I want you guys to write Stories based on this image!directions_boat

EccentricEremite's Avatar EccentricEremite5/23/23 8:32 pm
15 emeralds 300 13
7/18/2023 6:21 pm
LeafpoolCat2009's Avatar LeafpoolCat2009
Okay, I made a wall post, and realized there may be multiple people who want to do this.
I want you (if you want) to write a story based on this image:

The length of the story is up to you!
Posted by EccentricEremite's Avatar
Level 25 : Expert Caveman Goblin

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05/23/2023 8:40 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Geek
Christ8Pizza's Avatar
(Pretend Me) Mr. Frog has left home where his wife and kids r cuz he was kidnapped and after a few years he escaped and went on a boat to come back to his home finally free!!! Or was he?

(Hm) wow that's the story of- (Pm glares at her) nvm...
05/23/2023 8:49 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Sweetheart
GracieMockingjay's Avatar
Jax the frog never wanted to be a house pet. He wanted to roam free, like all other frogs. One day, he had found himself jumping into a human's hand and being taken to a human home. He hopped into the tub (which was full of water at the time) and started to float on a sponge. He dreamed of going to space that night, and found himself on the moon the next morning. He sighed. He was going to live a very happy life on the moon...
05/23/2023 8:51 pm
He/Him • Level 56 : Grandmaster Loremaster
IGEBM's Avatar
(plans to write a long story about this)
05/23/2023 9:36 pm
He/Him • Level 50 : Grandmaster Blueberry
BlueBoyBuilds's Avatar
I want to make this in a children's style book about this.
05/23/2023 10:01 pm
Level 43 : Master Botanist
violiie's Avatar
A Daring Frog's Grand Odyssey By: Violiie

Absolutely the best use of an hour I've ever had

Young Hopscotch was no different from his brother Dumpling, or so he thought. They shared the same rectangular habitat filled with faux plastic plants, had the same diet of mealworms and crickets, and looked almost identical. This greatly troubled him as he sought to be different- not just from Dumpling, but from any other frog in the universe.

One day, he asked his brother "Say, Dumpling, what do you wish to do with your life?"

Dumpling replied with a simple "Oh, just what I'm doing now! You see, I've got a nice place to live, plenty of food, and I do whatever I want each day! Can you imagine a more wonderful life?" He croaked contently after saying this.

"But there isn't much you can do just living in the same two square feet! It's the same thing everyday. I can't help but feel sick of it!" Hopscotch hopped to the glass of their habitat and pointed at his surroundings. "You see them? The humans? They don't live like this! They go out that door and go who-knows-where! Not to mention, their habitat is much bigger than ours and they get visitors all the time." He pouted as he watched them enjoying themselves.

Dumpling laughed. "And that's what makes them human little Hopscotch. Humans are meant for bigger things than us frogs, so don't go worrying your head that you're not living to your fullest. The best life for a frog is a domesticated, house-frog life, not out in the wild and certainly not like a human."

With this, Hopscotch agreed. He sure wasn't a human and life was pretty easy, he figured.

That night, he hopped over to his sleeping rock to get some rest. He was unable to sleep at all. Though Dumpling made a good point, he couldn't help but think that there was more to life than just hopping and eating. He got off his rock and exclaimed, "Dumpling, we're not the same. Yes, we're both frogs and I know we look the same, but I, Dumpling, am a frog with aspirations!"

Dumpling let out a ribbit and a yawn as he heard this. "Hopscotch, it's too late for aspirations. I'm trying to sleep here!"

It was too late, Hopscotch was already making his grand escape. He leapt from plastic leaf to plastic leaf, not taking a moment's rest. "I'm getting out of here and I'm going to see the world!"

He found a small escape route just at the top of his habitat and managed to squeeze his way through. He took a moment to survey the area and established that the humans were sleeping. Though he could have, he didn't pause to catch his breath. He had a goal in mind and he would meet it even if it cost him his mealworms.

He jumped from the table which held his habitat and began his exploration. This human habitat was much different from his. He had heard them speak of televisions, microwaves, and washing machines, but seeing them was bewildering to him. The grandest of all, however, were the stars. These were not the same stars suspended in the sky, no, much better. They were closer, tangible probably, and much more colorful. He could barely see them with the dim lighting in the room, but they seemed to be stuck to the wall tiles above the bathtub. This, he determined, was his mission. He would bring one of these stars to Dumpling and prove something to him. Hopscotch wasn't quite sure what exactly it would prove, but this was indubitably important.

He tried climbing the walls of the bathtub, but they were slightly damp from the last bath and he couldn't stick well enough. He spent hours trying, but morning came about and the humans woke up. He couldn't be seen out in their habitat- they'd put him back in his. He secluded himself in the shadowy corner of the bathroom, just behind a stack of towels. His heart raced as the house cat walked in. Could she know he was in there? She was prowling around, surely in search of a victim to have for breakfast.

