 am
Level 38 : Artisan Scribe
bnrdhdu's Avatar
Oh yes... Half werewolf, half vampire. Forgot to mention that, and the fact that he has small fangs... my bad.
04/10/2012 1:08 am
Level 38 : Artisan Scribe
bnrdhdu's Avatar
04/10/2012 1:12 am
Level 26 : Expert Toast
Gobble124's Avatar
04/10/2012 1:13 am
Level 26 : Expert Mage
BlackRoseO's Avatar
I have no clue how to say this but,

There are no vampires in Fablehaven.... Or werewolves for that matter...
04/10/2012 1:13 am
Level 26 : Expert Toast
Gobble124's Avatar
Blah, who cares....guess you do huh. Oh well, Declined then...?
04/10/2012 1:16 am
Level 24 : Expert Taco
Mrcreepercraft's Avatar
Species:skin walker
Alignment: (Light, Dark) light
Backstory: never knew his parents and would trick the dark men into following him and would attack them. Would try to train without people seeing him but it was impossible
Personality: Smart, fierce, funny and mysterious
Anything Else:No.
04/10/2012 1:18 am
Level 38 : Artisan Scribe
bnrdhdu's Avatar
Well, with magical creature's, it's like insects, there are always more being discovered. And if there are half man, half horse creatures, I think a half vampire and half werewolf is fine...
04/10/2012 1:19 am
Level 26 : Expert Toast
Gobble124's Avatar

Best App Evar. OMG! You Know, this is the best thing ever.
04/10/2012 1:19 am
Level 24 : Expert Taco
Mrcreepercraft's Avatar
is what i mean[quote="Mrcreepercraft"][quote="Mrcreepercraft
04/10/2012 1:20 am
Level 38 : Artisan Scribe
bnrdhdu's Avatar
What the hell, all I see is a huge wall of text...
04/10/2012 1:21 am
Level 24 : Expert Taco
Mrcreepercraft's Avatar
at the top of the last one is my pic
04/10/2012 1:22 am
Level 26 : Expert Toast
Gobble124's Avatar
Delete the Spam. Now.
04/10/2012 1:22 am
Level 38 : Artisan Scribe
bnrdhdu's Avatar
Still, that picture does not make the wall of text that takes forever to scroll through worth it...
04/10/2012 1:33 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Network
Mothgirl's Avatar
Name: Alexia Lavenge
Age: 207
Species: Niad
Alignment: Light
Backstory: Born in a reserve in the pacific northwest called The Evergreen, lived in a little pond, but soon got out and hopped into a much larger pond, the pacific ocean. She is a young Niad compared to the age of the Niads from The Evergreen. Unlike normal Niads, Alexia just likes to be with mortals on land a lot. She, of course being a Niad, has had plenty of 'fun' with mortals. Her new home is under the sea, in a very hidden reserve called The Sunset Coast. As Alexia spends more time on land, she feels sympathy for the poor mortals. But, not enough sympathy to feel anything but joy when she drowns them.She loves the sun, so when she's not on land, Alexia can probably be found on a rock in the middle of the pacific, sunbathing. Also, staying on the look-out for lonely fishermen who are stupid enough to come close to her.
Personality: Energetic, Bubbly, Selfish, Overly-Confident
Appearance: Wavy dark blue hair and slightly blue skin. Likes to accessorize with lily-pads. When on land, usually is caught wearing floral dresses.
Anything Else:
Not really, no.
04/10/2012 1:41 am
Level 26 : Expert Toast
Gobble124's Avatar
Really Niads would never come out unless convinced but, what the hell,
04/10/2012 1:34 am
Level 38 : Artisan Scribe
bnrdhdu's Avatar
If I remember correctly, as soon as they are on land the change is permanent...
04/10/2012 1:36 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Network
Mothgirl's Avatar
No, they change back when they return to water.
04/10/2012 1:37 am
Level 35 : Artisan Loremaster
Poke's Avatar
Name: Ren Kaito
Age: 15
Species: Verix
Alignment: Dark
Backstory: When he was created in the Verix Dimension, he used his powers often. Meaning that he would be constantly moving between the two Dimensions. However, Ren was quickly found by some Members of the Order of the Midnight Dusk. He grew up there, learning his own skills while also having to control them

By the time he reached 13, he had figured out his own Verix ability, he had control over fire, which obviously had the downfall of being weaker to water.

But, at one point while wandering around. He found what was believed to be an ancient shrine. Upon inspecting, he found three flutes, each of which could summon a Golem of either fire, water or nature. But this also had it's downfalls:

.There is a flute for each of them, and a certain song has to be played correctly from each of those flutes to actually summon the Golem, meaning that it can take time for Ren to summon one.
.Only one Golem can actually be summoned at a time.
.The Golems can be defeated by what element they're weak to.
Personality: Confident, and hot-headed. But will usually fall asleep in some situations.
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Anything Else: Nope.
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