Jesuitical's Avatar Jesuitical12/6/13 10:59 pm
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3/30/2014 5:00 pm
NorthernGamR's Avatar NorthernGamR

IC: port-t334812.html

In a modern country on the planet Earth, a corporation has been working on an innovative new form of transport--a machine to transport the user on the molecular level to any of the other transports in its range. These transports will change public transportation forever. Though the scientists in charge of the project were smart enough to create it, they were not brave enough to test the first prototype themselves. The corporation, impatient and worried about their competitors, decided to pay out 50,000 credits to whomever tests out the machine. This brought a small group of strangers from all over the world to test the prototype, but they had no idea what was in store.

This RP will feature all kinds of different scenarios and events from previous and current RPs from the site. The characters will be randomly 'ported' to unknown lands and times (other RPs) for undetermined amounts of time.

Roleplays featured:
Imitation Black - SilentAero imitation-black-t212757.html
The Final Story: Revenant Blades - SilentAero the-final-story-revenent-blades-t198711.html
The Mages College - Roxthesox the-mage-college-t155813.html
A Cold New Reality - NorthernGamR cold-new-reality-ooc-t300856.html

Rules: Don't be dumb.

RP suggestion (link):

Acceptors: Jesuitical, ThunderFang
Accepted: ThunderFang, planetblox2000, NorthernGamR, Deth_Glitch
Posted by Jesuitical's Avatar
Level 27 : Expert Princess

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03/30/2014 5:00 pm
Level 21 : Expert Scribe
NorthernGamR's Avatar
( Just saw this I think ) If we did restart could I keep my character? I liked Rory :3
03/30/2014 1:28 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
[Sirmentio]'s Avatar
Name: Sirmentio Kawazowie
Appearance: -basically like my avatar-
Age: 18 (in human years)
Personality: Kindhearted, yet a bit of a prankster, will be loyal to people he trusts.
Occupation: Prince of his kind.
Backstory: Sirmentio was of just a young boy at his old planet "Zyclon B", everything there was peaceful, until his power hungry, axe crazy brother decided that "he needed to die", he set off an abnormal bomb that caused the planet to slowly engulf into itself, turning it nto a star. His mother thankfully helped him escape, she escaped aswell, his species today is as endangered as there are now only 4 zyclonians, him, his mom, his brother, and 1 other... it's a mystery to whom the other 1 is.
RP suggestion (link): -none-
02/25/2014 8:38 pm
Level 25 : Expert Grump
nbtrash's Avatar
Me =P I'll make an app. l8r
02/08/2014 11:12 am
Level 27 : Expert Princess
Jesuitical's Avatar
Any interest in reviving this?
12/15/2013 8:11 pm
Level 28 : Expert Scribe
Xamboldore's Avatar
Woo! I'll just go back and read the IC and then I'll post.
12/15/2013 7:17 pm
Level 28 : Expert Scribe
Xamboldore's Avatar
Name: Maxim Islington
Appearance: Dark, curly hair. It's fairly short. He's a slim, tall guy, not particularly muscly. He had high cheek bones, sharp. It's something he takes pride in, privately. He has green eyes. His style of clothes is fairly simplistic. He's always wearing jeans, trainers and a long, dark blue trench coat.
Age: 28
Personality: He likes to keep to himself. Everyone seems to get the impression that he's calm and wise because of it, but he's just as oblivious as the next guy. He's also mute.
Occupation: Unemployed (Former TV drama show writer)
Backstory: Maxim Islington's childhood was one full of creativity as a form of escapism. The Islington household was never a happy or quiet place to live. After school, every footstep closer to home would make him slowly fill with dread. As he would unlock his front door, he'd always hope that there wasn't an argument or someone hating someone else. Sure enough, he'd be wrong every time.

His older sister, Eliza, and his older brother, Jonah, were always so ready to fight and argue with Maxim for any reason they could find. If he spent too much time typing his new story or animating his newest animation, they'd shout about it. It was the only argument they could win in that house, as Maxim was the only one wouldn't fight. He was 8 years old and he was scared of his family, but he thought that was how it was supposed to be.