"What are you doing here, frog?" she hissed as she looked him in the eyes.

Hopscotch gulped, she had found him. There was nothing he could do but tell her the truth. "I'm headed for the stars. That's what I'm doing here."

"The stars?" she asked. "Even the humans haven't made it to the stars, what makes you think you can?"

"No, not the ones in the sky, just the ones right over there!" He pointed with a trembling digit at the stars which he mentioned. "Those."

She looked at the stars and then back at him. "You're a fool if you think you'll ever reach those stars. They're too high up and you'll slip right off that wall."

Hopscotch was determined. "I'll find a way, so long as you don't eat me."

She nodded. "I'd rather not eat a frog. You're too slimy and foul for my refined palate. Besides, I'll find it quite amusing to watch you try."

She left, and many hours passed before anything happened. Eventually, a human walked in, holding the cat from earlier. "Alright Parsnip, I'm going to run you a bath now!"

Parsnip? Hopscotch wondered. That was a strange name for a cat. At first, he saw this as an inconvenience, but he soon devised a brilliant plan. If the bathtub was filled, he wouldn't have to climb the walls inside the tub, but instead, he could make his way across the water and only have to climb the dry wall above the bathtub!

He watched as Parsnip fought the bath aggressively. She would not give in to bath time. She ran out of the bathroom leaving her owner chasing her around the house. This was his moment. He dragged a soap dish up the outside walls of the bathtub, carefully avoiding any water droplet that may cause him to slip. It took all of his strength to make it up, but he was able to get the dish into the water and leap in. As soon as he thought he had prevailed, he realized he had forgotten one very important detail- oars. He fretted for a moment, but realized he didn't have enough time to panic. He couldn't simply swim because he'd become slippery and he certainly didn't have time to go back and get something to paddle with. He resorted to the best option he had, rocking the boat toward the wall. He had to be very careful- if he got any water in the boat, he'd be slippery and wouldn't make it up the wall. He rocked diligently, making good progress across the bath.

Nearly at the faucet, he heard a concerning noise. "Parsnip! Don't you ever run off like that again!" It was the sound of the human returning to the bathroom.

He heard the voice getting closer and he knew he didn't have much time. He rocked a bit more quickly, paying little attention to his safety. The boat rocked a little too far and he was sure to fall in. Hopscotch croaked with fear as he leaned back as far as he could, narrowly avoiding demise. This was it. He'd reached the faucet.

He leapt as high as he could from the soap dish, making it on top of the faucet. Now, all he had to do was climb. The stars were near, but not near enough. The human's footsteps were getting louder, closer as Hopscotch hurried himself up.

Just before the human entered, he reached the stars! He tried to pull one off, but it was stuck! His digits were far too round to wedge one underneath and remove it. He struggled with it as the human walked in. He got it free, but it fell from his grip, right into the bathtub. He had no choice. He would have to plunge in after it. He dove off of the wall and into the bath in search of this star. He swam under water, the soap burning his eyes. No amount of hardship could possibly keep him from this beloved star. He found it, wobbling precariously beside the drain. Sparing not a moment, he rushed toward it and grabbed it. Making his way toward the surface, he held the star close. He would not let anything or anyone stop him. He emerged from the water, gasping for air. The human noticed him, but he didn't hesitate as he bounded for the bathroom door. He was being followed, but this did not matter to him. He hopped faster than he ever had in his life, making his way up the leg of the table, up the glass walls of his habitat, and right to the hole from which he escaped from earlier. Believing he'd made it, he realized the one thing he hadn't accounted for. The star was such an inconvenient shape. He tried every angle he could, but couldn't seem to get it through.

Soon, the human found him. He'd have to take his chance. He hid the star under his belly as the human lifted it up. He wished in his mind that the human would just put him back in the habitat so that he could show Dumpling his new star. Sure enough, he was lifted into the air as the human raised the lid of the habitat. He was lowered in, right next to Dumpling.

"Hopscotch! What were you thinking? You could have gotten killed! That cat could've swallowed you whole!" he croaked.

Hopscotch smiled proudly. "She said she won't eat frogs since she's got a 'refined palate!'" He held up the star. "Besides, look what I got!"

It was multicolored and even glowed in the dark. Dumpling looked it over. "I see. This is very important." After making several observations, Dumpling began to love the star. "This is the most splendid thing I've ever seen! Please tell me you'll be going out again sometime!"

Hopscotch nodded, "That'll be my purpose then! To collect amazing human things!"

So, with that, Hopscotch was Dumpling's hero. Having made him proud, Hopscotch could rest soundly on his rock that night.

~The end~
05/23/2023 10:01 pm
Level 43 : Master Botanist
violiie's Avatar
oh my gosh no- I didn't know pmc had a character limit T_T

This was a whole story and ig I'll have to rewrite it ;-;

wait never mind, there's a show more button

I nearly wrote the whole story twice for no good reason XD
05/23/2023 10:03 pm
He/Him • Level 50 : Grandmaster Blueberry
BlueBoyBuilds's Avatar
05/23/2023 10:10 pm
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05/23/2023 10:17 pm
Level 43 : Master Botanist
violiie's Avatar
He hid there as he heard the family cat walk in. His heart raced as he heard her claws scraping on the tile.

"What are you doing here?" she hissed.

He had been found. He had no other choice but to confess. "I want to reach the stars."

She laughed. "The stars? Are you ridiculous? Not even the humans can reach the stars!"

He shook his head. "No! Not the ones in the sky, just those!" He pointed at the stars he was referring to. "I want to reach those."

"Those stars? You'll never reach those either! They're much too high and you'll slip for sure!"

"Miss, as long as you don't eat me, I'm going to reach the stars."

She sighed. "I don't eat frogs. You're too slimy and foul for my refined palate. I'd be amused to see you try."

With that, Hopscotch was determined to reach the stars.
05/23/2023 10:30 pm
Level 43 : Master Botanist
violiie's Avatar
Hours passed before anything happened. Eventually, a human carrying the cat walked in. "Alright Parsnip, bath time!"

Parsnip? He wondered. That was a strange name for a cat. In this moment, he realized that what may have seemed like an inconvenience was actually a great opportunity. With the bathtub full, the water levels would be high enough that he wouldn't need to climb the slippery walls.

Parsnip resisted bath time with all of her might, eventually running off, leaving her owner to chase her. This was Hopscotch's opportunity. He wasted no time grabbing a soap dish and hurrying over to the bathtub. He was able to climb the dry outside walls just fine, though the weight of the soap dish made things much more difficult. Exhausted, he hoisted the dish into the water and hopped inside. As soon as he thought he would make it, he realized that he'd forgotten oars! He fretted a moment and then realized that he had no time for panic. He couldn't simply swim, lest he get wet, and certainly didn't have time to go back and grab something to paddle with. He realized his best option would be to rock the dish toward the wall. He made steady movements, cautious not to splash any water into the boat.
05/26/2023 5:42 pm
Level 46 : Master Bunny
WisteriaGrove's Avatar
That was the best use of ten minutes spent reading this. Bravo, bravo.
05/26/2023 5:44 pm
Level 43 : Master Botanist
violiie's Avatar
thank you lol
05/27/2023 12:03 am
Level 27 : Expert Ranger
LeafpoolCat2009's Avatar
Wow that's a great story, good job ^ w ^
05/23/2023 10:48 pm
Level 25 : Expert Procrastinator
BookWyrm_'s Avatar
Phrog was a normal frog, aside from his name of course, and never thought he’d really do anything important in his life, but was fine with that, he had a wife, and 138 wonderful children, and that was enough for him. However, one day, as phrog was hopping along at night under the stars, a bright light beamed down from above, and phrog stopped in his tracks, gazing in wonder at the incredible light, and as he stared into the light, he felt himself rise into the sky, lifted by a creature so large that Phrog could only clearly perceive a small section of it, and the part that he could perceive was complete alien to him. Soon enough however, the light faded, and after a few moments of shock, Phrog observed his surroundings, and realized he was in a place unlike anything he had ever seen or imagined, it was a strange space, with blank whiteness seemingly everywhere around him, and in front of him stood a strange pond, holding something that looked like water, but was too clear, and contained far too many bubbles to be water, and as Phrog pondered this new development, part of the strange creature from before placed down a bright yellow apparatus, which somehow floated within the pond-which-was-not-a-pond, and Phrog was once again lifted and now placed within the apparatus, which began to float slowly across the pond into the endless blank whiteness. And now Phrog realized what was happening, the creature was either an alien or a god, and whichever one it was, it had blessed Phrog with a mission, a great journey, a journey through this endless whiteness, a blank space which can only be some sort of strange other world, and into the stars the must lie on the other side. Phrog sighed, for he never asked for this mission, but he would certainly complete it. Phrog turned around, taking one look back at the smooth white shore, its form already fading into the blank whiteness around it, and said a silent farewell to his wife and child, he knew not what become of them, but he trusted this strange creature which had blessed him with this all-important mission, he would not fail the being, and the being would not fail him. As Phrog finished coming to terms with his new life, he turned around and walked to the other end of the yellow object, he could not know what would lie ahead, but he would be ready to face it, and complete his mission, his journey, to the stars.
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