When he was 14, Jonah was at university and Eliza was starting college (in the UK, so that's 16/17 years old). Maxim was in his science class one day, studying for his chemistry test, joking about with his teacher, talking about this TV show or that book. He was called out of the classroom. He was told that his parents had died in a car accident.

A month later, Eliza killed herself and Jonah had disappeared from Maxim's life. He was taken in by his science teacher, who acted as a mother-figure for him (the school didn't like this very much, but she didn't care) up until he left for university to study psychology.

However, the entire ordeal left him with mutism. The only time he wasn't mute was when he was fully engulfed by his creative passions, which he did privately or when he was really involved in the TV show he was writing for.

After quitting a job on a TV show writing staff to pursue his own show, he quickly realised he hated his script the more he looked at it. He decided to volunteer for this thing, abandoning his project.
It's a shame, really. It would've been to his career what Breaking Bad was to Vince Gilligan's.

RP suggestion (link): Can I come back to you for this one? I need to look back through some goodies.
12/15/2013 8:06 pm
Level 27 : Expert Princess
Jesuitical's Avatar
12/09/2013 10:27 pm
Level 27 : Expert Princess
Jesuitical's Avatar
I really want to let you in, but did you just look at other applications for ideas? One bookworm per thread, sorry. =<
12/09/2013 9:25 pm
Level 28 : Expert Scribe
Cool_Time22's Avatar
Name: Made Haenets
Appearance: Red hair, pale skin; plum-ish, blue-ish eyes; night-sky blue suit, white tie, pants and belt same; black shoes; large, tattered, green hat with "3/16" monogrammed on it in gold; most of his clothes are tattered and in slight disrepair
Age: 15
Personality: Quirky, clever, somewhat poetic but a bad writer nonetheless. Usually quiet and keeps to himself but if you hurt his friends he will stick up for them, no matter what. Quite imaginative and eccentric.
Occupation: Poet / Fiction novelist.
Backstory: Made was, from a young age, in love with books. Why not, seeing as his parents' house was essentially a library? His favorite, though, was Alice in Wonderland. He began to see the world as his own Wonderland and wrote about his imagination in secret. He comes from a long line of scholars; but none of them were poets, and most wrote nonfiction works. The Haenets name became widely known throughout the book community as well as the education community. But Made never wanted to write about the world. He wanted to write about things that cannot be seen, and that's what he did until his father found his notebook. That was when he was 13, and two years after being denied poems that weren't even that great he ran away, to anywhere. He never did find a house, and for the first two months he wrote on newspaper and ate from dumpsters. Until he saw, through a half-finished poem, an advertisement from P.O.R.T. This was his chance. He decided to take it, taking with him his most valuable possessions; a green hat and his journal.
RP suggestion (link):Carpe Noctem: Seize the Night

Hope that this one gets approved .3.
12/09/2013 3:07 pm
Level 27 : Expert Princess
Jesuitical's Avatar
Also since we're all connected now, if you're going to be gone for awhile and don't want to be left behind just leave something like ((/follow ThunderFang)) or something so you can jump back in when you're back, we can assume you've been there the whole time
12/09/2013 3:02 pm
Level 27 : Expert Princess
Jesuitical's Avatar
Thunder's gonna summon a dragon.

Edit: In the OOC it said that only certain people can see them, and only younger people. So just you'd see them.
12/09/2013 2:57 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Miner
anonpmc195880's Avatar
12/09/2013 12:14 pm
Level 42 : Master Mlem Mlem Bat
planetblox2000's Avatar
Yes, but get on the IC peoplez!
12/09/2013 12:10 pm
Level 21 : Expert Scribe
NorthernGamR's Avatar
Yeh this all sounds good!
12/09/2013 12:08 pm
Level 27 : Expert Princess
Jesuitical's Avatar
(You're also right about the monsters being in another universe. Maybe he just sees the murders and has some sort of inner conflict. Up to blox.
12/09/2013 12:07 pm
Level 27 : Expert Princess
Jesuitical's Avatar
I was trying to use it in place of crime city so we can also use it with thunder. Two birds with one stone. Maybe we can still use it though, I'll add it anyway.

I'd say we'd still be able to use the abilities. Say we learn a spell in mages college somehow, we can use it in the next one. If we take a weapon from one, we can take it to another. (though I don't like the idea of everyone knowing magic, maybe they'd have to steal a book/scroll/enchanted weapon/etc and recite the spells)
12/09/2013 11:57 am
Level 21 : Expert Scribe
NorthernGamR's Avatar
Sure thing. Whatever seems best. So what is the answer to my question with getting abilities from these areas? And also isn't imitation black set in a place where monsters are killing everyone? Wouldn't that need to be a different dimension or something for it to work.
12/09/2013 11:57 am
Level 42 : Master Mlem Mlem Bat
planetblox2000's Avatar

But can we still use crime city to develop my character fully?
12/09/2013 11:53 am
Level 27 : Expert Princess
Jesuitical's Avatar

This one. If you two both agree to it this can be blox and thunder's development RP. It can be set in the time period just after blox murders the orphanage (but in a different area so he doesn't see himself) so he can possibly be blamed, and thunder could see the monsters because she's young.

Sound okay?
12/09/2013 11:48 am
Level 42 : Master Mlem Mlem Bat
planetblox2000's Avatar
So, what rp are we going to go to first?
12/09/2013 11:42 am
Level 27 : Expert Princess
Jesuitical's Avatar
Spoiler alert yeah I was planning on stealing a spell book =>

Edit: Oh, I don't know. It's the same universe so maybe not lose it. Just have no idea it existed until you see it
12/09/2013 11:40 am
Level 21 : Expert Scribe
NorthernGamR's Avatar
Yeh that seems cool. So will we gain any traits from these specific RPs when we get transported to them? Like with the Mages College maybe gain some magic while we're there but lose it when we leave?
12/09/2013 11:38 am
Level 27 : Expert Princess
Jesuitical's Avatar
Blox's character is a big bad murderer so a crime-related one for him, maybe Rory and Wyatt can share Mages College, exploring for you expansive library for me.
12/09/2013 11:34 am
Level 21 : Expert Scribe
NorthernGamR's Avatar
Crime one for what now? I understood you saying you wanted to use the areas for character development I think.
12/09/2013 11:29 am
Level 27 : Expert Princess
Jesuitical's Avatar
If it lasts long enough maybe we can have one to develop each character and than one 'finale.' Maybe Athena could use this. Little girl-ghosts. We'll let Thunder decide on that. So maybe we will use the crime one for yours if you want.
12/09/2013 11:36 am
Level 42 : Master Mlem Mlem Bat
planetblox2000's Avatar
That sounds good, because most of the time rp characters become best friends without knowing anything about each other.
12/09/2013 11:20 am
Level 21 : Expert Scribe
NorthernGamR's Avatar
Man the skype app for Windows eight is confusing! I don't even know what to hit to add a new person on it with this version
12/09/2013 11:18 am
Level 42 : Master Mlem Mlem Bat
planetblox2000's Avatar
12/09/2013 11:13 am
Level 27 : Expert Princess
Jesuitical's Avatar
Blox your character would lose his mind in that RP.

Add jesuitical. (including the period) on Skype if you guys want to get a group going.
12/09/2013 11:08 am
Level 42 : Master Mlem Mlem Bat
planetblox2000's Avatar

Never got popular, but

A) Isn't post apocalyptic


B) Not fantasy or sci-fi or whatever.
12/09/2013 1:05 am
Level 27 : Expert Princess
Jesuitical's Avatar
I haven't looked through all the ones suggested yet, but I think we should start with a more 'calm' city location for an easy transition.

Skype group would just be for asking if anyone's available to RP, discussion new applications (assuming we get more), stuff like that
12/09/2013 11:02 am
Level 21 : Expert Scribe
NorthernGamR's Avatar
Seems good. I'll pm it to you if you want.
12/09/2013 12:49 am
Level 27 : Expert Princess
Jesuitical's Avatar
Site's a herpin' and derpin'. Should we exchange Skypes in case this happens and to discuss when we're online and all?

Also should we just vote on which RP we want to use first or what?
12/09/2013 12:55 am
Level 21 : Expert Scribe
NorthernGamR's Avatar
I think you can decide which we do first. And what exactly would we do with skype?
12/08/2013 11:14 pm
Level 21 : Expert Scribe
NorthernGamR's Avatar
* Teleports to IC *
12/08/2013 11:05 pm
Level 27 : Expert Princess
Jesuitical's Avatar
Are accept hello

Thunder since you will have school I'll have Wyatt blow off him hearing Athena shout out to him, you can continue tracking if you want.
12/08/2013 1:28 am
Level 27 : Expert Princess
Jesuitical's Avatar
Then that's that. You're welcome to try another character, Cool.

Should we wait for the others before going much further? I don't want them to be to behind.
12/08/2013 2:15 am
Level 16 : Journeyman Miner
anonpmc195880's Avatar
12/08/2013 12:29 am
Level 27 : Expert Princess
Jesuitical's Avatar
I'm upset that no one finds my librarian's name as hilarious as I do =< "B.K. Wyatt."

Thunder, I want to make you an acceptor, would you be interested?

Cool, I don't think the "stuck in funny mode" will work out. They wouldn't want ab insane person testing for them. Also the murderer thing seems kind of cliche. I'll leave it up to Thunder if accepts, otherwise I'll let you know.
12/08/2013 1:21 am
Level 16 : Journeyman Miner
anonpmc195880's Avatar
12/07/2013 11:06 pm
Level 28 : Expert Scribe
Cool_Time22's Avatar
Name: Made Haenets
Appearance: Curly red hair, pale skin, eyes only able to be described as "nebula-colored". One eye has no pupil and a scar beneath it. Wears a night-sky blue suit with a white tie and same pants and shoes, respectively. Always seen with a dark green hat with a monogram "3/16" on it in gold. Occasionally seen with a 3-D monocle.
Age: 15 and a perpetual 28 seconds
Personality: Clever and funny, always speaks to please unless angered, at which point he puts professional bullies to shame. Finds comedy in many things, such as beef stew and curtains. Very odd and full of useless ( and usually, untrue ) tidbits of information.
Occupation: Professional eccentric / comedian.
Backstory: Made comes from a long line of distinguished novelists, but from a young age he showed more interest in the comedic arts. He was always trying to make everyone laugh, and tried hard to find comedy in things. But his parents, rich and proud, refused to have him tarnish the name Haenets. Therefore they put him into a boarding school for the literary arts, where he was teased relentlessly. This caused him to finally snap during a comedic routine, and he was permanently stuck in "comedy mode." He sneaked himself into a theater and stole many dollars during an improvisation act, and was caught after ten more robberies.
He was almost immediately thrown into Saxtonville Maximum Security and left to rot for 20 years.
And then he was left for the rest of his life, community service. He had learned his lesson. And then, one fateful day, he picked an odd advertisement poster off the ground.
This'll make some great laughs, he thought excitedly. And off he went to P.O.R.T.
RP suggestion (link):Carpe Noctem: Sieze the Night
12/07/2013 5:40 pm
Level 27 : Expert Princess
Jesuitical's Avatar
12/07/2013 5:15 pm
Level 27 : Expert Princess
Jesuitical's Avatar
Hullo am an IC port-t334812.html
12/07/2013 5:06 pm
Level 21 : Expert Scribe
NorthernGamR's Avatar
* Rapidly and crazily tries to finish app *
12/07/2013 4:57 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Miner
anonpmc195880's Avatar
12/07/2013 4:55 pm
Level 27 : Expert Princess
Jesuitical's Avatar
The direct link, I think. Or everyone can just click it, idunno.

My application's finished, starting the IC now.
12/07/2013 4:33 pm
Level 27 : Expert Princess
Jesuitical's Avatar
Will someone take my image and give me the img code please? I can't get it from my phone.
12/07/2013 4:47 pm
Level 21 : Expert Scribe
NorthernGamR's Avatar
Ehm.. How do I do that?
12/07/2013 4:23 pm
Level 42 : Master Mlem Mlem Bat
planetblox2000's Avatar
Oh, he won't go overboard, he'll just be one of those shady-characters-who-tells-nothing-about-his-life-and-if-he-does-he-does-it-with-great-insanity.

So, yeah.
12/07/2013 4:27 pm
Level 21 : Expert Scribe
NorthernGamR's Avatar
Oh and I'm honored that you suggested one of my Rps
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